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Playing down, Riding at a lower level

Bobby Buggs

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In softball they call it playing down to the opponent, inevitably you come up against a team that does not have the same level of talent you have and instead of blowing them out you play at a lower level and just barely win.

Ok where the hell is Buggs going with this :confused:

Well I have a pass to a very small 500 foot ski area just to get my 9 year old some time on his board. Every time I go there I totally suck and ride like crap. Now I’m not there to get the kind of runs in like I did last week with Paul K and Steph at Stratton but I would like to hook a few turns and freak out some of the people in their 1980s gear :p

But I feel like I can never put it together there. I think it might be because it’s slower riding but wondering if this happens to others.

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Isn't that weird? I have couple of hills that I ride like garbage at as well, and even on my favourite hill there's a couple of runs that just give me the jeebies. No reason, they're no steeper/bumpier or otherwise remarkable, but they just freak me out for some reason.

It's all in your mind, Buggs :p

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you could always pick up a smaller board...little hills rarely have powder so the need for a longer AM board isn't that important...an 160's slalom deck could be what you need for little hill. Just make sure you don't make my mistake and get a board that's too small

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Gecko -

I totally know what you mean. I have a buddy that is riding on a 10 year old board that can barely link turns in softies and whenever I ride with him I end up riding like crap. I think its the mindset you come on the hill with. When I ride with him I'm not visualizing good turns and technique i'm just lazy and have a "whatever" attitude...like the day is a washout for me railing turns and that affects my ability. I actually wipe out more goofing around going slow then when I am riding to try to improve. I think my board length might also be a factor....taking 20mins to ride down a green circle with him isn't easy when I have a 172 that wants to be pointed straight downhill....maybe next time I'll drag out the old 156 or something :p

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I don't post much here, but I read a lot. I also do a lot of competitive shooting (as well as teach it). The same problem creeps up there too. The parallels are really interesting. Anyway....

It's all in your head. :smashfrea

To perform at your peak level, you have to be mentally prepared for it. If you go in with the attitude that you have (slow, crap hill, etc.), then you won't be able to perform. If you go in with a positive attitude (I can't wait to ride!), then you'll do much better.

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My golf experience is parrellel- I played Pebble once with my brother and had one of the best rounds of my life (relatively speaking), then came home and couldn't score on a chump local course. Even saw it happen coaching little league when kids (and I) assumed they could kick another team, but got beat for no apparent reason.

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Furi, I know exactly what you are talking about. I was thinking about it and believe it may be just too flat for my style. There are only a couple drops and I pop a couple turns in them, other than that its just got no pitch.

Bobby - you could always practice doing the "360 turn" heh :D

but yah I think we've all gotten used to rolling hills or steeps and our ability adopts to that. I swear I could go straight downhill on some of the greens my buddy rides on and just pull one carved turn to scrub off all the speed...flat hills are no fun :(

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