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she ****ed up good but it's the olympics, it's a god damned contest that has less soul than the X-games and the X-games lack anything like a soul

people act like she did the worst thing ever by doing pulling a method but it just goes to show that those of you that bitch

1. have never watched the sport that inspired boardercross

2. have forgotten what the sport is about and don't remember the contests in the old days, for example at a contest years ago I can't remember what one but it was at stowe and it was a rather big deal, the resort decided to make a no invert rule due to insurance issues even for the pros so in response a about half of the riders still went inverted took the penalty and let someone who was willing to conform get on the podium.

why do people care so much about a trick that some teenager from VT did not land, even if she did not need to do the trick to win?

Those of you that say she missrepresented the US are the most annoying we live in a country that has a vice president that shoots his buddies in the face for fun, we have pedophile congressmen, we're the world richest country yet we can't provide affordable healthcare to poor people here and we have a president that says **** like "the jury is still out on evolution" but people get upset 19 year old didn't land a trick.

it's sad really

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a flashback of everyone on TV saying this or that and the idea that somebody wastes the time to post that nasty little video bugs me when there are way bigger problems in the world, in the summer olympics pretty much everyone dopes but that's not a big deal.

I was not refering to you Jim.

Just making a point

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Whoa Dsub. I'm not trying to talk **** here, just saying she screwed up, and sche screwed up big time. The Olympics is not one of the best times to showboat and screw up. Seriously, it was a stupid, immature move and she deserved to get the silver.

oh dude...I wasnt talking about you. There was a link to this on youtube somewhere, and the comments after...people calling her a bitch and a cunt and a stupid bitch and stupid cunt this and that.

I'd have punched any one of them square in the mouth.

Saying "that was stupid" is just voicing an opinion.

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its a know fact that the majority of youtube users are pimply asshat teenagers, who enjoy nothing more than watching others fail.

That said, I kinda of enjoyed watching her crash, but thats because I usually cheer against america in any sport, if I cant cheer for Canada.

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And I for one never said anything about her misrepresenting the US or whatever, I just said she picked a stupid time to **** up. I don't think you'd see any downhill racers throwing a grab on any of their airs on course.

No Jim your first post suggested she deserved to be slandard. She is a great person and does not "deserve it". Most people don't know this, but Lindsay is also listed as an A Team member in SBX AND Halfpipe. She has won World Cup pipe contest. She is used to being in the air, but happened to falter on something she has done thousands of time prior. Attempting a grab to "claim it" isn't rare in SBX (watch Wescott in the last Jeep event at Snowbird). The Olympics bring out strange emotions in people, both athletes and TV watchers. You get Shawn White crying, and you also have some dude in Kansas take what Lindsay did personally and think she is somehow a bad American and she should have thought about national pride before she did what she did. To the later I simply say when the country starts supporting the athletes then they should think about the country in their competition actions, but as of right now USSA is the only National Governing Body of sking and snowboarding in the world, that I know of, that receives NO government funding or aid. They receive all their funding through fund raiser, donations, and sponserships. So in my mind the athletes need to put Visa before the country, because that's who is really supporting them.

Kelley Clark gave away a gold medal by attempting to do a 900 in her last pipe run when her run up to that point was so good she could have done a straight air and still won the gold. But instead she decided to go over the top and try the 9, she fell and it cost her a medal all together. I don't look at Kelley's run as a failure at all. I look at it as one of the greatest pipe runs by a female ever and I'm sure will raise the standard by which all the ladies are judged in pipe.

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I think when Lindsay was being asked by the media if she was "showboating" she should have proudly said, "I suppose some negative, small minded people would say 'showboating' but the truth is I was expressing the euphoria I felt at that moment. That is what the sport of snowboarding is all about and that is what true snowboarders do. Would I do it again if I had it to do it over? Yes, I would and I would hit it."

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I think when Lindsay was being asked by the media if she was "showboating" she should have proudly said, "I suppose some negative, small minded people would say 'showboating' but the truth is I was expressing the euphoria I felt at that moment. That is what the sport of snowboarding is all about and that is what true snowboarders do. Would I do it again if I had it to do it over? Yes, I would and I would hit it."


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There was only one person whom I've ever heard of who lived a perfect life, and we killed him for it.

Who knows why she did what she did, perhaps she was just a jubilant kid who was by-the-gods in the gold medal slot in the Olympics and was all giddy about it. Was it silly? Sure. She's paid an exorbitant price for it, she's square with the house, leave her alone.

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