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Posts posted by monodude

  1. Legalize Marijuana == Go to the Super Bowl.

    It's a scientific fact.

    The only two states who have legalized Pot make to the big show... Coincidence ?? HMMMM.


    Feed the addiction...

  2. I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but what have been the results of people taking niche equipment to Alta?

    Alpine boards, narrow alpine boards, Skwals, teleboards, etc? Can you ride the lift if you have an alpine board and poles? Etc.

    Just curious, not planning to besmirch the hallowed slopes with my foul single-plankedness.

    I've had many an epic day @ Alta on a MonoSki. I say open it to snowboarders...


    Come to the darkside we have edibles...

  3. To all who have recently bought one of the skwals I sold and to anyone else riding Thias Skwals also. Straight from an original set-up manual.

    Hard pack: Small feet: front foot (F2), rear foot (B1)

    Big feet: front foot (F1), rear foot (B1)

    Soft snow or powder: small feet: front foot (FP), rear foot (BP)

    big feet: front foot (F2), rear foot (BP)

    It doesn't say where the cut-of is. I would say small is below 24 MP and big is above.

    Recommended angles for all: front (2.5*,) rear foot (5*)

    The Thias Skwals were designed to work best in these configurations. The reason for the close stance is also designed on purpose. Straight from the book...

    Basic Stance...

    Shoulders and pelvis forward

    Head facing forward

    arms forward in a "ready" position

    body weight rests on the front heel

    bend knees and hips until thighs touch

    back knee must make contact with the front leg

    shins must be in contact with your boot tongue

    I'll paraphrase the turn sequence.

    Basically... Intiate the turn on the heel of the front foot progressivley shifting to weight to the toes of the rear foot at/from apex to finish.

    I have ridden all of my Skwals with a wider stance, (17") They all carve well and feel great. I recently rode my new to me Lacroix which has around (14") stance. All I can say is WOW. I think there must be something about the dynamics/mechanics of the basic stance:

    1. Thighs and knees touching,

    2. Weight on the heel of the front foot.

    3. Pressuring the boot cuffs.

    That makes the Skwal work it's best IMHO ??? I have also ridden with around 8* heel lift and 4* or 5* toe lift using Cateks/Ski boots.

    The Lacroix bindings have about 3* + 3* the same as the Thias boards.

    Anyway my whole point in this ramble is...

    TRY a 14" stance with 3* + 3* lifts. (For the Thias boards set up your stance as described above.)


    Feed The Addiction...

    • Like 1
  4. Mail sent for an Easy Jungle. Don, what's the backstory on this haul? Any intrigue or sleuthing involved?

    A couple of weeks ago a regular @ Loveland, (not LCI), was complimenting me on my turns on my LaCroix. He turned me on to a former ski instructors name. He said that the guy had 5 or 6 Skwals that have been sitting around for 10 years and might want to get rid of them. Yesterday I finally got together with him and bought them all. He was trying to promote the sport 12 or 15 years ago but never got enough interest. He sold a few and the rest have been stored in his "tuning room" ever since. I will try to get pics up later.


    Feed the addiction...

  5. I found and aquired 15 Skwals today... I have 8 165 Easy Jungles, 5 183 Extreme's, a 120 mini Skwal, (all Thias Skwals). And a Volkl Monocarver. All have bindings. I also got a few extra Thias bindings. A few of the boards look new. I'm going to keep one of the 183's and Ace will want 1 or 2. the rest are all for sale.


    Feed the addiction...




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  6. Don't forget MattJ and John the random hardbooter from Milwaulkee

    OOPS ! sorry I'm really tired from watching all of you destroy the run... What a day !!!! ALSO saw Kevin do a 540 carve, now THAT'S impressive.


    Feed the addiction...

  7. Today's attendence... Big Mario, John, James, Kevin, and me. Windy and cold for an hour and a half. The wind dropped below hurricane force, the sun came out and we hit 6. Amazing conditions. So much so that we all stayed there and made like 15 or 20 runs. At least it felt that way.

    I was on a new to me 180 LaCroix Skwal. Got to a new level on it today. I was getting motion sick from nearly full laid out carves. AND for the first time my crutches,(poles), felt in the way... HUH ! Did I say that out loud ?


    Feed the addiction...

  8. Mono's are current with new technology, fall line/bump, all mountain, carving, powder,etc... Easy to learn and capable of riding anywhere, any steep, any deep, trees, deep carving... Ask anyone that has ridden with me while I'm on a Mono, it's not the baggy onesy, hip wigglin' thing any more. A good rider on a good Mono is a beautiful thing. I'm currently satisfying my Mono carving needs on a 183 UFC Virus with a Donek AF plate inserted to accept Bomber Skiboard bindings to ride it Mono style.

    Besides all of the arguments pro/con... "Dare to be different" really applies to the Mono.


    Feed the addiction...

  9. Day one in the books. Spillway was open so I had to open the season with it. The dude was out and about as well. See you all next Sunday

    Conditions were awesome. As in mid season awesome. Soft and NO ICE anywhere. Of course 10" new helped. Coverage is great. This weekend should be good. I think Sunday will be firm and excellent carving conditions. Of course the "ricky racers" and out of control boarders will be in attendance.


    Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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