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Carving At Mt. Hood Meadows

Guest Cayenne

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Guest Cayenne

I am looking for someone one to teach me the basics of "carving". I know that there is only 3 weeks left in the season, but I want just enough info so I have something to work on next season. I work in the clinic at Meadows and will be going up for the next 3 weekends. If you can teach, I can get you a lift ticket.


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Guest Cayenne

I rode up Cascade this am and talked to a guy who said he was "still learning" after 7 years. All season I have seen people make these beautiful & graceful turns. After talking to him, I know that is what I want to do. I just need somebody to help me get there.

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Cayenne, come to the Mt Hood May Carve-Fest May 13 - 16 at Timberline. There will be a whole bunch of us laying trenches.

I do not consider myself experienced enough to teach anyone, although I might be able to offer a tidbit here or there. Are you on soft boots or hard? If soft, would you be interested in rying hard? What size are you?

I am currently rehabbing a sprained ankle. I've been cleared to get back on the snow but I need to take it really easy for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping to get out a morning or two next week, let's see if we can hook up.

So you work in the medical clinic? I wonder if you treated my wife's clavicle fx in November?

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Hey I was at hood today, I think you talked to my friend Mark. It was better than expected for carving today. I got 24000ft vert by noon when I quit. Any of us would glad to show you how to get started . I have some extra equipment if needed but you will need to get boots. Ski boots will work , but dont tell anyone I said that because that will open a whole can of worms on this message board.


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Guest Cayenne

Jim & Mike

I am going to be up at Meadows "working" on 4.17, 4.23, 4.24, 5.1 & 5.2. I am at the clinic by 8 am and try to hit the first runs :p If you want to go out any of thoes days, just meet me at the clinic (under the Daisy lift).

I have been riding a freestyle board with soft boots for the last 8 years. I wear a 7 mens/8 womens boot, if you have any extras around.

Hope to see y'all on the Mountain. :cool:

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Guest Cayenne

I have nothing and really know nothing. I checked out the boots on sale. What is up with the whole liner thing? Will my soft boot liners work? Is there a place to rent stuff in Portland? I want to make sure that I can ride a board with my feet turned out like that before I go drop a bunch of cash on another snowboard, boots & bindings.

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If you think you might be able to stuff your foot into a mens 6, there's a chance you might fit in the boots my girlfriend has been trying. It probibly wouldn't be comfortable (toes all mashed up), but you're welcome to try. Otherwise, ski boots are a little to stiff to be ideal, but that sounds like the best way to give things a try without spending any cash.

I plan to ride at meadows this weekend. I can bring up the board and bindings my girlfriends been trying. It's a quite soft nidecker carving board, I think around 154. Last saterday was the first time she tried hardboots. She normally rides duck, so was a little concerned she'd have trouble with the lift or linking turns. Ends up she jumped on the gear and had no problem at all. Actually, she liked it a lot... if she was off work this weekend there'd be no way to pry that board outta her fingers for you to try :p.

Unfortunately, there's no place to rent apline equipment in Portland... or prettymuch anywhere. But, thee is a coach up in Tacoma that has a small stash of equipment: Sean Cassidy . He may be able to put together something for you to try and buy. I've just started on hardboots myself, and got some coaching from him durring a multi-day camp (www.snowperformance.com). I don't know what his private lesson arrangments are, but I'd definately reccomend him. It would have taken me a whole season or longer to figure out what he taught me in just a couple drills.

Some of us are getting together for a few days riding and some informal tip sharing at Timberline in May (13th through 16th). Sean should be there, along with other great riders, and I'm sure everyone would be stoked to share some knowledge.

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Originally posted by Cayenne

What is up with the whole liner thing? Will my soft boot liners work?

the liner thing is that ThermoFlex liners are completely moldable to your foot, giving the best fit possible.

soft boot liners might work...not ideal though.

If you did end up buying the link above is a hell of a deal without question

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Ohh sorry, I got rambling on there and forgot about the liners.

I first tried a day in hardboots using some cheap shells and my softboot liners. I was able to get some of the feeling of carving a turn with hardboots... but, it was not comfortable. Now that I've tried them again with a good pair of boots and thermoflex liners, I'm quite comfortable.

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- I have a full selection of alpine demo boots between 23 and 31 mondo as well as a whole lotta demo decks between 145 and 186, mostly of the Donek flavor (thanks go to Sean and Fin for being so helpful with the demo fleet). I will be at the first 2 or 3 days of the Hood carve fest this May so if anyone has any specific requests for specific demo gear, drop me a line.

Cayenne- I will email you offline about getting you started out on a good newbie setup.



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Guest Cayenne
Originally posted by jason_watkins

I plan to ride at meadows this weekend. I can bring up the board and bindings my girlfriends been trying. It's a quite soft nidecker carving board, I think around 154. Last saterday was the first time she tried hardboots. She normally rides duck, so was a little concerned she'd have trouble with the lift or linking turns. Ends up she jumped on the gear and had no problem at all. Actually, she liked it a lot... if she was off work this weekend there'd be no way to pry that board outta her fingers for you to try :p.

Unfortunately, there's no place to rent apline equipment in Portland... or prettymuch anywhere. But, thee is a coach up in Tacoma that has a small stash of equipment: Sean Cassidy . He may be able to put together something for you to try and buy. I've just started on hardboots myself, and got some coaching from him durring a multi-day camp (www.snowperformance.com). I don't know what his private lesson arrangments are, but I'd definately reccomend him. It would have taken me a whole season or longer to figure out what he taught me in just a couple drills.

Some of us are getting together for a few days riding and some informal tip sharing at Timberline in May (13th through 16th). Sean should be there, along with other great riders, and I'm sure everyone would be stoked to share some knowledge.

I talked to Sean and he is going to be kind enough to hook me up with some equipment at Timberline in May.

If you are going to be up on Saturday, come by the clinic and ask for Shannon. If I am out on the mt. they can call me on the radio.

Think SNOW!!!!!:D

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