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Canadian Snowboard Federation ?

Guest Boardbum

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Guest Boardbum

I here ya, there seems to be way to many people working there. They keep getting more money from Sport Canada every year, yet cutting back on Nor-Ams etc. It would be interesting to find out where the money is spent.

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Guest Boardbum

As far as I know all National Team members are carded and receive funding from Sport Canada(aprox $1500.00 a month) This money comes directly from Sport Canada not CSF. CSF only recommends to SC who they think should be carded.

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Guest Boardbum

I have a lot of questions. I don't understand why they canceled the JR SBX. Over the past few years they have skipped the JR's when they feel it not in their budget. I would like to know where they are spending the funding they get from Sport Canada. I see from their website that they seem to have a lot of staff. How much dose it cost to run the events? These are some of questions that need to be answered. The one thing I do know is that the Athletes are not getting all the help they need when it comes to finance. I may be totally out of line and if so than I apologize to CSF. But I am going to look further into it knowing now that it is NPO.::confused:

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Good info Dave,

As written before, it sounds like they have not produced their financial reports since years:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=450 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>"AR/AS Filed:</TD></TR><TR><TD width="40%"></TD><TD width="60%">Not Filed - 2008</TD></TR><TR><TD width="40%"></TD><TD width="60%">Not Filed - 2007</TD></TR><TR><TD width="40%"></TD><TD width="60%">Not Filed - 2006"</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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yo speed dudes! - CSF Mafia-guy here.

I dont work in events, I work on the development of technical programs, but I do know that there is no JR-SBX this year because of scheduling difficulties. the long-short story is:

SBX and HP nationals had to happen on April 3 & 4th 'cause the freestyle-ski nationals happened the week before. Since the CSF, as usual, has a HP NST selection camp, and added a SBX NST camp immediately after, all in hopes that the snow pack stays good, the window for running the nationals was tight. I too am disappointed that no JR-SBX is happening.

and nobody should worry about CSF not filling its return to the government - if that was the case - the government would have shut us down faster than a disgruntled race secretary sending an athlete home for not paying his entry fee.

and for where the public money goes - the CSF bought a private island in Turks and Caicos and all the staff meets there every monday to kiteboard 'cause we need to stay fit to work in sport. Air travel is expensive ya know!

Hope this helps!

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Guest Boardbum

I think I might have hit a nerve. This is good. I'm more interested at how CSF spends 1.5 million a year it gets from Sport Canada

Hill space:


Event cost:



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Guest barelylegal

The Canada Corp site indicates that they have not filed in 2 years and it wouldn't be the first time a government agency dropped the ball. However, the CSF is required to provide financial statements and audit reports annually to its members ( see Provincial Associations etc.) and certainly the athlete reps on the Board should have copies of these (see M. Ricker). When all is said and done the NSO has some discretion on how it doles out the money or I should say to whom. And you know what they say...it ain't what you know, it's...:flamethro

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Guest barelylegal

Annual Return/Annual Summary(AR/AS)

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="450"> <tbody><tr><td width="40%">Distributing: </td><td width="60%">

</td></tr><tr><td width="40%">Number of Shareholders: </td><td width="60%">

</td></tr></tbody></table> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="450"> <tbody><tr><td width="40%">Annual Meeting (Last):</td><td width="60%">2002/11/14</td></tr><tr><td>Enforcement Code:</td><td>Reminder Notice Sent (Default Notice)</td></tr><tr><td>Enforcement Date:</td><td>1996/11/01</td></tr><tr><td>Taxation Year End:</td><td>


<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="450"> <tbody><tr><td>AR/AS Filed:</td></tr><tr><td width="40%">

</td><td width="60%">Not Filed - 2008</td></tr><tr><td width="40%">

</td><td width="60%">Not Filed - 2007</td></tr><tr><td width="40%">

</td><td width="60%">Not Filed - 2006</td></tr></tbody></table>:smashfrea

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Guys & Girls... that link to Corporations Canada wasn't meant to add fuel to the fire!! I was only providing a link to where you could get some information regarding the type of corporation CSF is.

I don't fully understand the information contained there but can only speculate that a Not For Profit corporation doesn't file an income tax return (AR) because they don't make money, but rather an annual summary (AS). More on that below. Worst case... someone hasn't submitted the proper fee or paperwork showing the AGM was held, minutes, summary, and auditors reports accepted. No wrong doing there... CCA just wants their $30!!

I encourage all of you to not speculate on this matter. Boardbum's query about how money is being spent by CSF could likely be answered by attending the Annual General Meeting. As for slow response from the CSF to Boardbum's email... maybe it's because they're moving? I received an automated response to one of my recent emails stating they were moving to a new office (The new MAILING address for the CSF is:1538 Fulton Ave, West Vancouver, BC V7V 1S6) and would be back to business as usual March 28th, 2008.

• Annual Summary

Once incorporated, a not-for-profit corporation must file an Annual Summary, along with the $30 filing fee, with Corporations Canada. It must be filed between March 31st and June 1st of each year, containing information regarding the corporation as of March 31st in the same year.

Failure to submit the $30 filing fee will result in a notation being placed on Corporations Canada's website indicating that the Annual Summary for the particular year was filed without the fee. Corporations Canada will also forward a Notice of Default to you stating that until you pay the filing fee, the corporation has not fulfilled its obligation.

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Do some simple math and you will see where money goes. Look at the world cup schedule and start making travel plans to the alpine events. Now factor into that figure two coaches, a wax tech, and a physio. Now do the same for SBX and HP. Now start looking at hosting a nor-am event. You need to fly in event staffing, ie race secretary, FIS TD (must be from a different country than the host nation), your Technical Advisor, and some on-hill help. Pay them their wage, travel expenses, and lodging usually two-three days before the event, the events days and the day after in case of weather. Now times that figure by the number of events hosted by CSF (entry fees don't cover much). Now you have to pay the CSF staff, membership people, fund raising people, administrative staff, ect.

Money goes quick, I wish more was spread to the athletes, but this is not the case.

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