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Thanks Ink. It's a ghetto production, but it'll still cure those summah blues.

Sno-The audio on that YouTube vid is Porn "Mastodon Entre". YouTube yanked my original song by Death From Above 1979 so I just picked a song at random from their song library. The song length was close to the video and it was heavy metal so it worked. I post everything on Vimeo now to avoid the audio restrictions. Here's the 1st vid with the original audio.

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=4362138&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=4362138&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

">Team 32 2008 Video</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user1577789'>http://vimeo.com/user1577789">Team 32</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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You have done a slammin' job on past vids, can't wait to see this seasons edition.



Last years seriously rocked and helped me kick my riding up a notch or 2, thanks for the time you put into these:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin


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stevo that pic, looks like my shih-tzu when he's gnawing on his weapon! he's a savage beast like his father!

this $uck$, still on one crutch. recovery time is going to be a lot longer than origionally expected. pt goes great, but then im forced into driving for 8hrs afterwards. by the time i get home, ive been dying for ice all day.

i've got some picks of the new bike finally, let me know what you guys think of the new addition to T32's arsenal.


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stevo that pic is wrong on so many levels. :lol:

i'm putting the finishing touches on the vid. The final cut is about 7 min long of fast paced action. Gleb's HD clips are incredible!! I can't stop watching it!!

stay tuned!!

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enzoo wen r wee gonna git twogetha gUy?? eye miss U mann :1luvu:

jd whoo desenged yur alice top sh!t lunch bux>>>>fkn gleb??? i em seaing dubbble rite now,, iz that t23??? :freak3:if coiler made a dress i wood ware it.. now kiddin gfy's

keylime gritas f u c k i n g rOk GuyS!! Tim furAnotha tits erley

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Here's the official premier of the 2010 Team 32 video. Riders in order of appearance are John Deere, Polaris, GlennC, Enzo, Stevo, Gleb, and even a cameo by BV.

A big thanks goes out to our Main Grip Gleb for doing most of the filming.


To view a larger video or to enter Full Screen mode click here: http://vimeo.com/12141333

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=12141333&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=12141333&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

">Team 32 2010</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user1577789'>http://vimeo.com/user1577789">Team 32</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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petee, nice.........................................! great job guy!

love the music selection, you must have been a dj in your prior life, now when are we going to make a T32 mt bike video? :biggthump im going to need to put astroglide on my keyboard so my fingers dont get all scraped up like a 7th graders male reproductive organ. :eek:

im down the cape with mini mack, where pedaling all over the place !


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My footage from eces and loaf earlier in the winter (trash, t-32, jack, sno) is crappy compared to this. I'll put it out there but it's diggity schwag compared to this. There's some turns with Shred and Cuban. Next year, guess I got to be right on someone's tail or make a hand rig to shoot from the side. Going to mount it up for some downhill mt biking at Mt. Agamenticus in York. If your ever looking for different terrain, check out Mt A. Really nice trail network and some fun downhilling. It was a reverse ski area(lodge at the top). Usually Sundays there's 20 or so guys out there pack riding.

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Love the guest appearance by BV and the Stratton shots. Best vid yet!

I waiting for parts on my bike, otherwise I would be at Mt A. today. I rode there a few times last year, but only saw one guy on 3rd hill. Place was deserted and needs some trail maintenance. I park at the bottom and ride up.

Trying an Ibis on Thursday. Stevo you riding this week?

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cut my bars down to 30" and they felt good this am...got stung and i'm pretty sure i have malaria but pushed thru. polaris we better be posting a new bike porn pic thurs nite see u then

i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one i gots 99 problems and the bitch aint one if i keep playin it that's about to change


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stevo, ive never seen a post set so high. the bike actually looks like a kids bike with a adult sized seat post. please tell me that was a joke ? why isn't polaris getting a nomad ?? ibis, great bike, but not T32 material.

hey poodle theres no I in team, only IBIS and all-amerIcan. GFY !

new team rule, noone can wear a black on black uni ever again. what a fiasco ive created. ive gone thru the vid a couple times and i cant tell the different between any of us. black on black, with white boots, reaking of pbr and redbull ? :eek:

gfy's :biggthump


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should we have numbers on the back of our black unis??? I thought about putting small title captions at the bottom of each clip to identify riders & boards but eventually I decided to keep everyone a mystery.

how do you like that intro voice ova?? I saved that vm for 7 fkn months just for this vid. it cracks me up every time I hear it!! :biggthump

stevo the vid has ~100 views. how many of them are by you...tinkering, then carpet surfing, then watching again....& repeat. :smashfrea:D

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:lol: butt jd i put it on the white line that's marked on the post is that wrong- looking at yours did the doc remove both your femurs :confused:

enzo bite my ass, yours and mine :1luvu: will be sharing a room at the funnyfarm this summa and gfy2

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stevo, i put the seat way low, so i could get on and off my bike without my hip popping out of the socket again. i usually sit on it everynight and drink a 6pack of pounders and drooll of the day that im up at new sandwich rd at waterville with you g0ons and your huge calf muscles.

actually i've been doing aton of bullit/hd tinkering, with the suspension. for the 1st time in my life iv'e read directions. but without any feedback or data from the trails, im kind of guessing on what will work and won't. traded in the 2.35 nevegals for the 2.5's. i origionally wanted the 2.7's but that was the max for the front tire and where to big for the rear, so i figured to stay in the norm a for once.

enzo in the new vid, there's a clip of you honkin down coolidge, i thought it was me when i saw the movie for the first couple times, then i just realized it was you last nite. nice..................!

gfy's !

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stevo do you have a hi-res of that pic. I :1luvu: it!!! It's perfect for the new bathroom up at Hodge Podge Lodge!!:lol:

Hey Snoblower...this ain't craigslist. only 4 people read this thread and we don't want it to turn into a yard sale. take your classified ad elsewhere.

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guy rider you should keep your head up, enzo's from walpole. hes got a jean jacket with a confederate flag on the back and he drives a iroc-z !

guy the White Wolf is my winta ride. she runs great up 93 with a set of Hakkas on the rear. my summa humma is the Red Baron. this thing is a chick magnet. you should've seen all the skanks gathering around her at the Weirs Friday night. can't wait for Bike Week!! :eplus2::barf:


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Anyone interested in some Mt. A riding this weekend?

Love the guest appearance by BV and the Stratton shots. Best vid yet!

I waiting for parts on my bike, otherwise I would be at Mt A. today. I rode there a few times last year, but only saw one guy on 3rd hill. Place was deserted and needs some trail maintenance. I park at the bottom and ride up.

Trying an Ibis on Thursday. Stevo you riding this week?

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I have tentative plans to be there on Saturday with a friend. I don't have a time and it may be more of a "we go when we are ready" thing. We may also ride from Wells and enter from the north side so as to hit third and second hill.

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Probably be there between 830-900 and haven't decided if we're going to start on the ring trail and then climb or go up and down witch hazel or the fern first. Look for the hardtails.

I have tentative plans to be there on Saturday with a friend. I don't have a time and it may be more of a "we go when we are ready" thing. We may also ride from Wells and enter from the north side so as to hit third and second hill.
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