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C5 Golfer

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Posts posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Two weeks ago I had a retinal detachment and tear in the right eye, went to the dr. and he did in office lazer treatment to secure it from getting worse. Couple days later I had a "Giant" retina tear / detachment. With emergency surgery that day. Three hours of surgery they installed a "Buckle" around the outside of the eye and stitched that on, removed was remained of the vitreous material, lots of repairing the damages and more lazer surgery to tack it down. Large gas bubble injected in the eye to help "float" the retina back. Several days of "Face Down" positioning then alternating vertial positioning with face down. I am still pretty much blind in the right eye. After todays visit the surgeon states it is where he would expect it to be with minimal slippage. It will be weeks before what sight I have in the eye returns. I am anxious but hopeful.

    It has not been easy to type or move around. This is why I removed the sale items I had listed.

    Thank you to those who knew about my issues and offered help. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I struggle with my limited sight yet I am encouraged by todays checkup.


    Bryan -- Hope it heals well and quickly--- I did the retina tear last year... and that Fn Bubble... What a pain in the butt, but it did get better every day and less and less bubble was in the eye. in a couple of weeks or so I could start to see the sky and a few tall tree tops.. couple days later I finally saw the horizon. then was able to see the dash board of my car and then then the gear shift and then slowly less and less bubble and more eye sight.

    Keep us posted on your condition.

  2. During the Battle of Britain early in the Second World War, the St.

    Mellon's Golf and Country Club, located in Monmouthshire, adopted a set of

    unusual rules for unusual circumstances.

    Written by B. L. Edsell, the club secretary, they read:

    1 - Players are asked to collect the bomb and shrapnel splinters to

    prevent their causing damage to the mowing machines.

    2- In competition, during gunfire or while bombs are falling, players may

    take shelter without penalty for ceasing play.

    3 - The positions of known delayed-actions bombs are marked by red flags

    at a reasonable by not guaranteed safe distance therefrom.

    4 - Shrapnel and/or bomb splinters on the fairways or in bunkers within a

    club's length of a ball may be moved without penalty, and no penalty shall

    be incurred if a ball is thereby caused to be moved accidentally.

    5 - A ball moved by enemy action may be replaced, or if lost or destroyed,

    a ball may be dropped without penalty, not nearer the hole.

    6 - A ball lying in a crater may be lifted and dropped not nearer the

    hole, preserving the line to the hole, without penalty.

    7 - A player whose stroke is affected by the simultaneous explosion of a

    bomb may play another ball under penalty of one stroke.

  3. First checkup and xrays with orthopedic surgeon, yesterday - things are going well! Nothing mouved and healing well, no op required. I can walk without crutches already, but limping a lot. Shouldn't do anything excessive until next xrays in 4 weeks.

    Boris -- what the hell did you you do? or did I miss a post here?

    FYI - It has been a great year in Whistler -- 5 trips for me this season and nothing broken.


  4. Riding up the chair yesterday with bobble (black 180 Donek FC) and me (180 black Kessler) at Spirit Mt, Duluth with two young teen boys on park boards. One asks, "what are those boards for?". Before I could say they're for carving turns, blah, blah, blah..., the other kid, with perceptive honesty, cleverly quips "they're for old people". Well, that triggered my alternate explanation.

    After telling them that it was the most fun I've had on snow in 50+ years of playing on snow, I told them that it was very hard to master, taking years to learn and requiring an exceptional level of strength and fittness. Basically saying, "no way you kids could do this".

    I've been wondering if using a little reverse-psychology might challenge one these kids with attitude to try it just to show the old guys how easy it is, and maybe discover something fun.

    Kids -- I just love em... once I rode up with a young kid that was fast --I saw him previously. He got on with me and that day I was riding my Volkl 178 with Step-ins. I love the step-ins cuz I could get off the lift by just stepping in and go. Well, this kid saw my board and asked if I wanted to race him down the hill, I initially said "No Thanks" But then as I got near the top I re-thought about it, looking down at his board he had 4 strap bindings, and I thought to myself -- I step in off the lift and he has to sit down and buckle his 4 straps. So I turned to him and said " On second thought, Lets race!" He said ok. We just as I planned I got off and speed by him, " He yells "Wait" I said back " See ya at the bottom" -- Sometimes it is good to be a old man!!!

