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  • 2 weeks later...
Me too...but I'm thinking Pat never grew up!

You're right. I never grew up. Here's the proof. Click the word slideshow after opening the link.

In the photo at Steamboat, you can see Phil Mahre signing someone's bib in the background while current US Team member Kaylin Richardson looks on. The present and past US Team stars and Olympians could not have been more gracious and accommodating.

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Thanks, Pat. I may be getting older and creakier, but I'm not slowing down. I hate to admit this to the Bomber community, but I found out this season that I LOVE rails and halfpipe!

Good for you!

I did my one and only halfpipe competition at the age of 58. It was at Okemo's 18' SuperPipe and I had to wait on my second run while they hauled out the previous contestant - with his arm broken in five places. I made a very conservative run with little pop turns at the lip and decided maybe it's time to rethink freestyle. Or not.....

Fast forward to a week ago. It was a classic Vermont Spring day and my Volkl RT GS board was holding a nice edge. Early afternoon everything turned to mashed potatoes so I dusted off my Salomon Scream mid fats and headed for the terrain park.

There is a series of jumps on one run. You know the kind - elevated kicker with flags marking the takeoff point, a flat tabletop and then a steep landing area. The first one went well, I launched and cleared the table top sticking a nice landing. A few more like that and maybe a daffy or a helicopter? (WHAT was I thinking????). I hit the second jump and realized too late that this one launched the skier almost vertical and was designed for inverted aerials! I had more speed on this one and consequently more air time before I slammed my right hip into the downslope. The pain was intense but what really got my attention was the shrieks from the kids behind me who launched off the jump and discovered a senior citizen sprawled in their landing area. Fortunately both of them managed to miss me and I dragged my protesting body to the side.

I limped home, applied ice externally and Long Trail Ale internally. I hopped in the whirlpool tub and gave some serious thought of giving up aerials. Don't you hate it when logic and reason enter into the equation?

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Sorry about you bruised body and pride. It could have been worse. I'm going to invest in a mouthguard and always wear my BX protection in the park and pipe. I haven't eaten it on a rail yet, and I'm not looking forward to it. I've done pretty high ones with gap jumps to get on (it's my background as a balance beam queen in HS and college).

I feel your pain, and then some. Me and icebags have been close buddies since January. Usually it's my knees and my right thumb giving me grief, but this January, I fell backwards over my cat and dislocated my left elbow (badly, it was dangling backwards and I had to set it myself). Then I fell in a BX course that had double kickers in a bank turn (WTF?) and ripped up my right shoulder.

That shoulder got so bad that my dislocated arm became my strong arm and the only one that could pull out of the gates. (I'm regular.) I used flourocarbon wax for a fast start and hoped for steepness. BX and slopestyle scared the crap out of me because I didn't want to fall and reinjure it.

My mother keeps asking me why I put myself through this every year (I even promised her that I would quit BX when I've won the gold). Maybe I should introduce her to you and she will understand.

Rock on old dude!

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My dad always said "if you're not falling once in a while, you're not trying hard enough". I try REAL HARD. I've been having problems with DIN settings too low this season but I've been reluctant to bump them too high because of three surgeries on my right knee. In early March I was competing in a Super G race. I was pumped and was having a good run until two gates from the end when the binding on my outside ski prereleased. In the second shot below the heel has already slid out and I'm trying to transfer my weight to the inside ski to complete the last two gates (if Bode can do it, why can't I?). That lasted a couple of microseconds before I flipped onto my back and slid the last two gates. My helmet hit the timing mechanism causing it to register a time of 1:05.10 which would have been one of the faster times of the day! I DNF'd myself.

Anyway, I wanted to share the "photo finish" of the "Agony of Da Feet".




Here's wishing you a speedy recovery, Cindy.

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Wow! Great action shots!

Ya know, I don't have many heroes, but Bode Miller is definately on the list (and the Dalai Lama). I'd have to put Lindsey Jacobellis on that list, too.

BTW, if you're drinking Long Trail Ale, you must be located somewhere near Burlington Vermont, my home town. I've downed more than my share of LTA. It makes me smilier but hardly controls the pain. I've found Tuaca shots to have better pain numbing abilities.

Now I've got to send this thread to my mom!

And thanks for sending the healing vibes. I'm already much improved since I'm off my boards and back on my bike. Ride on!

BTW, this is the story that the local paper did on the Nationals::D


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Our snowsports director just passed his AASI Cert 3 for snowboard instruction .He passed the teaching module last season on his second try but needed a third attempt at the riding module and made it this year.He has been working on his physical abilitiy to do so for the entire time I've been here and I have seen him improve more than anyone in the school.He has earned it and I heartily congratulate him on his perseverance and successful efforts.I believe he will turn 63 this summer.His name,although he is a softbooter that had to adopt the wide stance ,sqatty style that is required by AASI,is the coolest name a rider on this site would ever want....Jim Carver.Congrats Jim!

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Thanks for sharing that with us, Steve.

All the best to Mr. Carver - great name!

Just looked at your profile and saw you're from Lookout Mountain. Where in Idaho is that? The child bride and I have been considering retiring in Sandpoint.

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Jim Carver and I call Silver Mountain ,in Kellogg our home mountain.In Sandpoint your home mountain would be Scweitzer,the closest thing in the region to a destination quality resort.Scweitzer and Silver are both great carving mountains.I actually switched from Lookout back to Silver (a much more interesting and challenging mountain)part way through the season,so I guess I should change my profile:)

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Pat, You'll fall in love with Schwietzer & Lake Pend Oreille (ponderay), as far as property now is the right time. If you trow a stick in this town you'll hit a realtor. Schwietzer.com, http://sandpointonline.com Check us out. I'd love to ride & ski with you.

Troy Moore

When I was competing at the Nationals in Park City a few years ago I mentioned to someone that I was thinking of retiring in Bozeman, Missoula, or Kalispell. A lady overheard me and said, "Why not Sandpoint?" Turns out she's a realtor from there. She sent me a lot of info and my wife and I planned a trip out there in the Fall of 06. Just before we left we learned that my company was being sold and that I'd be out of a job. We still headed out west and toured all those communities. Gotta say I liked Sandpoint the best. Believe it or not the wife lost her job too when we got back. We're both working again but not making close to what did formerly so retirement plans are on hold but Sandpoint is still at the top of the list.
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