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Everything posted by Chubz

  1. Good Input. Cost although can be an issue for me, just ask my wife, I do what it takes to get what I feel I need. Work a weekend job for a neighbor, sell other boards (wake or snow), sell some of that old crap sitting in the basement or garage, limit the number of times I go out to eat or out for beers, sell the Harley. It is expensive, my wife just ran me through my expenditures last night, a little inflated if you ask me, but we'll work it into next year's business plan:) As my friend Jesse refers to them, "Meat Gates" and we get quite a few of them on the weekends. Although last weekend showed significant decreases in crowds since the snow melted on the ground at home.
  2. It's is an interesting inquiry that I personally hope never "takes-off". Allow the ignorance we speak of reign free and keep our herd from growing. This was my first season in hardboots after 20+ years in softies and I regret not getting into it sooner. In fact, I avoided it and talked myself out of it a few times, b/c I asked myself why I'd wanna do "that". After nearly 40 days this season in HB's I dont think I would ever go back to SB's and kick myself for not starting sooner. Alpine riding absolutely rocks and shouldn't be allowed to go mainstream. Besides feeling the physics of good turns, a part of the reason I like carving is the uniqueness that comes with it. It takes me back to the early 80's when ppl gawked at me on my old Burton and asked what it was with some saying, "that'll never go anywhere!" Besides technology, I wish it didn't. My wife may just say that I am a show-off and I like attention for being different, but I see it as that I like the occasional compliment or comment from others on the hill, lift or in lift line, that asks about the sport or tell you they think it looks fun or "pretty" as one woman said at Okemo last week. Besides I like being different anyway." Since coming into the HB society, I have come to realize the appreciation most have in our group for the sport. Everytime I ride with others, this is reinforced, unlike many of the people I see on freestyle boards or skis that do it b/c that is what they are fed from the X-Games. I still recall a time when I had to describe snowboarding to people. Alpine riding gives me a taste of what it was like back in the day and breaths life back into snowboarding again for me. Please don't let this version of the sport become diluted with those who have no comprehension or appreciation for it. My 2 cents on a rainy day
  3. Pat If you head to Bozeman, let me know, I can hook you up with my friend that lives there. He lives a very low key life, but would probably be more thatn happy to show you around and give you teh skinny on everything. Greg This summer, hopefully kite boarding (so damn pricey)at some point and getting back into slalom waterskiing to keep the thighs in shape, cosmically hooking up with Fleaman b/c I think I will be in that shape a few times and looking forward to the pics of Eric. i tried that last year and my neighbors didnt take to it tooo well. Also mounted my board on the John Deere and have my wife drive around the yard in 4 high rabbit mode.
  4. Tyler I think it is important to identify that the "whole mountain" on EC resorts are not something the NY Rangers are playing on. It mostly comes in patches and areas that are continually scraped day after day and subject to thaw and freeze. And I dont think it is "hype", it is just a variable condition , that little, if any skiers/boarders like to ride on. That would be like me saying Utah powder is a bunch of "hype". It's not, it exists and so does our less than perfect conditions. I have stopped and looked at ice patches up close, I would say that if you flattened the hill, one could literally lace up the Bauers and skate around on the typical ice patches that arise on some of our mountains. I have also seen entire slopes become rinks where the skier rider population is abundant and the conditions allow it to happen. When dealing with "patchy" ice it creates a booby trap effect in that you could start a nice carve or do several carves and then hit the ice, which causes an quick loss of balance and break in form, thus creating a level of frustration b/c I think everyone likes doing smooth, solid carves. Generally, if you are there for first chair at any, if not most EC resorts, you will get good, carvable snow until the masses skin the hill of its cord and Mr. Boilerplate appears. I am totally confident that if you ever get the chance to embrace such conditions, you will be able to adjust your riding style to be able to handle the ice, it just doesnt permit extremecarving.com type of turns. If you can, then let me know what you're riding and who your tuner is. I think we could all agree that "Hero" snow is much better than than less optimal conditions, i.e EC Boiler.
