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Everything posted by bobble

  1. seriously? they got fired?!? i didn't think it was a big deal. i myself probably would've done the same thing.
  2. very cool. kind of strange mix of programming; dogs, woods, fishing, then Alpine snowboarding?
  3. replaced my toe bail and went back out. it got crowded at one point. there were 3 skiers on crossroads. there was ski racing going on. i was amazed that they were racing in their speed suits. up on top the wind was blowing strong from the north. i couldn't understand why the speed suits in this cold weather. after their racing they promptly left. bob d showed up. the snow was fantastic. one of those days where you hate to leave. i think on a warmer day i would've stayed longer. bob and myself had the hill to ourselves. there might've been one skiier. the lifties stopped bumping chairs. they'd either slow it down or nothing at all. we took a break to warm up. went out for a few more runs and then left. there's still some cord left if anyone feels like heading out.
  4. it was -10F walking out the door. the snow is r e a l l y good but that wind from the north is nasty. very few people out. i was out for less than an hour when i realized i broke another toe-bail. i noticed that my boot was loose in the binding while riding up the chair. came home to replace it.
  5. not a big fan of -40F windchills. i salute you, bob! i went into work this morning. if i hadn't i might've shown up just for the adventure. can't imagine what its like up at lutsen, giants ridge, or spirit. i'm undecided about sunday morning.
  6. ms. bobble and myself will be there. stayin at the aspen mountain lodge.
  7. hard to believe its february already. went out around 10:30am. frickin' cold (about 5 F) but the snow was great. i over heard the fine hottie in the ticket office say they might turn off the torch light tonite -- too many people are canceling due to the cold weather. there might've been maybe 20-30 people total at buck. i was wearing a balaclava for my face. it was really windy at the top. i frequently had to cover my nose else it would get numb. saw someone skiing with no face protection whatsoever. idiot. again, the snow was great. i stayed until my toes got cold, about 1.5 hours. hallowed are the ori!
  8. thanks for the advice, ryan. i was talking to a coworker yesterday and he also recommneded going to iso 100. i will definitely try that sunny 16 test. i'm still trying to understand the light meters. my coworker said to just trust camera, ignore the other and set them up the same. he said instead of f22 to go to f13 or f11 and adjust shutter speed accordingly. even though there's greater depth of field the f22 creates sort of a soft focus effect. when you adjust your cameras using that sunny 16 test, is that the same as "pushing"? wouldn't i need to tell the photolab that the film roll is pushed? or does it even matter if i'm shooting in manual mode? i'm not sure what looks better, gray snow vs white snow. i suppose gray snow has more detail. next time i'm at spirit i'll bring the rig. video camera too.
  9. bobble

    3d stereogram

    yeah, i went to bed with my eyes are screwed up too. i'm not used to crossing them as much but i was motivated to post the pictures. i have a 3d viewer that works great for displaying images above and below as opposed to left and right. i like the above and below viewer because it fills the computer screen. i wish the images were more in focus.
  10. bobble

    3d stereogram

    i have two SLR cameras butted up against each other. i think the lenses are about 6 inches apart.
  11. bobble

    3d stereogram

    another sync issue. oh well.
  12. i posted some stereograms from sunday under the off-topic forum. some turned out pretty good. some were so-so. i' m learning. i had to adjust the size of the photos to 800 x 300.
  13. bobble

    3d stereogram

    karl, with the obligatory snow spray.
  14. bobble

    3d stereogram

    jesse (sp?) and karl.
  15. bobble

    3d stereogram

    here's pat. i think i messed with the aperture on this one. right side is underexposed.
  16. bobble

    3d stereogram

    not sure, might be.
  17. bobble

    3d stereogram

    here's a group shot, didn't turn out so great. maybe if the distance between people was reduced.
  18. bobble

    3d stereogram

    this one has a sync problem. the right camera didn't fire at the same moment. when your eyes converge on pat, matt in the background appears as double. not sure why this happend. it's till a cool shot, i just wish the cameras were in sync.
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