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Getting an EC board...

Guest aydx0001

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Guest aydx0001

Well, it's time for a new board, I've pulled the binding bolts partially through the topsheet of my old favorite, a short 154 F2. It was super turny and I could get pretty close to the snow but I'd love to get down even lower. It's lack of length became very apparent at higher speeds. I'm aspiring to be an ECr for sure but am not shelling out a G for a Swoard. I've cruised the archives and haven't seen a connection drawn yet between Coiler and extreme carving. The Donek sounds nice but I really liked working with Bruce on my first Coiler so I'd like to go to him again. Has anyone gotten a wide-body, EC-style board from Coiler before? If I go with Bruce on a custom board any suggestions on Coiler's stiffness/specs/extras (aside from it being 20+cm @ the waist) when making a Canadian version of the Swoard or the Donek/G-Force Blade? Thanks...

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I have the EX 176 23.5 width and also a Swoard 175M. The EX seems very similar to the Swoard but is a little more "damp" and stable and seems slightly heavier. The width is just right for my 28 AF-600s at 55/50 degrees. I would buy another one in a second, like Mark says it's a fun board.

I do not want to hijack this thread into an equipment discussion but I have questions on the meaning of “damp” or “stability”. :confused:

From my windsurfing background, I can (humbly) assert that a heavy epoxy board is “stable” and even “damp” in windy and heavy chops which is a comfy ride.

On the other hand, a full carbon super light board would be too “unstable” and too "lively" but an expert (not me :o ) would love it.

Here are the questions :confused:

- Is it possible to draw the same conclusions to carving boards?

- Since I am not an expert, is “lively” actually a bad thing in the carving world or is “damp” recommended?

- Is heavier equipment recommended for a light weight person to make the ride more “stable”?

- Due to my 130 lbs, am I equipment-weight sensitive?

- If the answer is “yes”, then should the board/bindings/boots manufacturers design lighter equipment to meet smaller rider needs? (This means better equipment for women to pick up this sport :biggthump ).

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- Is it possible to draw the same conclusions to carving boards?

- Since I am not an expert, is “lively” actually a bad thing in the carving world or is “damp” recommended?

- Is heavier equipment recommended for a light weight person to make the ride more “stable”?

- Due to my 130 lbs, am I equipment-weight sensitive?

- If the answer is “yes”, then should the board/bindings/boots manufacturers design lighter equipment to meet smaller rider needs? (This means better equipment for women to pick up this sport :biggthump ).

-pretty much, except that a snowboard's dampness is felt in its flex pattern, while a windsurf board basically has no flex pattern.

-it depends more on your taste in boards and your style of riding, id say its more personal preference than anything. a very active/aggressive rider wants a lively board to match, while a smooth graceful rider will want a calm, damp board.

-weight of the board almost never comes up as an important variable. dampness relies more on the materials used than the weight of the board.

-dont worry too much about the equipment's weight. instead, consern yourself with the flex pattern. you need a softer flexing board for your lighter weight.

-custom board makers will either have a softer model readily available for purchase, or will be able to soften the board upon request.

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- Is it possible to draw the same conclusions to carving boards?

I would say, just thinking about it logically, absolutely.

- Since I am not an expert, is “lively” actually a bad thing in the carving world or is “damp” recommended?

purely a "horses for courses" and personal preference thing

- Is heavier equipment recommended for a light weight person to make the ride more “stable”?

this one I dont know, but Id say that flex is more important than weight for stability

- Due to my 130 lbs, am I equipment-weight sensitive?

NO idea:)

just seems to me that a board that is a little heavier and absorbs/does not transmit vibration will have a more solid feeling ride, while a more "lively" board will punish error, not like variable terrain as much, but will give that "on the edge" thrill more readily when the correct input is given.

