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Cutting down speed between carves- yep i know what ur gonna say


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Really really baggy clothes?*

A small parachute?

Dragging an anchor behind you?

Flatter slopes?

Softer, slower snow?

How about, less time in the fall-line, more time carving up hill?

* As a cyclist, I know how much aerodynamics affects cycling speeds, and it occurs to me that it would have a similar level of effect with snowboarding. IOW, baggy clothes really will slow you down.

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Guest Randy S.

Last weekend we did some speed testing with a radar gun. My skier friend went from 71 to 75 mph on the same slope by shedding his coat and baggy shorts (down to a speed suit). I went from 65 to 69 with a similar strip-down. We were on the same slope for both runs with the same start spot. That's a big difference. Baggy clothes do slow you down.

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If you want to slow down, Randy is the last guy you want to take advice from :D

My speed problems ended when I stopped "easing" into turns. This sounds like what Jack is talking about in his article, along with smooth and quick transitions between turns to manage the speed (especially if the turns don't take you directly across the fall line).

Now if I get the board up on edge a LOT, and FAST, speed is easily managed. I also (try to) transition from turn to turn faster.

As I look at some of the videos I see here, they could easily be me, two years ago, when I went too fast, made shallow turns, and couldn't handle anything steep. It took me forever to break out of that, it was a plateau that I spent two or three years fighting.

But what did it for me was going to steeper terrain, starting out at a slower speed, traversing across the hill on my heel edge, and suddenly committing like hell to a toeside turn, really pushing the edge with my toes. The board came around so easily (and quickly) right across the fall line, and my speed stayed low, and it immediately took the fear out of steeps. It was a totally different feeling than what I had been used to. My old way of carving would have built up so much speed that I would panic and skid.

This isn't an expert opinion, it's just from someone who just very recently realized that I was stuck in a rut and needed to try something radically different, and it sure worked.

Unfortunately my heelsides are not quite keeping up with my toesides, but they're getting there. I still ease into those, but not as bad as before.

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A lot of what has been said here is great - let me say it another way (same info though). Work on getting on a high edge angle early in the turn. As soon as you transfer edges, immediately work on getting your board up on edge - a high edge angle. Use your ankles to do this as much as possible. Many people try to throw their upper body ino the turn. This is a tactic, and even a fun one. To begin to learn this effectively, don't throw your body into it too much. Ankles for angles!

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Linux sometimes rules, FreeBSD rules... but most of the time MacOSX rules ;)

I think that putting some adhesive on base could work. If that does not help then put sand paper on that adhesive and it will slow you down.

On the other hand, I usually skid tail into turn in more controlled way if I need to lose some speed. Just don't force too much angulation on back foot and it will wash out as it tries to pass tip of the board and so it goes on higher radius (not a pure carve though). You can also achieve that by stomping more on tip, but be careful (like Helmut said) you overdo that on small sidecut radius/short board and you will wake up in bushes if that happend at really high speed.

You can also open up your shoulders and put arms into the air to increase drag. Baggy outwear helps too.

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