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C5 Golfer

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On another note (speaking of the ladder thing), there is a firefigher contest/competition in Iron County (michigan) and in one of the events, a team of 4 firefighters operates a 15 or 20 or so foot ladder... 3 hold it at the bottom and then one climbs up to the top. That's not leaning against a wall or anything, that's just stickin up into thin air!



I couldn't find a pic of the ladder comp. but if you look at the results under "ladder", I believe that's height attained...

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Its an Auditorium raise. I've done it on a 45' secured with ropes on the corners if you will. the object is to go up and over the top. pretty wild. I cant say I've seen or done it on a straight ladder. As far as Al's pic goes, I'm sending it to my Safety Chief for the monthly safety newsletter. One of the worst head injuries I saw was a guy putting siding on his house. He built 2 crib boxes (think looks like Lincoln Logs) out of scrap wood about 4' tall, put a 2x12 accross that and placed his extension ladders ontop of that. Unfortunately, as is discussed in another post, gravity always wins. He fell about 35' and landed on his back on the patio. He lived but I'm pretty sure he was in ICU for a month with extensive re-hab after that. :smashfrea

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