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Loon/WV Opening Days


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that guy enzo :1luvu: is an animal but you have to snuggle with him on those windy rides up the chair....are you comfortable in your manhood??

axel longschlongs eces checklist continued:


tampons soaked in doe urine

mac-10 and spare clips

tree stand with commode

diet bluberry redbull

capri snow pants

HAMC vest

smelling salts



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who's the GUY with the ford mustang "mustache" ? :lol:

what was he givin out free mustache rides at the loaf ? wtf is goin on up there ? verbal blowjobs, cuddling, tech talk, glennc has a boy toy, noon parachute clinics, tinkering, puffers, wifs on the same chair ???????

From the intel that i recieved from our bus driver, bucyrus was the only one honoring the code of conduct. i understand when in rome act as the romans do but grow a set, and act as if !

act as if, you grew up near a federal prison!

act as if, you look like a known associate!

act as if, you have a close freind with overly powered diesel trucks.

act as if, you competed in the baystate league.

act as if, you piss on used tampons and **** from a tree stand.

act as if, you can grow a beard in 10minutes.

act as if, you love chewing tobacco when the wifs not around.


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Dear Team 32,

Haven't showered or shaved for 6 days strong. I look and smell like a grizzly bear but dilligaf!!! Conditions are perfect for prime snowbeard cultivation. Picked up 4" today on top of soft pp and the place was a ghost town! Pockets of pow on the edges and choppy but soft through the middle of the trails. The Koila AM has awesome eegehold in the pow...this tings a gamechanger! Potential for a couple of FEET thru Friday. Time to break out the snorkel!! I luv this fkn place! If I don't make it to Stratton, you'll know where to find me.



Ps. TT has been a great host so the guy earned himself a stikka. You should've seen how excited he was!!

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careful, you will ruin the bol rep i've worked so hard at earning! :barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:


had to clear the snow off my truck driving home this afternoon. they reported 1.5 feet at the top of spillway this morning...


what should i bring for my saturday morning quiva?

hurton burton softie setup or my

177 chubb set back with the prototype turbo diesel sidewinders.

and the chili is off the stove in the tupaware ready to go! :angryfire


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just climbed outa the foxhole i dug on hampton beach....are the bad crabs big or small??

hey i wonder how polaris did in his BX race this w/e....wish i was there, he told the otha top seed to bring a baggie cuz he was gonna knock his fkn teeth out...goguygo


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It was an amazing week at the Loaf!! 9 days of riding. JH/UT-like epic snowfall!! 5 feet of snow in 5 days!!! The best pow days I’ve ever had on the East Coast. Thurs, Fri, & Sat KNEE DEEP POW every run!! TT and I were the 3rd tracks down Kings Landing on both Fri & Sat!! Thigh deep drifts on upper Gondi. UNBELIEVABLE!!! :1luvu:

A couple of pics from the crackberry. Blower faceshots from Thurs on Gondi. The other one...after a 4 hour tilt at the bah, we realized that you can take the BD6 out of Mass, but ya can't take the Ma$$hole out of BD6!!

Next up on the FSSU list.....Stratton.




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i don't even know where to start.

i guess it could start with walking into jonny macks and seeing an action photo of the shurmenator haning on his wall, the only thing missing on the piucture was shurmies autograph! Or overserving myself on the last leg of my 6hr haul up to da loaf, then better yet seeing TT's eyes lite up, when he fired up my dura-stroke eater. i also had a chance to spend some qaulity time with king beck, wrench talkin about twin overhead dual cams, on a custom 4wd prototype saab. i guess im a hp/tq snobb, all i really care about is the end result, puttin rubber to the road. my personal favorite was drifting past about 25 cars on the service road with my odometer reading 120, but really going about 50. oh yeah, i forgot about the one toothed MAIN-AH MILITIA, smokin heaters, drinking maine-shine out of coffee cups, missin teeth, camo one pieces, ***k this, ***k that, "***kin i dont care guy, i'll do a ***kin front flip off the ***kin thing". holy $hit, i thought maine day was on thursdays, i guess they didn't get the memo.

all in all, too much snow, long liftlines, broken chair lifts, etc, etc. i'll have to go back soon to get a better vibe from $hitshowloaf! ;)

i'll be seeing you wee little pricks soon! i already have my pbr's in the kooh-lah!


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i don't even know where to start.

i guess it could start with walking into jonny macks and seeing an action photo of the shurmenator haning on his wall, the only thing missing on the piucture was shurmies autograph! Or overserving myself on the last leg of my 6hr haul up to da loaf, then better yet seeing TT's eyes lite up, when he fired up my dura-stroke eater. i also had a chance to spend some qaulity time with king beck, wrench talkin about twin overhead dual cams, on a custom 4wd prototype saab. i guess im a hp/tq snobb, all i really care about is the end result, puttin rubber to the road. my personal favorite was drifting past about 25 cars on the service road with my odometer reading 120, but really going about 50. oh yeah, i forgot about the one toothed MAIN-AH MILITIA, smokin heaters, drinking maine-shine out of coffee cups, missin teeth, camo one pieces, ***k this, ***k that, "***kin i dont care guy, i'll do a ***kin front flip off the ***kin thing". holy $hit, i thought maine day was on thursdays, i guess they didn't get the memo.

all in all, too much snow, long liftlines, broken chair lifts, etc, etc. i'll have to go back soon to get a better vibe from $hitshowloaf! ;)

i'll be seeing you wee little pricks soon! i already have my pbr's in the kooh-lah!


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I have finally made the commitment of time to return to the forum. It has taken me 2 weeks of reading to catch up on the 20 pages of posts that I've missed.

Lately, there has been a huge lack of T32 presence at the bunyan. At most we're getting 3 people and 2 weekends ago was a no show. I only went on sunday this weekend and I was told it was really good compared to saturday. I even almost got air out of the pipe. I'll get it at stratton. Me and my canadian skier friend stayed at the bunyan for the canadia vs USA game. He almost went streaking afterwards. All was good, but I did lose my phone. :mad:

what days are you guys gonna be at stratton?

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We'll after a day of recovery on my calf's and I have a clear head to do my recrap of wtf happened at the ECES. Other than the fact I had to listen to bonnaroo and phish concert high time memories, I had a wicked pissa time! we need some high speed 6 pack's at $hitbag loon mtn, i've never laughed so hard on a chair lift than i did this week! forget about the ride home from the banquet, good thing chris columbus didn't have us on his ship, Fhukka!!!!!

question, when you put your empties into the recycling bin, and they take everything but the pbr empties, what does that mean about the team beer?

can't wait to see some pics and some vid. im also glad the camera's weren't rolling the whole time, i felt like my a$$ was gonna freeze after one run down lift line! good news i showered and changed this afternoon.

see you guys next weekend!


big duke 6

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