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Stroke at 21 years old


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The good news is that he is alive, his speach and personality largly unaffected. I'm posting this as I sit at Joe's bedside.


That his speech and personality are intact is huge. I am so very sorry to hear this about your son. Please know that love and prayers are flowing from Idaho. What hospital is he in? I would love to be able to focus some healing energy on that location. Sounds silly but I believe in it.

May God speed the healing.

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Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! It does mean a lot to us to have folks pulling for Joe.

When I came into his room today Joe's face was bright and cheerful. I glanced over at his girlfriend and Jamie was grinning ear to ear. The simultaineous words out of their mouths were "watch Joe's new trick!!!"

Joe called me over to his bed and had me place my hand on his left Quad. There was a strong and controlled contraction! It turns out that when he is in a chair or at bedside with his leg hanging freely he can get it extending a bit! We are all just tickled pink and slightly giddy. It seems he is getting stronger, more adept, and confident with each passing moment. I got some video of Joe and his Physical Therapist (PT) working at the parallel bars. He was being taught how to lift himself (with aid) to standing and begin "walking" ( again with aid ) . His stroke hit him 10:00am the 10th and here we are 13 days later... Joe wheeling himself around in his wheelchair to and from therapy and showing great signs of his brain's healing. Boy did I ever give him a huge hug!:biggthump

I give a great deal of thanks and respect to the doctors and staff at the University of Iowa Hospital (Iowa City). They've got a very good med school. When they knew the scope of Joe's problem they brought in the head of the neurosurgery department to handle Joe.

Now Joe is at St Luke's Hospital in our home town of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The inpatient Rehab Department has just been totally upgraded and is a cheerful, comfortable place.

well... time to go ! Joe has just wheeled himself off to the kitchen to find some Thanksgiving leftovers!

Again, Thanks to all


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Brad, just returned from the Tgiving holidays and read this. I am truly sorry that this happened, it was such a pleasure to meet you and your son when you were here during the summer for your hang gliding trip. He is a fine son and it seems you share a great relationship. I hope the recovery goes quickly, hang in there!!


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  • 2 months later...


Joe is recovering very well.

The most important thing is that all of who Joe is is still in his head. His personality, intellect, emotions, reason, etc are the same as before, as near as I can tell. He just had the skull section replaced a couple of weeks ago and is having the staples from that removed tomorrow. In mid Feb he is going in for further testing to see if any other AVMs (ArterioVeinousMalformation) are present that need attention.

Joe is walking well and recovering use of his left arm & hand. He does not move his fingers fast enough yet, so he plays a lot of bar chords.

In order to stay on my insurance he is taking 12 credits thru the local community college (Kirkwood!). Since he is not allowed to drive 'til May the courses are all on-line offerings.


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Brad, thanks for posting this I was just thinking about your boy the other day and wondering his condition. I am elated to hear this news. I hope the recovery continues like it has been going.

On another note, you're going to Tahoe?? no fair!! Did you ever replace the V70? If so, with what??


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Yep OVR... TAHOE !!!:biggthump

To stay around to help with Joe's rehab, etc... I cancelled what would have been 2 weeks of Idaho riding/skiing (basically whole trip free but for food/drink). Now that he's on his feet, figurativly as well as literally, my gf and I can take some vacation without feeling guilty. :ices_ange

I replaced my XC-70 with another one. Here is a bit of humor!

I took a different position recently with the "Commercial" division of Collins. When I moved into my new office I noticed a cubicle with the name that was the same as the listed owner of the car that totaled my new XC. Sure enough... she is the one! I've got no ill will towards her. Her insurance took care of me well enough and it was her daughter's boyfriend who was driving, not her or her daughter. Go Figure :freak3:

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New here, so I am seeing this thread for the first time. That's super he is doing so well!!! :biggthump Aren't humans amazing? I feel for what you all have experienced, as my 19 year old baby sister had a stroke last summer that was caused by her chemotherapy. Pretty rough deal. But she is doing well also, and back in school. I'm always awed by what can be accomplished with love and determination! :ices_ange

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  • 1 year later...

Well, here we all are... almost 16 months after Joe's stroke. Three weeks ago Joe was my best man. What a great young man he has grown into! Here are some photos. The girl is Jamie, Joe's girlfriend. She was with him when the stroke hit, and has been such a blessing to us all, then and now.

Life is good !



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Brad, congratulations on your recent nuptials. I am ecstatic to see pics of Joe, looks a bit bigger than the last time I saw him out here in SoCal. Glad to hear that he is doing so well.

On another note, it appears that you are heading to the festivities in Loveland on the 8th of March, so am I. Make sure you seek me out, I would love to take a run or two with you.


Also, I heard a while back that your hangliding/parasailing landing zone may be on the way out due to development. This was before the housing slump so things may have changed.

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wow, I don't know you or him, but I just read the thread for the first time, that is great he is doing so well. Not only did you not lose him, he's still got everything upstairs!

Nobody should ever see their kid pass, I'm glad you didn't have to. Good luck

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Nobody should ever see their kid pass

This is so very true... I know from very close second-hand knowledge. My new wife had three boys. The eldest fell into depression and drug use. The father was neanderthal about counseling and therapy (and still is... to everyone's detriment). The boy committed suicide-by-cop just days before his 17th birthday. Following this the marriage self destructed. Here and now, coming up on 11 years later, there is still a lot of crap to deal with. The moral of the story? Some parents need to pull their immature, self serving heads out of their arses and get their kids (and themselves!!) into therapy.

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