  5. Astan The Donek axis should allow for a lesser angles considering you are new to alpine. being new I wouldnt expect you to be laying down heavy turns until several sessions into it, depending on your previous expereince and riding style. I have my bindings at 66 front and 64 back and that tucks my toes and heels in at least an inch on each side. I started out at 50/50 and worked my way up from there. This was my first season in hardboots after 20 years in softies and I was able to increase the angles about every other session until I got to where I am. I also was able to get 30+ days in this season so that quickened the learning curve. The Axis is a great board. as far as proper boot size, If you can get the thermoflex liners after you have gone to your local shop to get properly measured, that should help you out. I started cheap for boots and bindings and have been very pleased in doing that. I picked up a pair of Raichle 223's for $70 and TD1's standard for $100. they have worked great for me and saved me some extra cash. High end boots and bindings should be for further down the road, unless of course you have disposable income. If you do, I'll take a MADD 158 on ebay, just kidding. Hope this helps and welcome aboard. Greg
  6. Scott and Holly Wussies you're not. Jesse and I were there Sat morning as well and the first few runs were utter bliss, face hurt from grinning. The next few were fun, because we could still do some power turns thru the small piles on the south face, but by the 7th run the mini moguls began to form and the ice reared it's ugly head in between. Considering it was the weekend and the size of the mtn. doesnt afford finding hidden stashes, at least on our carvers. Jesse and I hit the trees on the south face, but there simply wasnt enough new pow to engulf the existing moguls in the trees. with all of those factors, you got the most of Okemo that you could expect that day. some locals may beg to differ, but that is the advantage of being a local. If we got that storm on Wednesday night, it would have been a longer period of getting "freshies". Also consider we all rode hard Thursday and Friday and I think you guys were there on Wednesday as well. The thighs can only take so much. I know Jesse and I threw the towel in around lunch time and drove home. Look forward to your next big pow day and hope it's on a weekday at a larger mountain that you have had a couple days to explore. I have had days, where I got fresh tracks for at least 5 hours. I dont know what you are riding, but my Donek Axis 182- all Mountain was an absolute gem in the pow. It's width and length gave me nice float. Choice of board can also be a factor in your pow experience. I know if I was on my Volant 172 GS, the moring wouldnt have been as nice as it was. Hope the trip home didnt take too long and you arrived safely. until Next year take. In addition, if you can make it to Seven Springs in Champion, PA (outside of Pittsburgh) before season's end, you wont regret it. They have nice open bowls on the backside of the mountain that resemble being out west. I hope to get there myself. Take Care Greg (Bright Yellow JAcket, black pants)
  7. You may also want to consider a Donek Axis. I just picked one up (182) and have been very pleased with it. It is an all mountain board that allows me to lay it down when I want to and is wider that would allow for your larger feet. Had it out yesterday at Okemo in about 6" of fresh powder and was completely blown away by how it floated and then bashed thru piles of snow after the pow was gone. I weigh 205 and 6'. Just beginning you may want to consider a shorter one.
  8. Chubz

    Wtb: Madd 158

    If one exists out there, that anyone is looking to sell, please let me know. greg
  9. D-sub This is just my opinion, but the EC ice is created by many things and most of it is "scrapers" that conveniently rid the slope of its cover. Of course many others variables contribute to it, but overall I would say it allows us to become better overall riders. If veryone was making carves instead of scraping, the conditions would be much better. After seeing the overall talent of the group at Carvers Gone Wild at Okemothis week, I would say we are holding our own. Hell even going from PA to VT madeit easier to ride. \ Overall, variable conditions make you better. Later Greg
  10. Folks For those of you who I met, good carving with you and those I didnt,good carving with you. Best 3 days i have had in years. Thighs are done. thanks to Pat and Mt. Laural ski club and Bricky. I just hope I signed all of the attendance sheets I was suppose to. Thursday was epic except those rollers on Exibition, kicked me in the jimmy. i think at one point on thursday we had 15 in the group just dicing the hell outta of the mtn. Saturday's fresh was nice til it got "bumped". Bombing Wild Thing at Mach 3. Thanks to Eric and Chris for the lesson. Can't wait til next year. My vote goes out to Amy (sp?) on just down right crushing it, especially on her heelside turns (shaking head in utter amazement) Best quote in reference to Exhitbition on Friday, "That was fun, let's do it again!". Props out to the other ladies as well, Stephany (sp) and Sherry (sp). Alex..........nough said... Glenn (MADD 158) unreal on the turns. Good to meet you Bobby and the guys from North Jersey. To all, had fun and look forward to next year. Greg Chubz
  11. Good talking to you tonight. $$$ and info have been sent. Look forward to getting it. Greg
