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Everything posted by skatha

  1. I'm in a middle of a 36 hour shift-24 at the ER and now a day job at a clinic in Conroe and last night was filled with my ER pet peeves.... Like the 4 year old who's brought to the ER with intermittent stomach pain for a week at 4 am and who's laughing and playing with said mom... Like the 3 year old who's brought in because "mom can't control his fever with Tylenol". Of course it's one dropperful of the infant Tylenol drops that she gave him 1 time 12 hours ago...that child was brought in a 1 am... Like the 14 year old who snuck out of the house and got into a car wreck at 12 am....who was walking around the car and the scene and her parents refused EMS transport...but, once she starts getting into trouble, decides to tell everyone that the car was going 55 mph, and she was submerged for 5 minutes, and maybe she lost consciousness for a minute, and she wasn't wearing her selt belt and the car rolled over...did I mention she was ambulatory at the scene and showed up in the ER 3 hours after the accident? Or the drug seeker who shows up at 12 am with a 2 week history of a cough and, oh, BTW, can I refill her vicodin? Or the drug seeker with bad teeth who comes in with tooth pain at 2 am. Or the young lady who comes in for evaluation of a fever following an elective abortion and doesn't bother to mention she never got around to getting her antibiotic prescription filled and I find this out after I call the OB at 4 am. Antibiotic on Walmart $4 list, BTW I'm giving the guy with a kidney stone and the guy who was delirious a pass...the rest were my patients between 12 am and 7 am today
  2. skatha

    NHL fans?

    Marion Hossa scoring goals is making it hard for me to cheer for the 'Hawks. I have to focus on my mantra... "All things Philly are EEE-Vil" Should be interesting to see what gets thrown out onto the ice in Philadelphia, tho.....bullets(thrown from guns), knives, spears, arrows(thrown from bows), batteries, cans of beer....maybe I should post a poll
  3. Sure there is...we are using a finite resource that's the product of the decay of creatures that lived millions of years ago-not today. I read a article from a epidemiologist a few years ago that implied the peak population of the Earth was going to be 12 billion people in the next few decades, BUT, 200 years from now, the population of the Earth was probably going to be about 3 billion people. Reason- disease, resource depletion, the habit urbanized and industrialized populations have of their birthrate dropping below the level needed to maintain a stable population, and death. Interesting concept.... but in any case, the Pentagon's making contingency plans for the scarce resource of tomorrow-WATER.... Oil is just small potatoes
  4. I love appeals to "individual responsibilty". My career is basically taking care of people who advocate "individual responsibility" until THEY are the "individual" involved. Individuals follow the easiest path and the path of least resistance. They do not make choices based on an idea of "common good", especially Americans, if that "common good" makes their lives less convenient. No, unfortunately, change has to come from above with some things. I agree with Thomas Friedman about our energy policy. Our continued reliance of a product produced by people who's government hates us is the biggest threat to our national security and taxing the crap outta it is the only way to force people to really address alternatives
  5. Hmmmm...BP has a fairly secure track record in the States of cutting costs irrespective of safety. I just had a conversation with my ex- about the well in the Gulf yesterday. My ex- is currently working on a rig off the coast of Malaysia with a company that's contracting with Shell. His wife's company is being bought by BP and they are cutting personnel like mad right now. I aksed him specifically about the well in the Gulf. One, it was a state of the art well and very few tools exist that can be used on the well-and most of them were lost when the rig exploded. The pressure at the well head is in the 6500 psi range, as opposed to the 2700 psi I had heard reported elsewhere.
  6. Clipless pedals-in the 80s the rage was shoe cleats. But, walk around with your bike shoes at all with the cleats and you scrape up the sides to where they don't slide off the special pedals. Now cleats have been replaced by clipless pedals.....I'll stick with my toe clips. Nerdy, yes....but who's laughing when the cool rider slows to a stop, can't un-clip and falls over?????? As for eloping....my dad paid for wedding #1. 5 years later he told me he was going to give my brother the same amount he'd spent on my wedding so my brother could spend 2 weeks in Italy for his honeymoon:freak3: If I'd had the option.... For wedding #2, we went to the church and had a catered party afterward....definitely, less stressful. Like they say, you don't enjoy your wedding, you enjoy the next one you go to....
  7. I just got some roller skis...the XC version, both classic and skate compatible, although I added the outriggers so I'll be doing classic... I also picked up a MTB last year from REI-going to try out WP this July. May do a little trail roller skiing as well.....
  8. When I took genetics in college, our prof told me the modification that Egyptian horticulturists made to increase the storability of grain led to the form of wheat that made beer and it occurred before the modification that led to the form of grain that made bread. Ancient beer was very sweet and wine-like from what I read-the bitterness comes from adding hops. When I was active duty AF, the NCOIC of the ER was married to the woman who managed the "Class 6" at Carswell AFB. The "Class 6" in the on-base liquor store and the DoD was closing Carswell. He told me that after all the AD troops had been reassigned and the "Class 6" was operating on retiree business only, the amount of liquor sold on a weekly basis was still 80% of their usual volume before the service draw-down (in the mid-90s) As for any guilt you may have, remember your customers are adults and are fully capable of making their own bad decisions. I always tell people that, as an ER doc, my job is dependent on people continuing to make bad decisions. I realize you feel bad about the collateral damage and I appreciate that. Too often I see people shrug off collateral damage as unavoidable-like too many of my neighbors and the current situation in the Gulf. But in this instance, you do really need to focus on what you can control. People have been abusing alcohol for millenia. I heard an excellent interview about Prohibition on NPR recently-so the converse of alcohol use isn't problem-free either, as evidenced by this book the interviewee was selling. "Last Call-the Rise and Fall of Prohibition" by Daniel Okrent BTW, my son is a straight A student, scores perfect scores on his TX TEKS exams, likes to read about science in his spare time, and wants to be a physicist when he grows up. I don't think the beer hurt him:biggthump
  9. I bet it's a boot cuff cant issue. Get in your boots and on your board and have someone take a pic of your lower legs
  10. If it gave your doctor peace of mind, you have an idiot for a doctor. There is no brace that completely protects against injury and we know it, at least, the smart ones.... It you have recurrent dislocations, do what I did and have your shoulder fixed. I have a titanium screw holding my labrum togther and that beats a neoprene strap. As for my bagging the surgical fix, my doc assured me that the accident that would dislocate my shoulder now would probably kill me, too....Notice how he didn't say the fix was bulletproof
  11. skatha

