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Why politics should not be discussed here.

Jack M

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I'm sitting in a high school library reading your post and laughing my but off (I'm a teacher). Kids are looking at me like I am crazy so I invited some over to read it. They also laughed. You have touched the lives of our youth with your post. Keep them coming.

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Always happy to provide a little humor to a situation.....

Yep, original work was regarding an old cow email I rec'd.

I hate to get politically complicated...because the differences b/w philosophies can be easily explained through metaphors.

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Originally posted by Bob Jenney

“… There are some 10,000 religious sects on the world. Every one of them thinks that they have it right and that the other 9,999 have it wrong or are outright evil.”

“…None of them have convinced me to make the requisite leap of faith...”

I always liked the religion/politics argument that (paraphrasing from somewhere):

"No matter what you believe, thousands of people much, much smarter than you believe the opposite."

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Originally posted by Bob Jenney

OK, I know this takes this thread to a new level that’ll make Jack’s head blow completely off his shoulders,

Coincidentally I agree with those Krakauer quotes, but you posting them here is only stirring the pot. You believe in those statements, just like someone else here believes in opposite theories. No need to discuss either here.

Like I said in the thread that begat this one: we all go to the mountains to flee this type of stuff, why should this site be any different?

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No subject should be ruled out for discussion. I believe it is good fodder for the brain to discuss off topic subjects within a specialized group. I would think it stimulates the thought process and if used and discussed properly it allows us to accept others and not be so discriminate. But most people tend to use discussions of opinions to try and change ones beliefs – just think what a better world we’d be if we could understand and ACCEPT those that have different beliefs than we do? Case in point, I don't mind riding with a Ford lover or a Muslim - but I would like to know and understand why we are different - to make it taboo seems to be the wrong way to allow us to get along with the "others".

Different is OK - :)

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"carvers for Kerry" "carvers now recognized political demographic" yeah right.

Can we please keep to no politics. I'd like to read about riding here. PLENTY of other forums, sites, etc for politics. some of the arguments have been amusing to read, though.

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Can we block this thread already?

It is just as much provoking as political or religious debate.

You may notice: "look who is talking". Well, some of us, including me, remember such debates on BomberOnline:cool:

Lets stick to carving and racing and any other pleasures... and jokes... just not to politics or religion. After all, this forum is now popular all over the world within different political systems and religions.

Isn't snowboarding one of those things that unites us?

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I agree with Maciek (the boob). Let's close this thread and get back to the "Madd verses Swoard thread" where chest thumping viagra men bash gays, attack each other personally, make physical threats and talk smack about the subjective. And WE ALL KNOW that one of them is nuttier than fruitcake and in need of serious some psychiatric counseling but we all "dare not say a word" since "thank god he's not on my case". Add in the high minded hypocrisy of this ridiculous thread and we are batting 1,000 on the Bomber Online message board once again!

Sic t 2

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Guest artnshel

I can't help but chime in which is probably part of the problem with discussions that go awry.

Have you ever changed anyone's mind about politics? I think it's next to impossible. I have strong political beliefs and have tried to change others who's strong beliefs oppose mine and it's fruitless. I've given up. I can believe my only option is to find those in the undecided category to 'enlighten' however I believe most of that group is undecided because they don't really care anyway. So there's really no discussion to have, I rarely see anyone win.

The two cows thing was funny and maybe humor can connect us while politics and religion have proven to divide.

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Guest johann
Originally posted by Kent



You have two snowboards.

Your neighbor has none.



Then you drill for oil in the mountains and clear cut all the forests to get raw goods to make snowboards.

Then you have no where to ride. :p

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gritting teeth....trying to keep mouth shut......aaarrghhh

Anyone that wants to debate politics can go to my friends site.... yes we lean a little to the right......


there are only a few of us on there now, but we would gladly welcome some folks to debate with...go to the forum link at the top of the page


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Guest dragonfly jones

Guys guys.

Kent as always you have hit the nail on the head, good stuff.

Politics and Snowboarding are strange bedfellows. One one hand we can be thankful that the government has leased land to resorts on the other we are soo taxed for buying boards, boots, gloves, hats, goggles, gas to get there, tolls on the freeway etc etc, that is like we are getting a kiss then a slap from a ill mannered woman (or man depending on ones taste).

So Kerry snowboards - wow, so Bush can land IN a plane - wow. We play in and on the snow - WOW. In the grand theme/scheme of things we are out enjoying life like we should be doing. If a little debate on politics shows up here - really what's the difference - you CHOOSE to reply of to BLOW it off. Half of time - we respond to things that are silly and it gives us a chance to rant and rave and puff out or chests. If you choose to make it an issue it will be one, if not it goes away - why pick up the gauntlet that someone throws down over politics or if someone is holier than thou? To take them down a notch? Or would it be a little schadenfreude? Oh well, hey I have an idea - lets go have some fun.

Oh by the way, schadenfreude means: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. Try it in sentence some time.

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Originally posted by Steve Dold

Speaking of oil, I wish Bush would hurry up and take over Iraq's oil industry, or whatever he was planning to do. I'm sick of paying these prices. We deserve that oil.

Use less oil, this way you will pay less. Use your car less, if you have a big car (or a truck), get a small one instead.

Simple, no?


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The whole gas issue has me laughing...

People get really pissed about paying a little extra for gas but then:

Are happy to pay the $20 valet

Drive 85 mph

Celebrate new taxation and the officials that promote them

Don't change their oil

Don't check their PSI

Back pro stadium proposals with public funds

Rarely walk or ride their bike to the store

Support subsidized transportation, but don't use it

I think we live is a society where people really just want to bitch and moan than do something about it. Everybody has critism, no one has a plan (that doesn't involve spending money). Sure, sure.....we can live without gas after we spend $75 trillion dollars to convert people live's over to fuel cell!

Just let me keep some money to buy another snowboard next year.......

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Originally posted by Steve Dold

No, I still want it cheaper. My biggest problem is paying $2.75 for avgas. And besides, I am an American. I deserve and demand luxury, and a big car. Let the people in the backward European countries drive the small cars. heh heh

If you can afford the plane and the big car, you can afford the gas to put in.:p


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