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Guest aydx0001

Dsub & the rest...thanks, I had no idea Bruce made an EC-ready board...I cruised through his page yesterday and today and checked the specs of all the boards he offers and I saw no EX, nor did I see any board other than the all-mountain (not interested) that had waists in the ~22cm range--I'll have to ask him about those. (hope he can do a clear topsheet, love to see the wood!). He sure sounded interested in working with me again when I contacted him...said if he had a template it'd be standard prices otherwise he could work outside those parameters for a little extra $can. I'm glad to hear some people here have ridden Coiler's version of an ECing board and been pleased...especially to hear it's a little more damp & stable, perfect! Bruce's done with new orders for the season so I'll be giving the rest of my time to my recently-acquired Prior AWD...perhaps I'll be content with it, but I suspect it's nose will fold under EC-style carves with my weight (200lbs.).

Yup, just double checked, no EX or SCR models on the Coiler page...must be new. Oh, and if it helps in the advice column, my style would be one of grace rather than aggression...look at my avatar. Like a swan! :biggthump

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Guest aydx0001

I know how you feel...I sold/traded my FC184 for some cash and a nice Prior AWD that I have yet to ride. That's why I really feel I should go back! He asks so many questions and really seems to put the time in to getting it right. The FC was nice but it was just too big and skinny...not good in tight spots like catwalks, crowds or moguls and it didn't take too kindly to soft, slushy spots if they snuck in somehow: instant submarine and high-side over the nose! So I had a couple good seasons on it, but my style has evolved along with my ability to describe what I want to do...I didn't know what a Euro carve was 5 years ago but I knew I wanted to snowboard like I used to waterski...gettin' low! These EC boards sound like a better board for me and the EX sounds like a good way to go so I can work with Coiler again...thanks for the pointers, I'll bring it up in the next exchange with Bruce.

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contact Kimo

Yikes. I'm not an expert on this matter. I got 4 runs on it in 7 inches of cut up powder. I don't think I got to ride the Blade in conditions that would allow a fair review. I am impressed that you remembered I rode it at all, though.

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Guest aydx0001

~600+ USD (on par with Donek, but higher than I remembered--if we weren't deficit spending the exchange rate would be better)...although if he doesn't have a template close to what I want, he charges what he calls "a couple extra bucks" to do some custom tooling...WAAAAAAAAY cheaper than a Swoard, which BTW aren't being made right now, nor is their manufacturing set right now for next year. They're going through some changes that I was informed should lower the price below $1000US. A substantial difference...the Swoard videos hypnotize me...I want to do that, but I don't have the bling to justify their board. Coiler, if Bruce can come even close to that will be good enough for me.

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If you really want to ec watch the SWOARD videos over and over again.

How much is a custom coiler?

I already watch those videos over and over. It wasn't till I got to see a short clip of myself that I saw part of what I was doing wrong. I don't know which video was more helpful, but it's good to have both the goal and the self assessment.

Is your avatar a picture of you at Mav's?

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~400+ USD...if Bruce can come even close to that will be good enough for me.

A couple guys, Rob Case and Ron the CarveFather, really liked the Swiss board (not the Swoard) at SES this year. So much so that they bought one on the spot and ordered another. I watched Rob from the bottom of the hill and he was laying them out and linking them up like crazy. I forget the guy's name, something close to Bjorn and he's on the forum, but I think he sells for about $550.

I wish I could have gotten to ride the Blade on groomers so that I could say, "Buy It", but I just didn't get the opportunity. Both Alex and Sean are awesome guys and I'd love to send business their way.

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Thats sounds like a good price for a custom board.Yes the videos are hypnotizing.Videos are good learning tools pictures are ok but videos show it all the complete package.My avatar is Hollister Ranch only two people out.I was going to ride Mav's after living in Hawaii for ten years and doing alot of big wave riding I really wanted to ride it when I moved back to California until I saw it in person I drove up there six times a studied it.I even had a costum board ordered.Until I saw it really BIG no frickin way.So I headed for the slopes Ecing is a much safer goal.

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Indeed we are currently working on different solutions for the next season:

Goal for us is to provide lower prices for North-Americans, and bigger quantities ( = less delays) we are unable to reach now...

We are working on it, plus on other good news for the next winter... ( no we did not hire Pamela Anderson for our next video..)...

Stay tuned :)

As for the new Vid, we have decided to postpone it until next winter... :)


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