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Digital version of adventure travel mag


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I asked one of the Mods for permission to do a shameless self promotion post, and got the OK.

I wanted to lets you all know about a magazine called wend. We consider ourselves an environmentally focussed outdoor sport and adventure travel mag. We have just launched a digital version that we are giving out for free for the next few months. you can check it out here.


Thanks, and hope you enjoy it.

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1/3 of the mag is ads, the rest is fluff. Maybe some good content, but really nothing original about the layout. Good luck with your venture, and Consider covering an expression session, then I'll think you might care about the members of this site and not just moving more paper and getting more ad revenue.

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It actually has some good writing. HOT lady writers too. :biggthump

Some interesting stuff.

But did you join just to plug the mag? ig fill out your profile.

Do you even snowboard?

It's one thing to plug yourself to folks within one of your areas of interest and another to join bomber "just" to plug.

Looks like it has potential. Get your carve on and then talk some more.

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I actually have been a lurker for a while and just dug out my hardboots recently, so yes I do snowboard. pretty regularly since 88. Everybody at wend rides. We focus on stories by real people doing really cool adventures. No hype, no famous people. So I thought you all would dig it.

Tex, I am wondering what you call fluff? If you read any off it you would realize that we don't "cover" anything really. All of our features are written by people out doing amazing trips all over the world.

I'm sorry if you think I was trying posted this to sell you a mag, so we could get more ad revenue, that is not the case, I really just thought you would like to read it.

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I actually have been a lurker for a while and just dug out my hardboots recently, so yes I do snowboard. pretty regularly since 88. Everybody at wend rides. We focus on stories by real people doing really cool adventures. No hype, no famous people. So I thought you all would dig it.

Tex, I am wondering what you call fluff? If you read any off it you would realize that we don't "cover" anything really. All of our features are written by people out doing amazing trips all over the world.

I'm sorry if you think I was trying posted this to sell you a mag, so we could get more ad revenue, that is not the case, I really just thought you would like to read it.

Cool beans man. Glad you are a rider. On HBs no less. I'll give it a more thorough read. THX

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