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big mario

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Everything posted by big mario

  1. Sorry, already booked 4 days at the st moritz for ses. Can't beat the price,49 bucks a night plus tax for a place to crash. :D mario ps. dt, i aint feedin' it!
  2. Deleted : 1 178 volkl 1 181 wild duck retired 1 coloumbia titanium jacket after 1 season, what a waste, and 1 pair of north face bibs after 3 replaced 1 set of studded snows added: 1 burton jacket and pants( gotta love garts sniagrab) 1 donek axxes(see win a free donek thread) 2 pairs of alpine designs snowboard socks 2 step in kits 1 loveland pass 1 4 day aspen classic pass mario
  3. Okay, you're in for at least one set. mario
  4. I could mount the risers to a 164 limited ltd for 100 us plus shipping. I also have binders and a pair of boots. mario
  5. I have 2 sets of burton risers, lightly used, 35 each plus shipping mario
  6. after 6:30 am when the season really gets going. bumper to bumper all the way to the tunnel. just a bench mark mario
  7. Do you hate crowds and traffic as much as I do? I do not have the option of riding during the week, so I get up reaalllllly early and try to get to morrison before 6:15. This puts me at my favorite resort way before most of the gapers and jibbers are thinking of getting out of bed, and as a consequence, very little traffic, and I usually get on one of the first 20 chairs. No crowds. No liftlines and open runs. I was able to get in 10,000 vertical before 9:30 this morning, thusly, I was finished early enough to avoid the teeming masses that have finally gotten it togther and now are overrunning the slopes. Out of the parking lot and down the hill early enough so I barely had to hit the brakes(read no traffic). All of the pass deals we are fortunate to have out here sholud make it a no brainer, and with lift tickets as cheap as they are right now and for the next month, you can do plenty of on slope reseach to figure out where you want to go. Go early, ride hard, and have fun. mario
  8. Duuuude, its all jib no carve there, so no mario
  9. Yes, yes it is. I was going for an old school surfboard look mario
  10. ^^^ Your an animal!!!! good on ya! mario
  11. I changed my mind a few times because of the plastic on the tip and tail, but I don't mind it. It is going to the snow sports expo with sean, and then I pick it up. It's going to be a tough wait with all of this new snow mario
  12. THATS MY NEW BOARD!!! I can't wait 177 axxes mario
  13. 22 fresh this morning and i had to work. they were expecting another 4-8 through out the day today. sometimes i wish i was a trustafarian. mario
  14. go bigger! My 87 wide handles my 240lbs with aplomb! It also carves like a feind with its 9.5 m sidecut when needed. It can be a handful in tight trees, but what board over 175 isn't? With your lighter weight a 6 inch dusting will feel bottemless on a 187 wide. I would keep the 182, and get the 187 as quiver mate. tankers rule! mario
  15. try this check under axxes, then give sean a yell. I don't think you will be able to find a deal because of the rarity of a used board coming up, though you may be able to demo one through the resources d.t. mentioned above. mario
  16. checking in tues night and leaving sat. afternoon mario
  17. big mario

    Wild Duck

    Board is sold!!! Thanks all, mario
  18. big mario

    Wild Duck

    Okay Boris, its got about 1/2", 13 mm for you canucks, of camber left. Pics are now up Dave, I did not get your email, I will check my cp and mke sure it is enabled, and yes it is a reverse taper. thanks to all of you for your interest. mario
  19. big mario

    Wild Duck

    thanks mister ride next weekend? mario
  20. big mario

    Wild Duck

    Wild Duck 181, limited series nose: 22.9 tail: 22.95 waist: 18.5 effective edge: 159 radius: 14.49 I don't know what year, but it still has camber, softer flexing, won't punish you for rider error. Includes a "beer style" loveland sticker all for the low price of $50 plus shipping.. mario
  21. Justin Reread my last sentence. We have sooo many guns in this country we have lost track of them. For years we did not have stringent enough regulations on purchase and resale, and now we are suffering the consequences of previous irresponsible gun ownership. Mistakes were made in the past and now we, if we want to take care of the problem, must make some hard choices. Register the guns, punish the owner for not locking up their gun and having it stolen, or taken to school by a pissed off 15 year old or selling it on the "gray" market. I agree with enfocing the existing laws, but that alone is not going to do it. The problem we have now is not unlike the situation we have now with illegal immigration, decades of a "laissez-faire" attitude until the problem grows into an 800 ton gorrilla. Purchasing a gun is a big responsibility. If you cannot act responsibly, then there should be a way for you to be held accountable. A little common sense goes along way. mario
  22. A well regulated militia, being nesscary to the security of a free state.... It amazes me how often those first 4 words are dropped from the recitation of the second amendmendt. I have, at various times, refused to look at this and the silly laws threads because of the tired nra talking points that permeate our culture and "discourse" these days. I am sickened and disgusted by what has happend in the last few weeks in our schools across our country. In the name of fear and safety we have given up the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendmendts, and yet we fight any attempt to appy simple commen sense to gun ownership. The latest answer to what has happend in our schools is to bring more guns into the schools and arm the teachers. Because of years of libreral gun laws perpetuated by the lobbying of the nra and others, we have made it easy for the psychotic freak bastards that have taken the lives of so many innocents in the last weeks to obtain guns either legally or illegally I am not blaming the gun but the user. If we had long ago treated the ownership of guns with the same gravity that we treat driving a car, truck, bus, or flying a plane, I am fairly sure we would not be having this conversation right now. mario
  23. I prefer the term " Head Auger" thank you very much, and no, I am not jealous mario
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