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Everything posted by ak_rider

  1. so, i'm pretty dumb when it comes to computers. i have a sony vaio with 2 hard drives. i mostly use c drive but also have d drive. i'm trying to put cd's onto my harddrive for my ipod. i have itunes on d drive but after about 5 cd's my computer is telling me i'm running out of space on c drive. am i not actually saving to d drive or doing something wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. If you can't get a story from looking out your office window, it must not be news. Back home in anchorage, snowstorms would frequently be the top news story of the night-even though it snows and is cold and icy for like 9 months a year. But floods and muffy the wonder dog get way better ratings than real news :D The best thing about tv news-I've now heard anchors in both AK and CO pronounce Worcester wrong, unless you guys over there decided to start pronouncing it War,chest,er....
  3. For the price range you're looking in, I would recommend either GT or Iron Horse. I have bikes by both companies. My GT frame is super light, but if you're buying on the low end they tend to get cheap with the componenets, but easy enough to upgrade, and good enough to use for now until they break.
  4. It's sad that people can do things like that and have no regrets or moral issues. I've been screwed on some deals and just like to think that they may be able to hide from me, but they can't hide from their karma. It'll get ya everytime.
  5. I live about as far up as you can, so I usually start right from the top-peak 8 base area. It only gets scarey after the hairpin-then you start to really pick up speed. Most of may it was good-not too much traffic, tourists are starting to come back now, so I'll probably have to shorten my runs.
  6. I went on an alpine slide in Rotorua, NZ-it was supposedly the fastest in the world-they required you to pick a neon yellow bike helmet out of a bucket before you went up and had to wear the ill fitting nasty, sweaty helmets when on the slide. I don't know how well it would have worked if i crashed but i guess it was something.
  7. looks like i'm gonna be going to MSO with a 12-pack tomorrow to have a friend hopfully sort it out.
  8. I think t-boards mimic carving in softies more than in hardboots. It's super fun on hills( if you're familiar with breck, I like taking mine down ski hill rd). If you're a skater, t-boards are a fun challenge. I'm working on landing kickflips on it-rediculously difficult.
  9. the cables are long enough, they're under a bolt on each caliper, but when i pull on the cable(as the brake lever would) the pads don't move. It's Juicy Five disc and caliper and shimano v-brake levers and cables. Sorry no pics, I don't have a digi camera. thanks for the help
  10. I have a question about disc brakes. I bought a supposed new bike on ebay from what seemed like a reputable seller(several thousand positive comments). It has disc brakes on the wheels but it has v-brake cables and levers. I'm not an expert on this but i dont see how these are compatible. The cables are already threaded through the front and rear discs, but not connected to the brake levers yet. Are these cables compatible or do i have to argue with this person to get some money back?
  11. hey Skatha, that's a definate pencil in, I'm hoping to be good by November.
  12. even if he breaks the record, Bonds will always be remembered as a cheater. He needed roids to play that well, all the Babe needed was cigars, booze and women
  13. A-basin said they no longer aim to close on july 4 because they can open earlier with thanks to snowmaking. I think I'd still rather have a late season than an early one.
  14. damn surfing, what about those of us who snowboard, skateboard and can landscape. I can totally pull off a japan air jumping out of a bobcat. I can also do 360's in the truck, but my boss kinda looks down on that one
  15. congrats. glad to hear there are still other instructors out there who see riding as just fun. Isn't it funny how so many supposed "pro" instructors don't know it's possible to ride switch in hardboots? Makes you wonder how many people are being limited when they take a lesson because they're instructor is close minded to anything other than duck in softies. Maybe one day AASI will learn from CASI and require hardbooting.
  16. it seemed to show more about shaun white than riding in AK. i'm glad it showed hannah teter getting schooled and not being able to jump in and ride the moutains. I think it was a good reality check and will hopefully keep the park rats from running to AK and getting in waaay over their heads.
  17. Allow me to probably introduce most of you to Arctic Man. A race that combines snowmachines and skiers/snowboarders. Basically you get pulled up a mountain, ride down, hook up with your driver, get pulled up another mountain and ride down and cross the finish line with your driver. It's really just an excuse to have a huge party up at Big Lake, but it's fun to throw a race in too. Check the pics, almost all hardbooters, with the one and only Rosie Fletcher taking first in the women's snowboard category. http://www.arcticman.com/ Incase you were wondering, this is not at a ski area, just the midle of nowhere that becomes a big party for one week.
  18. Originally was a Vancouver fan(from AK it was closest and I'd been to BC to see their games some). Now, I gotta go with the Avs, but I'm not too sure how well they will fare.
  19. i dont see where there's any illusion or magic. he's in a fish tank, it's not like he's actually breathing underwater or anything amazing like that. Houdini, now there was an awesome magician.
  20. I think if six flags NE and the six flags in Denver got together they might actually have 6 flags. Never been to six flags NE(went when it was still riverside) but the one in Denver is about the size of my apartment. Kind of disappointing when you've been to the one in TX
  21. I think I am now dumber for having watched that, but with the right drugs it could be very good and entertaining. As for worst song ever, "Damn, I wish I was your lover..." Not only is it annoying and long, it has a line in the chorus that goes, "I am everything Tonight I'll be your mother I'll do such things to ease your pain Free your mind and you won't feel ashamed Open up gonna come inside Gonna fill you up Make you cry" dude, that's just creapy
  22. I would say that alpine boards could possibly be made in asia, but not for the inexpensive factor. Carving is growing in asia. My friend(who happens to be Korean) says it's because asians have small feet and the narrower boards are better. So, there might be an asian alpine company in the future, and they would probably want to make the boards there.
  23. had to add another one, www.powderridgect.com. Powder Ridge in CT. I ended up running their ski school last year, through some masive lapse in my own judgement. This place has 500' vert, which is seriously pushing it, and 75 skiable acres. It has essentially 1 run 15/6 if you're checkin ghte trail map,the other trails will open if it's an unusually high snow year. 1 ghetto triple lift that broke every other day, I actually worked on a day when none of the lifts worked for about 4 hours. I heard from friends their this year that at one point the place was run entirely by elderly volunteers, because the owner couldnt find anyone to work. Last year at a "big air" comp they built the jump but forgogt to put the landing in for the big side of the kicker, and yes, 1 competitor fell off the jump and broke himself. It's horribly overrun by park rats-who cant even ride park. A fight over a rail turned into one punk kid pulling a knife on another kid. Not only is this place super small, but apparently you can get stabbed there too
  24. luckily, i've never had a board stolen(knock on wood). I did have my truck stolen from my house in AK while I was in Whistler a few years ago. what a fun experience that was
  25. definately gota agree on this one. 1 ancient slow lift, i believe you can actually see other people getting older as you go up. 1 trail that takes about 2 turns to get down, and a lift story from hell. Was there on, luckily, a sunny afternoon for a usasa comp. riding the lift and then it stopped. had to sit on the chair for about 30 minutes with it completely stopped, all while dangling a dizzying 3ft off the ground. finally the lift starts moving again at the slowest pace i ever thought possible, they actually had to hand crank it to get everyone off the lift. I was told if i jumped i would be arrested, since it's apparently against MA law to jump from a chairlift, those people had obviously never seen this lift. i'd say it took about an hour to get to the top, while i could have walked up in about 10 minutes. Plus it's in a dry county, or atleast on the boarder of one, and the closest bar doesnt accept out of state id's
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