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Sleepy Legs


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Ive been out on the slopes a few times now, usual start of the season symptoms of sore legs on monday and weak arms due to how tired they get carrying all my heavy gear. But now there's something I've noticed that isn't going away... my legs are falling asleep now at least 3 times a day, when in the summer/fall only my feet would fall asleep every once in a while if i was sitting on them. I'm thinking this might be snowboard-related, but it didn't happen durring my previous snowboard seasons so I'm wondering now if anybody else notices their legs falling asleep more durring the boarding season.

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not really a seasonal thing for me more an overuse thing...when I skate a pool/park, run cones or distance skate all day my legs have the same habit of falling asleep as they do after a day of snowboarding. For me it's because my legs hurt so much I don't move them unless I have to

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It's hard to know w/o more information...

But, in general...eat right, drink lots of water, make sure you have suficient vitamins (whether they come from food or Flintstones), and stretch AFTER you workout, not before. The best exercise before snowboarding is simply a nice easy-medium ride down the hill before you rip turns 100%....

My guess is that you're de-hydrated...the most common problem on the ski hill and a few days afterward. You can both increase your water intake for the days prior and a slight increase in sodium.

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re: stretching, I am big on this (when i workout, that is, which i need to do more).

i've read that walking from the lot to the slope with all your gear can be considered a mini-workout, depending on how far you walk and how much you carry.

in the gym, i always do light cardio (usually until i break a small sweat) then do stretching, which i believe helps me both physically and mentally. i always strech before riding and have never been sore due to actual riding (shin bang or falling, that's another story). are you suggesting not to do this?

also, when i did yoga, we'd do light stretching "from the cold" (no cardio warmup) and I personally have always thought that light streching from the cold is not a bad thing, and the Yoga people were having us do this. obviously if you just wake up it has to be really light. btw, i'm 28, which probably helps too.

curious what you think re: pre stretch.

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Yeah, yoga has definitely landed me a few dates. No complaints from me, albeit the classes generally tend to be around 50/50 guy to girl ratio.

Who knew the cute medical assistant from my doctors office could stretch her legs behind her head, among other things...yoga class can be so enlightening! :)

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re: stretching, I am big on this (when i workout, that is, which i need to do more).

i've read that walking from the lot to the slope with all your gear can be considered a mini-workout, depending on how far you walk and how much you carry.

in the gym, i always do light cardio (usually until i break a small sweat) then do stretching, which i believe helps me both physically and mentally. i always strech before riding and have never been sore due to actual riding (shin bang or falling, that's another story). are you suggesting not to do this?

also, when i did yoga, we'd do light stretching "from the cold" (no cardio warmup) and I personally have always thought that light streching from the cold is not a bad thing, and the Yoga people were having us do this. obviously if you just wake up it has to be really light. btw, i'm 28, which probably helps too.

curious what you think re: pre stretch.

i forget where i read it or i would link to it but, i read that stretching before an activity does not prevent injury as was commonly believed it only increases flexibility. i wouldnt put much weight in my statement with out doing further research into it. i have also read that stretching warmed up is better than stretching cold.

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Pretty much what TrailerTrash said....

If you wanna stretch, go ahead. But...if you're stretching for a particular purpose (injury prevention/increase flexibility/etc), you'd be better served doing this afterward or during a particular session (ie. - yoga class) than prior to ripping your turns....as you run the risk of damaging the muscle. But, as mentioned...if it seems to work for you and counter to what the sports scientists say, I'm sure everyone is different.

So, yes....a light warm-up, usually sport-specific.


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Two things have cured my problem:

wearing flannel pants under my snowpants (denim or cargo pants bunch up under my snowpants and cut off circulation)

stretching after riding. Now my legs feel ready for another 6 hours of riding! Too bad the local hill is all dark after 2:00, making it difficult to see the terrain.

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If you have a lumbar subluxation that has been around a while and Degenerative disc disease is setting in, (don't panic its easily dealt with) impact sports or weight bearing sports can aggravate the thinning disc and associated soft tissue causing it to swell. this swelling puts pressure on the nerve that exits at that level, in and around the IVF Since only ten percent or so of the average nerve is sensory related you may not experience pain in your back and still have symptoms in your periphery. A hard day of turns may be aggravatinng an old injury that was dormant until now.

A good chiropractor will find it and adjust it relieving the pressure. he or she will also give you a program of care to restore the joint to proper working condition so you don't have the problem in the future. These episodes typically will increase in both occurrence and severity as the disc thins so ignoring the problem or covering it up with drugs will only put off the inevitable. Use ice on your low back after a hard day riding to help with the swelling and that will help short term.:biggthump

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