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Kimo Is Down

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I have to tell when I looked at the pic, my six yr old came and peaked over my shoulder.

Immediately she says - Is that someone's brain? Why did they put all those letters in there? What are they spelling in there dad?

Then when I explained a bit. " Oh that's cool. I am glad he is going to be alright." I mentioned the bit about you snowboarding over the weekend.

Hope everything keeps going on the recovery trail.

Now my daughter is rooting for you too.

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My girlfriend's best friend's brother had a section of skull removed, about the size of a silver dollar. I've forgotten what the operation was about... but anyway, they actually gave him the bone piece to take home. GF said he looked really weird with this section missing from his head.

Punch line: the doctors later put the piece of bone back in.

That is just the weirdest most bizarre thing. It's not surprising to me that they let him have it, but it blows me away that they'd put it back in after letting him (any patient, really) have custody of it. Seems like a recipe for infection?!? I'm told he's doing fine though.


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You could, but that would mean I wouldn't get to taste it. I suppose that's an advantage for regular old crap beer, but for the finer beers, such as that superb and outstanding long time favorite of mine, Miller Lite, I require (nay, demand) passage over my tastebuds en route to the old lump of neurons up stairs. Then it's on to the Scotch...

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Jeez, looking at that picture makes me realize I live in the wrong state. Last season is a distant memory for me, and you guys are still riding! What do you have, like a three month off season before it starts snowing again?

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Jeez, looking at that picture makes me realize I live in the wrong state. Last season is a distant memory for me, and you guys are still riding! What do you have, like a three month off season before it starts snowing again?
Starts?? It snowed four inches Sat night at the Basin, flurries all day yesterday and this afternoon! Aspen is open for the weekend... but now that the lifts stopped turning in these parts it really needs to stop snowing. Hopefully we'll be back at it in October.
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