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WTB Skinny FR board


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You might look for a Donek Incline 150. My wife (similar weight and good size as you) has two of them, both 6+ year old rock boards by now. They are too beat up to sell, but I see 'em on the Bay from time to time.

Another idea is to go for the longer lengths in a women's board. What makes a women's board a womens' board? Narrower waist and softer flex than similarly sized men's boards. The Burton Feelgood has come in various lengths over the years, my wife had a 155 with a 23.8 cm waist from its first year which I think was 99/2000. That year I think there was a 161 as well.

Yo definitely have to think creatively when you're light and small footed, and sometimes that means turning a blind eye to topsheet graphics ;-)

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Yo definitely have to think creatively when you're light and small footed, and sometimes that means turning a blind eye to topsheet graphics ;-)
Kinda like playing those pink Breast Cancer golf balls. Soft as a babies bottom, but you catch alot of hell from the guys.
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Yeah, I was thinking about a longer-length women's board, but figured that, since they're usually built with a lighter flex than the men's, torsional stability would probably be pretty tough. If I see a good deal on a big one, though, I just grab it to have something to play around on.

cfj04 recommended the f2 speedcross, and its 22.5cm waist looks pretty good, as do the reviews its gotten.

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You just missed out on a NOS Morrow Indy on ebay...

Prior ATV would be great too.

Tankers do not come in sub-24 waists. 192 is the narrowest, 24.2.

There's also Burton Wire out there... Then, Oxygen Supercross.

If you can put up with square tail, Speed Wide is great at 22.5 waist. It's stiff, though.

I was lucky to pick a Stuf Accelerator 164 for teaching this year (if they let me do HBs...). It was the last one in 164, but I probably can get you a 156. It has the same specs as Goltes enty level board...

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Nice, might tap that. I'm doing the right thing looking for a narrow waist, right? There are some dirt-cheap o'sin 3800's up on the bay, and they look like fun powder rides, but it seems like I'd have a hard time powering them on the groomers with a 25.2 waist. Would it be doable with risers, or am I better off just sticking it out for something skinnier?

Edit: Whoops just checked the specs sheet on that Incline- it's a 0.8 on Donek's scale....flexier than most of their freestyle boards.

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Nice, might tap that. I'm doing the right thing looking for a narrow waist, right? There are some dirt-cheap o'sin 3800's up on the bay, and they look like fun powder rides, but it seems like I'd have a hard time powering them on the groomers with a 25.2 waist. Would it be doable with risers, or am I better off just sticking it out for something skinnier?

Edit: Whoops just checked the specs sheet on that Incline- it's a 0.8 on Donek's scale....flexier than most of their freestyle boards.

He must have changed them this year. Last year the number wads different. My wife's Incline 150's are not noodles at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

would definitely consider a lady's board if someone's got one....I was out today on a wide fr board and the width absolutely killed me. Old bx board, anyone? Maybe a dynastar 3800 (those have 24cm waist, I think)? Just something skinny (but not too skinny) and fun.

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Underhang on 45/40

Overhang on 30/15

No, I don't find it hard even with underhang on softies as long as the snow is not uber hard. When I ride below those angles my "alpine" technique starts falling appart as it is less of hip-to-hip aggressive knee drive motion, resulting in really poor heel side turns. With lower angles I have to make concious effort to ride with more of toe-heel motion.

I like the underhang with h/boots in pow as it offsets some of the imediate response you get from plates.


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