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Newbie wanting info for set up


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I think you done good. I actually loved my green reactors. but the plastic was quite brittle???. or something every pair I had I would split the heck out of the back foot tongue and upper. Of course I am pushing 250lbs and really drive my knees a lot. So I don't think with your weight and starting out you will ever have a problem.

I know they changed the plastic on the white and blue ones with the same molds. Parts can be a little hard to find so go over everything and check screws, allen heads and all the little bits often and rip it...........UP.

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I had a pair of those bindings. I had trouble keeping them together. The plastic trigger covers come off and the straps in the levers come out. If they're set up right, they will work okay but never give as much control as Intec's or standard bails. You don't have to reach down and cock them each time you step in if you left them cocked when you released them last but, be careful when handling them and don't leave them around small children or pets!

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RAT TRAP MEMORIES! Those things spring hARD! Scared the hell out of me when i first tried to set them up! I think I damn near broke my finger, too!

They'll engage better with the burton boots, too.

overall your setup is a bit behind the times, but for "giving it a try" you're off to a good start. Odds are if you like it you'll want to upgrade. At your height/weight you can handle a bigger board, and CB has plenty of room for larger radius rides.

hey...is McDells still the only grocery store in town? I worked there for a while. Some WACKO people there!

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I was trying to figure out "Western Slope of CO" but now I assume CB means Crested Butte? Anyways I have 3 free lifts to Monarch/CB/Parito this year...so I may make it up to CB this season? Never been to CB before...how is it? I assume it's like Monarch but a little nicer? I also try to hit Durango at least once during the season.

I'll hit you up if we decide on a CB trip...maybe in January? Telluride is way to expensive for me but it's a nice resort. Didn't make a trip there last season but went both seasons before that. $75 for a lift is harsh. :angryfire

Also when you're ready to upgrade your board I have a nice Coiler that would fit you perfectly...assuming somebody doesn't scoop it in the classifieds between now and then...it's not attracting much interest atm so you never know. We have similiar builds: I'm 5'6" and ~165lbs myself...although I'm pushing 170 now. :mad:

Let us know how your first day carving works out, and best of luck!

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Yep, CB = Crested Butte. It is a lot bigger than Monarch. It has a lot of steep extreem terrain. A lot of steep groomers. Very fun mountain. It is a big resort about the size of T-ride but a little less expensive and they have more deals out there. I like Monarch too. I got 2 free days there that I plan on using. Wolf Creek is pretty close to you. Have you been there? I haven't made it down there yet but wanted to check it out sometime. I've moved here 3 years ago from the East Coast so haven't got to hit all the mountains yet. Will probably be a while till I can upgrade. We are building a new house and money is tight. Not to mention that I had to buy new ski and board gear for my 7 yr old and new boot for the wife and I got myself a new softboot board and binding set up. I'm sure I'll get hooked on the carving and will find a way to buy new stuff at some point though.

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I'm sure I'll get hooked on the carving and will find a way to buy new stuff at some point though.

CB does have some great carve terrain off the Paradise chair, International, the race hill etc.

With the all the carving addicts on this board you may not have to go deep to get some other gear. Seems like we are all enablers 'cause then our addiction doesn't seem so bad. And hey it's cheaper (maybe not with metal) and better for you than crack.

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