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Loon/WV Opening Days


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these will be cougar magnets on the pbr deck this spring.............icon6.gif

add some tassles and they'll be cougar accessories. :eplus2:

jd, your new boots arrived. let me know what your plans are for friday afternoon. there's a slim chance I might be in the neighborhood riding from 3-4pm.

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ill check in with you lata in the week. im meeting with desantis at the granite bah friday around 4-5pm for some bud wimp limes and to grab the chubby. if your not at loon, i could swing by yo crib and pick them up around 3pm ish.

i have a date with the hotdog chick in concid at 1-2pm.

btw, i was hanging out with your sub from last week at the north peak quad, she asked how the silver fox was????? :1luvu: whats up with that???:1luvu:

tropic thunda= tom cruise dancing to flo-rida, apple bottom jeans. i almost $hit in my $hots.

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jd, if you're stopping in concord, I could send the boots down with the hot dog lady. just curious, why did you order Track 225's?? did you like the pretty color? :boxing_sm

1" of slush, frzn rain, & now rain. getting colder at the end of the week. more pavement on our horizons. after today, at least the snow won't be melting. :smashfrea

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Don't worry about the Hiatus, guy. I was a nosho last w/e too. I'm off to check out the cement at the loaf tomorrow and Friday. I'm the chaperone on the spring break tour. Hopefully I can get back up to Loon on Sunday. We still have some serious tilts ahead of us and we should wait until may to tally the final scores.

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polaris, let me know how you make out at daloaf with the .017/in/deg....i need to update my spreadsheet.......:boxing_sm

no more tinkering this late in the season. are we spending more time on the hill or more time in the barrrrrr this weekend?? i may need to call a taxi. :barf:

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The loaf was sick yesterday. Like January with hard, fast snow. No other carvers in sight. Ahhhh spillway. I even slid through the snowfields, but I wouldn't recommend it right now.

I dropped the bias (or at least most of it) and things were good. I still may add a degree under my front toes.

See you Sunday.

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gleb when you're able to compress all that vid from this weekend send it ova. I'll try to pull some stills from them this week. If we get more clips from the gong show next weekend (on & off the hill) maybe there'll be enough footage for another full length feature film.


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what are we gonna do with the E.T arm. it looks like it should have a fem-bag attached to it. gleber, if this keeps up, im going to pepper spray you then cut off your left arm with my stihl farm boss. ova!

fellas, this saturday the 21st of mach. peetee and i are going big. ive reserved a room at the bitter end for people who cant operate their vehichles at the end of the gong show. i need to know how many are planning on attending this, so MAH, can make enough PARM for everyone. t32/t28 invited + the drug dealer. let me know.

i plan on closing the pbr at around 7ish. then head to the bitter end for some parm and cake. and if were still standing, take the shuttle to fratello's and go couger hunting. then possibly ride on sunday? :barf:

suarmf @ nmt !

p.s inky thanks for noticing my bum. its still the best bum on hardboots that ive seen. just tell your boy mario, to stop staring at it!

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i got the t32 den mother baking a cake. jd since you're turning 15, do want us to pick you up a Fudgie the Whale Carvel Cake? She'll be making an adult B-Day cake for me and the rest of the crew. :AR15firin:lol:

if manch mike & chip aren't using those vouchers, maybe McChatta can send em down to T28????

gleb you're coming along. did I hear some chatter from JD that you made JV??? check out some of the vids of him from this weekend to get an idea of good hand placement on the toe sides. here's a sweet pic of polaris ripping a toe side from last winter...see how level his hands are....no ET there.

i just got photoshop on my work computer. guy it might be dangerous if you send me vids of you. :smashfrea:biggthump



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jd thanks again for hosting the pahty at da Bitta End. But I'm still wondering why you went Houdini on us when I showed up with the tray of 12 beers @ the PBR. wtf?!?!? :AR15firin:eek::AR15firin:barf:

stevo how's the back feeling?? think we'll see you next weekend?? you missed some epic ice today!! Polaris and I put on a clinic!!!


