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Just need to brag- My dog is SO smart...

Justin A.

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Today we brought Ullr to the dog park to get him out a bit and do some training with him in a high-distraction environment, and we realized that it was also a great environment to start his search and rescue training in with all the trees, shrubs, and ditches to hide in. So, we kept letting him run ahead of us, and then we'd hide and call him back-yeah he'd find us without a hitch, big deal. It took him a little bit longer to find me when I hid under a shrub-about 45 seconds or so...then I thought about climbing a tree to hide from him...it took him a few minutes to find me, but when he did, he realized that he could climb trees! So, he found me up the first tree...it was amazing that he thought to look up into it at all, dogs don't have any reason to look up in the wild, so why would they even think of it? But it gets better. I hid in a second tree a good 500m or so away from him and called him, and the first thing he did was look UP into the tree that I had just been in (probally about 50m from him at the time), then ran around looking for me (I was about 10m up in this one) and he ran over to my tree and started looking up into the tree to find me! It was amazing...just thought I'd share how his S&R work started...

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Today we brought Ullr to the dog park to get him out a bit and do some training with him in a high-distraction environment, and we realized that it was also a great environment to start his search and rescue training in with all the trees, shrubs, and ditches to hide in. So, we kept letting him run ahead of us, and then we'd hide and call him back-yeah he'd find us without a hitch, big deal. It took him a little bit longer to find me when I hid under a shrub-about 45 seconds or so...then I thought about climbing a tree to hide from him...it took him a few minutes to find me, but when he did, he realized that he could climb trees! So, he found me up the first tree...it was amazing that he thought to look up into it at all, dogs don't have any reason to look up in the wild, so why would they even think of it? But it gets better. I hid in a second tree a good 500m or so away from him and called him, and the first thing he did was look UP into the tree that I had just been in (probally about 50m from him at the time), then ran around looking for me (I was about 10m up in this one) and he ran over to my tree and started looking up into the tree to find me! It was amazing...just thought I'd share how his S&R work started...

I gotta start by saying I'm a huge dog lover!! :1luvu:

I like cats too but doggies are where it's at...

They are a lot more intelligent than most people believe all you gotta do is tap into the technique that makes then keen to learn... get them motivated...

I have a Siberian Husky and the stuff that he does blows all my friends away... though search and rescue is 10 levels above the "cutie pie tricks" thing...

Good stuff.... Makes you proud doesn't it....?!!

I think all people should be more active in training their pooches... then there wouldn't be so many abandoned and neglected animals every year:(

Great stuff Justin!! Hope he does well!!!! :biggthump


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Just wondering - all dog owners

-- do you ever get tired of carrying around a baggie to pick up the dog crap when you take him/her out for a walk or play outside? Do you Pack it home or to a proper disposal can? (Assuming you are one of the dog owners that do) --

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C5 - I carry baggies around, but usually don't have to carry a full one very far. I trained my dog to "take a break" on command. Or at least give it an honest effort. He gets praised lavishly enough for pooping near a garbage can that he will generally wait until I give the command before taking a dump on a walk. He's probably also figured out that if I have to carry it too far I tend to hurry him back home.

Coffee cups and that sort of thing are never at hand where I walk him - the trails along the Deschutes River are remarkably litter free :biggthump

(Had to brag about my dog's brain too - or at least his desire to please me!)

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I like to put the smelliest substance (Misty's ****e)on earth in the trash can of a neighbor whose yard is usually a trash heap.Especially if it is hot out and several days before trash day.I am otherwise couteous to my neighbors and other bike path users by tossing it in one of the poop cans along the path.

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We live in the middle of the woods. Every once in a while I'll catch her pooping, but it's from a distance as she goes quite far into the woods to do it. She doesn't do it in our yard even. We didn't have to train her to do that either. She just did it on her own. When we go rollerblading along the lake we take a baggy, but we've never had to use it.

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-- do you ever get tired of carrying around a baggie to pick up the dog crap when you take him/her out for a walk or play outside? Do you Pack it home or to a proper disposal can? (Assuming you are one of the dog owners that do) --

Nah. If you're a real dog owner you have a baggie in every nook and cranny, in all your jacket pockets (even ones you haven't worn for years), stuffed under the car seat, and in every pair of jeans. I usually find two in the bottom of the washing machine every time I wash. And mine are usually walked at off-leashes that all have dumpsters, and smell read good in the middle of summer.

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Ok-- so you guys don't get tired of carrying around a baggie for the doggie doo. But how about the actual picking up the doo, crap, what ever you'd like to call the waste, putting it in your pocket or carrying it away-- is it not a pain in the butt to do this everyday ???

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It's funny you brought this up....

Our local council fines people for not picking up after our dogs....

Having said that,

I have a weird dog....when taking him for a walk he doesn't go. he'll save it till he gets home... that's like a 1-2 hr walk... only on a few occasions has he urinated...

I'm not sure why he does this maybe because we usually power walk and don't stop for a break... But I've heard of other Husky owners experiencing this phenomena...in particular one guy that raced his Dogs... A lot of the races he attended were in the middle of state forests and places like that and the resident Vet said that he diddn't feel comfortable doing it there sooo yeah he thought up a rather interesting way to get his pooches to take a dump. it's pretty gross but it worked.....

Back to the question... if need be I'd pick it up and dispose of it along the way in one of the many trash cans around the area where I walk.... My bags aren't transparent so passers by won't know what I'm carrying.

I just think how irritating it was when I stepped in doggy do and I always say what goes around comes around!!!!


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It's funny you brought this up....

since this has turned into the doggy doo thread.....your dog ain't so smart

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sorry to make you suffer through "Ellen Degenerate" but this dog is smart enough to stay out of a filthy pool.

my old aussie cattle dog was crazy smart. Have you ever seen a dog obsess over the shower ? she loved to bite at the water when you turned on the shower...wanna take a SHOWER ??? she'd go nuts. We used to hide her tennis ball and she'd search the entire house until she found it.

Dogs are great...no bitch, bitch, bitch

my buddy taught his new shepherd how to drive


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Ok-- so you guys don't get tired of carrying around a baggie for the doggie doo. But how about the actual picking up the doo, crap, what ever you'd like to call the waste, putting it in your pocket or carrying it away-- is it not a pain in the butt to do this everyday ???

Just a qualifier I do not put the "doo" in my pocket....I carry it to the closest trash bin and dump it ASAP cause yes it stinks. I don't mind picking it up Muji (my GSP) usually waits ptiently for me to do so before returning to her regular antics. But I don't consider it to me a pain in the but rather it's just part of having a canine companion. Now that she's no longer a bouncing (super hyper PITA) puppy any time I spend with her more than makes up for the things I have to do because of her

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