    Phone Dilema

    How is it? Need to learn how to turn off the autocomplete yet? What about the spellcheck? Got separate tones for your email accounts and txt messages? Need to set up an email account? I'm here for you....
  12. At the risk of committing the sin of "TMI", I nursed both my kids. With Katie, I'd come home from work and choke down a glass on milk with brewer's yeast in it because brewer's yeast is alleged to increase your "production". With Tim, the next one, I gave up choking down brewer's yeast and opted for a product just a little further down the production line-Shiner Bock. I wore a "D" cup with Katie and a "DD" cup with Tim. So,yes, I cannot fault the woman for drinking beer while nursing. I can fault her for smoking at the same time, tho:mad: As for beer, wine, and spirits, it truly is the recession proof industry. People ditch their doctors and stop their medicine but nobody stops drinking!
  13. There's drive-thru sales in TX, but no "to-go" cups, unfortunately As for Utah, I was refused entry into the bar section of a restaurant where my husband was having a beer, looking at his email, because I had my kids with me. In CO, I have seen a woman breastfeeding her kid at a bar. So which is the true "family friendly" state? Just sayin'.... As I was hunting around for just what vodka was made from because I thought it was potaotes, I found this.... http://thespiritworld.net/2007/01/29/vodka/
  14. skatha


    If I fry, which is rarely....I do it in peanut oil....
  15. skatha

    NHL fans?

    Yikes! Imagine losing 4 teeth in a game!
  16. skatha

    Phone Dilema

    To the world of BB! My Storm was my first, too...you'll be fine....
  17. skatha

    Phone Dilema

    Hmmmm...I mastered the BB in a couple of days without opening the instruction book...... in fact, I'm watching the Eddie Izzard bit about technojoy and computers right now. On my BB Storm 'cuz the place I'm working now won't let me watch youtube or get on my email or check out Huffpost but let's me on bomber:biggthump
  18. That seems to be an overriding problem the US has-we have a hard time asking for help! Nuclear power is very costly for construction of the plants. We haven't figured out the waste issue yet. There's 2 plants in TX-Comanche Peak and South TX Nuclear Project. Both are very safe but both are scheduled to be decommisioned in the next 10-15 years due to their age. Replacing them is prohibitively expensive. Gov. Good Hair has tried to get 11 coal plants opened in TX over the last 10 years, but, thank God for "NAMBY", nobody wants that to happen-I wish it was because of the environment-but I do live in TX. As for asking for help-I think it's because we're too scared of the answer. The countries that do the best with nuclear and off-shore drilling control the means of production, which, FYI, really is the definition of socialism
  19. skatha

    Phone Dilema

    Yes, it was the Motorola Droid...maybe they upgraded the phone camera. I know that all the intial reviews on CNet dogged the Droid because of the camera BTW, if you haven't heard of CNet-it's a great site for tech reviews. You may want to check them out
  20. skatha

    Phone Dilema

    The Droid has a crappy camera compared to the Storm 2, even though it has more megapixels on the resolution scale. I spent about 2 hours last October in the Verizon store trying to decide between the 2. I have a BB Storm 2 and I LOVE IT! The Storm 1 just has 1 touch screen sensor-the Storm 2 has 4 and also WiFi. My S-I-L has the Droid and she loves hers, but I take pics with my phone fairly frequently and the camera is what sold me on the BB. You can see my wall photos taken with my BB if you are on FB and "friend" me. My FB name is Cynthia Almy Savage
  21. ....with HGH and actovegin smuggling and distribution. The allegation just involves NFL players BUT fans with a good memory will remember his links to US Postal.....
  22. skatha

    NHL fans?

    I'm a ABP fan-anyone BUT Philly. Including if I have to cheer for Marion Hossa....
  23. skatha


    Don't be sooo dramatic!;) Also good, get a container (about 1 quart size) fill with fresh pineapple and pour Stoli over it (the whole bottle) Wait 3-4 days.... Note-I've tried this with Absolute and not as good....
  24. skatha


    Allergic to tequila here, but, in honor of the upcoming hurricane season (starting June 1) Here's my hurricane recipe 2 jiggers of Bacardi white (I'm not a liquor snob, sorry) 2 Jiggers of passion fruit juice 1 jigger of pineapple juice dash of grenadine (enough to make it red) spray of lime juice from a sliced lime Serve over ice I know this makes a double hurricane.....if you've ever been up chopping up downed trees, living by the light of a Coleman lantern and cooking on a propane camp stove indoors because the power is off for a week due to a hurricane, you only drink doubles (or more)
  25. One of the most amazing and talented rock singers passed away today of stomach cancer....
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