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Posts posted by Ernie00

  1. It all started bad. Usually the first weekend of December we borrow my friends condo in tremblant for the weekend I get to ride and spend time with the family. This year, no snow at all so we hiked tremblant twice that weekend. It was still a lot of fun.

    Then, mid december when the snow was finally in, I got hit by a skier from behind, broke my collarbone and AC joint separation.. out for 2 months. It was -25 C and about 7 cars in the parking. Just bad luck. No work, since I'm a phys ed teacher.

    Finally I was back riding and getting back in shape for my Trip to Colorado that had been booked since september. The week before I left, our 16 month old son was hospitalized with a colapse lung and breathing problems. So I didn't go to Colorado, missed my plane. lucky me I took the insurance on the flight which I never do. Still lost money on the condo rental but it wasn't too bad. My son is out and in great shape without any problems. So this is what's important.

    Still some riding to do this year but with the conditions not as good as I like it, I decided to pull the plug early on the season and just forget about it.

    Still got about 15 days out on the snow.

  2. I've always had tracking to my USPS / Canada parcel. What you need to do is while the package is still in the states use the USPS web site for tracking and once you see it's at the customs you can start using the Canada post web site for tracking with the same number and it will work.

  3. jay isn't carve friendly, smugglers is a nice familly resort but make sure you are ready for super slow chairs.

    Stowe is pretty nice not sure about the lodging, when I go I stay in burligton. You can get some pretty good deals with Priceline and hotwire.

  4. donek c'Est des tres bon board mais tu es aussi bien de commander directe de chez donek... sinon chez sharks bien tu vas payer ca cut à lui ... et elle est souvent haute !

    De plus si tu commandes directe de donek tu peux faire comme avec coiler, sur mesure pour pas bien plus chère. L'Avantage de coiler c'est que c'est en canadien alors pas de surprises aux douanes ou avec le change.

  5. tu me donnerais un 2x4 avec des bindings et j'Aurais le sourir fendu ! J'aime juste rider.

    Parle avec Bruce de coiler... Les nouvelles VSR avec un side cut variable ont de très bon commentaires. Il va ajuster le sidecut pour ce que tu veux faire sur n'importe quel board. Tu n'as qu'à lui expliquer ce que tu veux, ce que tu aimes de tes boards ce que tu aimes pas des boards que tu as essayer.

    Oublis pas il y a pas mal d'attente alors si tu veux avoir pour la saison prochaine il va falloir commander bientôt.

    Voici une description en anglais d'un membre de bomber Johnasmo des nouveaux modèles de Coiler.

    Here are my impressions of some of Bruce's work:

    VSR: Loves lay down back to back turns on steeper hardpack. Nose hunts a little bit when just cruising or when the snow gets soft. Can really turn this thing on a dime when you want and squirt out the other side. Don't need to drive the nose, initiates turns on its own. Twist the tail to adjust more than riding the tail. Variable flex too; really soft nose but stiffer between bindings and through the tail. Encourages you to end turns early and throw down the next one.

    NSR: Likes to do what the VSR does, only faster, bigger, and with more weight shift. Get on the nose to turn tight, get on the tail to open er up. More torsionally stiff (?); more shift, less twist (?). Softer in nose than tail, but not so much as the VSR.

    Monster: The big easy. Big variable SCRs, tighter in front than rear, but not the tight, long, medium triple play of the VSR. The flex is more uniform front to back than the VSR. Probably averages out softer than a corresponding VSR, but the flex is distributed more evenly, with softness in both nose and tail. The decambering runs back a little farther too. Will do bigger turns, but the softer and tighter radius nose lets you squeeze out tight turns when you want to for such big SCRs. Scrubs speed when doing so, which is part of what makes it so easy to ride all over the mountain. Likes to finish turns before going on to the next.

    Schtubby: The little easy. More uniform flex and sidecut, generally being softish throughout but with long SCRs for their size. Layed down turns get relatively tight for the sidecuts, so don't enter as fast as the above boards, but loves to slalom cruisers more than they do. Very fun and comfortable boards.

    Classic (aka utility stick): Think VSR without so much V. More consistent (classic, traditional) flex and sidecut. A truly classic all day, all snow condition board. A little under appreciated these days, but some days a radial sidecut DOES work best.

    Angry: Probably my next purchase. Big smile fun from a little package. Slow it down and just turn, turn, turn. An aerobic Schtubby. Carve on a cat track? No problem. Turn, turn, turn, giggle, giggle, giggle. But I guess he can't call it the "Happy". Think a mini-me VSR in sidecuts, though I think the flex may be more uniform (?).

  6. Je pense que les dieux du snowboards avaient décidés que cet hiver serait pas une bonne hiver pour moi.

    Ça a commencé avec le manque de neige

    Après mon accident d'épaule

    Je partais pour le Colorado Samedi matin, et mon petit gars mercredi soir a été gardé à St-justine avec des difficultés à restpirer. Il est sortie seulement samedi après midi, alors j'ai manqué mon avion qui était à boston. C'est claire anyways que ma priorité était de rester ici avec mon gars et maintenant je veux qu'il se repose et récupère à la maison.

    Donc ma saison est pas mal terminé, avec le manque de neige en plus. Je risque de sortir 2-3 fois encore en soirée et ma passe les dimanches. Après bien je vais commencer à me préparer à faire du hiking !

    Faut prendre tout ca avec un sourrir et X va mieu alors c'Est ce qui compte !

  7. Last year we had a trip to NH and I went to cranmore on 2 days. Not as high as attitash or wildcat but the chair is super fast and week days are uncrowded. Grooming was decent. In 3 hours riding non stop you can get a lot of vertical done and kill your quads!

    Killer view of mount Washington also from the top.

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