  5. Whistler Blackcomb... good snow coverage...

    go to this page and see "compare acreage"


    Last year they had 180 inches of snow fall in March and April alone, 622 inches total.


    April is always good up there... that is why I go there every year also- 1 or 2nd week of April.

  6. 180 lbs. 6'0

    Live in NY, but do most of my riding in Utah and Colorado.

    I have an attic full of freeride boards- favorite right now is a reverse camber Sierra.

    I like to ride glades, bumps, and powder. After prior comments it sounds like an all mtn board would be for me.

    Thanks for all the advice. Leaving for Vail in two weeks and hope to get equipment in time if possible.

    Additionly I would add in your transition.. you are currently riding boards that are probably around a 8.5 m side cut radius... with a 178 Rt which is a great riding board.. but keep in mind that bad boy has about a 12.5 m side cut radius. quite a change. All mountain boards like a 4x4 in 174 length --- are about a 10 m SC radius.. at your 6 ' and 180 lbs -- the 174 would be perfect. IMO

    I have quite a collection of 4X4s in 168, 174 and 179 and in the Volkl Rt I have the 168, 173 and the 178 ,, Ride all them but of these I would put the 174 4X4 board of choice for the terrain of which you say you like to ride. Too bad you are so far away -- I 'd let you ride them and see for yourself... I am 6'3 @ 210 lbs.. not to far from your size. The 168 is a ball to ride on busy days - it is like a hot Mini Cooper with all wheel drive.

    TD2 are great to use too... Step in is the way to go in my opinion but Uh Ho-- just opened that can of worms again!!!...

  7. 180 lbs. 6'0

    Live in NY, but do most of my riding in Utah and Colorado.

    I have an attic full of freeride boards- favorite right now is a reverse camber Sierra.

    I like to ride glades, bumps, and powder. After prior comments it sounds like an all mtn board would be for me.

    Thanks for all the advice. Leaving for Vail in two weeks and hope to get equipment in time if possible.

    If you can do a small side tripp-- go to Bomber -- the wonderful host of this fine forum.. they demo boards, boots and all... go there -- outfit yourself with thier help,, and then go to Vail and tear it up..

    they would be your best on hand advice...

    happy trails..

  8. Ready to make the transition from my freeride board to an alpine (been riding for 20+ years now- ugh). Want to start off fairly inexpensive- but something that can last me 2-3 years to start off. Is the Volkl RennTiger 178 GT with with Trench Digger 2 bindings a decent setup to get rolling.

    any thoughts were I can find a cheap pair of hard boots in 29.5?


    dont know how big or small you are... so can't comment too much on the size.

    my 2 cents..-- and there are several on the Forsale forum, I think Andy still has his 174 -. if you are transitioning then go with an all mountain bard to start.. like a Prior 4X4 aka 4WD.. easy to ride and learn,,, and plus if you are getting into alpine.. you need an All Mountain or an AM board in the quiver anyway so why not start off with one.. it will be easy -- I also have a RT 178 and would not suggest it for a first ride in hardboots.

  9. I am all healed up overall. Fortunately I did not have any further issues.

    The vision is better, although it is a little tricky. With glasses, I still prefer the glasses that I took the lense out on the right IF I have been wearing my contacts all day. The contact doesn't really fit very well so I try not to wear it all day. I lost the ability to see close up with the cataract eye, which I really miss. Although my vision is much improved for distance.

    Thanks for asking , how about you?

    Same as you with losing the close up vision after cataract surgery.. which is very typical. I was a -3.50 before surgery.

    Good stuff is can wear contacts or just a 1.5 reading glasses and all is good.

    My vision is so good now when I golf I help others watch the ball where it lands, and my handicap is the lowest it has ever been. seeing my golf ball has helped so much -- I had no idea I was that blind before I had the cataract surgery. I figured that is just how it was. I now see everything so bright and clear.

    The wierd thing I have noticed... my polaroid sunglasses reduce my vision acutity a bunch. Maybe the lense implants have some slight polarizing themselves and then when polaroid glasses are worn it goes a shade fuzzy.

    Regular Sunglasses - vision is perfect and can read road signs a 1/4 mile away, with polaroids on have a to wait quite while till they are closer.

  10. Hey Boris... I will wave at you Thursday on my way to Whistler... they have been getting dumped upon and I have the need for riding the sunny days ahead this weekend with fresh snow up there.

    I think my Coiler AM ASM will get most of the ride time.


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