  12. Folks I was told I could post this here with no problem. Selling unused gear to support alpine addiction. Both of these bought believing I might go soft set up some day again.......NOT!!!! Oxygen Super X 164 02/03- Never used Check it here under Products. Website indicates a 157 but the board shows 164. http://www.oxygensnowboards.com/ $230 Burton ION MD (Blue) 2004's- 9.5 mens- Never used. Can send pics if requested, just email me. $180. Thanks Greg
  13. Interested in Axis please sends pics to gregory.troxell@zurichna.com Thanks
  14. D-sub I figured Rick would poke his nose in on this one. Guess not, Keep the posting, enjoy many of your replies not matter what level they are at. I cant stay away either Greg
  15. Can anyone point me in the proper direction for rules on listing boards. I have a brand new Oxygen Boardercross board I'm trying to sell, but didnt want to ruffle any feathers on the site by posting. the only reason I ask is because I have seen some others posted. Let me know Greg
  16. Hot off teh press and taking it to a 8 hour training session I have for work to read the details, in between boring presenters. Thanks for the work in putting all of this info together. Greg
  17. Just heard back from my local shop that getting ti looked at wont happen. I guess Volant bought Agression and Atomic bought Volant so it leaves me high and dry. Out to the garage I go. Thanks for all the help anyway. Greg
  18. I will consider but if I spend on a new board it is something that will improve m y riding. GT
  19. Thanks fleaman for not giving up hope. I dont have a quiver of arrows that I can just hang the board on the wall. seeing how it is my only current alpine board, it is heading the the lab in the garage and this hill billy will figure something out,even if it takes about 8 wood screws straight thru the deck and throwing down some -p-tex after cutting them off. to only get 20 some days on it and delam sux, but I'll "get er done". Looks like another storm heading to PA. PS Flea I am on about vodka and dew #10 so I'm about 10 more from puking. Long live the queen and see a doctor and get rid of it
  20. B/c I only got about 20 days on it. I will wait to see if they replace, if not, it's time to do some jerry rigging. Thanks Greg
  21. Canuck I have seen these boards go for much less and are brand new in plastic. I'll make and offer of $200. Let me know Greg
  22. Folks My Volant Aggression 172 GS began delaminating 2 riding days ago and today, it took a turn for the worst. The steel cap is lifting significantly on the left side between my bindings. I went to the local shop for some input and they said they would call Volant. They wanted to take the board, but it is my only alpine board as I sold the other 2 alpines I had, so I didnt want to fork it over. Does anyone have a method to help minimize the continued delamination until I can get it looked at. I have heard epoxy, but is there any particular type? Looking for answers because Okemo is coming up. I would even consider purchase of another board if someone has areasonable one out there. Thanks Greg
  23. D-Sub I think I had a slight one from a spill I took On Friday. Caught and edge sideslipping to lift and it whacked me onto the eastcoast concrete. Knocked the wind out of me, saw stars, dinged my right hip pointer and I was down what seemed like a couple minutes. Fortunately I wear a helmet, whcih has saved me more thatn once. I had a nagging migraine type sensation up until this morning , Monday and I felt a bit foggy and lethargic as well. Been there before and it wont be the last time. Greg
  24. Barry I took up HB's this season after 20+years in softies. I'll try to answer what I can, but realize this is from a guy who started this year. I'm sure there are folks out there who have beena t it a while with more specific answer so I'm giving it to you b/c it's fresh to me. 1. I started at 50 degrees F/B (front/back). As I began to get the hang of it. I bumped it up a couple degrees each time I came out to where I'. 65 F/63B which brings my boots even with the edge of the board. In most conditions, I can do proper turns for the most part. 2. I dont know what you're talking about 3. If you mean angulation, not inclination. I have found the steeper my binding angles, the more angulation I am getting. For me it has become a tilting left to right rather thatn pressure on heel toe. With that tilting, confidence should grow. 4. Grabbing toe edge is simply style from what I understand. By that time you are well into the carve and coming out of it. 5. Boot overhang is ok until you find your carving getting better. Just give each binding abgle a couple days each and keep increasing it. It is a bit differrent each time with new settings but you will get to the point that those toes and heels are inside teh edge of the board. 6. I was always a speed freak on my freestyle but event he alpine speed was different and exciting to me. you should grow accustomed to it once you gain more confidence. By that time you should be able to learn the characteristics and limits of your board and controlling the speed is done by cutting across the fall line and sometimes back up it to check speed. I have about 20 days on my HB's and the lightbulb went off in my head about control speed on steeps. Now I get it. and along with that I have my board holding on ice, which I didnt think was possible. Good luck and have fun and ride with someone if you can. Props out to Jesse and the other BM guys for the help. Greg
  25. Appreciate the proper spelling but after having about 3 of them at 8.5-9% alcohol, it starts to put a dent in my vision. Bottoms up
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