I don't think Tom Selleck remembers anything from last night. I asked him why he was being such a dickhead and he tried blaming it on JD for instigating things. I was waiting for you to knock out his teeth and rip out his adams apple at the dinner table.

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Inky, glad you noticed my bum. I've been working on it. No matter how much mcdonalds I eat, I just can't get more junk in the trunk.

Aright, the E.T./"hey, hey" arm is gone. Enzo, I think you out of all people know that I only wear Louis Vuitton products. The real stuff, not the fake made in china POS. Once I get all the gay porn is off my computer and its up and running again, I'll put my photoshop skills to the test.

JD, I don't think you'd be tossing anyone off the roof with those biceps :nono:

Wow, polaris finally made an appearance and I missed it?!

I'm pretty jealous of you guys for riding today. I didn't get out of bed till like 4pm, and didn't do **** till 8.

How did the **** show go? I'll make it to the next one. Mine was pretty good. took 3 hours or so to kick 2 kegs (light weight drinkers I guess). Made a wad of cash, got fcked up and the house was pretty much damage free.

Sorry stevo if this post was too long.

Here is the abreviated version:



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let 'em run...what a great mf time jd

enzo if that guy beggin free moosestache rides didn't have a t32 sticka on his helmet it woulf have been a boeri suppository :angryfire

we all know who the real insta-gator is though. it's the guy that throws sh!t against the wall and when it sticks hides behind his beeer and spit cups and giggles as all hell breaks loose. the same guy that has a harem of milfs at the beginning and is no where to be found when the box of beeers shows up at the end....:lurk:....enzo how did you pull that off? the old time regs were asking. i think i got drunk twice that day furfrigginsake.

see ya sat...it's da playoffs :AR15firin


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fellas, the tuning shop got infiltrated by the wif for the 1st time ever.

im down there, fhukkan around with my boots on the bench, and who comes waltzing downstairs like she owns the joint, the wiffer. :eek: she sits down in my chair and starts rifling off ?'s about why i broke my boots, who's fault it was, aren't these new, shouldn't they be under warranty, da da da da da ! :barf:

then there was a short pause in the barrage of ?'s, just when i thought i was in the clear, she asks, why are there 2 boards with the maple leaf topsheet. :confused: i was a sittin duck, this was the only way this operation would get blown and it did. i folded like the french in WWII.

she wanted to know who else was involved with this operation. i covered for all involved and i threw desantis under the bus. :biggthump

also thanks for all who made it to my 29th b-day. i just wish the guy fatha could have attended the gong show.

good time charley with a harley will be there on saturday, if not he needs to let me know, i'll have to stop by the french riviera and pick up my pahts.

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It was a good time Saturday night, I had to pull the chute early, I guess I cant run with the young guys. WV was very firm with flat light on Sunday, I was off the hill by 11.

JD, the man cave should be locked at all times. Maybe retina or fingerprint scanners should be installed. JD, I thought the two boards with the same top sheet was a good plan, I guess we need to work out the logistics. Once the dust settles you may be in a good spot, since she has seen the two boards, the third board (with the same top sheet) should be a lot easier to sneek in. A friend of mine always says: "it is easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission."

Let me know if you guys are on for next weekend. I will try and talk Jeff in to coming up. We could have the 28-32 URC (Ultimate Riding Champoinships).

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Ill be up @ LOON on Sat the 28th for the MDVC finals. Ill have my carver with me, but not sure if I'm racing in it, or soft boots. Its a tight course so the soft gear is a bit snappier and stable once it gets scraped off.

Always rains the night/morning before, but turns out nice later on.

Im Staying in Woodstock (20 min away) if anyone wants to hang, or needs a room, I have a spare pull out couch bed available if anyone wants to crash.



518 577 7893 cellie

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