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Posts posted by snow|3oarder

  1. hey, I currently have a terrible pain in my front ankle.

    It is hard to describle the source of the pain. There is no visible swelling. It seems to come from the whole outer side of the joint. The pain comes and goes; I can walk on it fine for hours and then it suddenly kills and I can't put any weight on it.

    this is similar to what i have. no swelling. damn annoying though. i can put weight on mine though.

  2. Ive got size 15 feet....thats right....size 15. I use the mondo 31.5 Heads and they juuuuuuust fit me fine. Supposedly the Deeluxe lemans in a mondo 31 are even bigger. Ive seen the Deeluxes in person and they are huge.....probably too huge. Im not sure about the UPZs but I think they also come in a large size. I got my Heads from that guy on ebay that sells em. They were great to deal with and will negotiate the price. The 31.5 heads might be too big for a size 13.5 foot.

  3. :freak3:

    donek doesnt make clothes...

    To the contrary, I have a donek shirt that came with my board. Donek probably doesnt make racing pants though...:( Nonetheless, I was highlighting the disparity in advertising. Hopefully spectators will be able to identify that her board is not made by the company of which I shall not speak its name. I didnt realize she was using that company's boots/bindings as someone pointed out.

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