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C5 Golfer

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Posts posted by C5 Golfer

  1. With much regret I need to sell my wonderful riding FLC-- One owner - I bought it new. It is in Primo condition except for a small shallow rock run mark middle of the board and about 5 inched long.. would come out in a tune up. No other Chips, dings or marks anywhere. Looks like it did when new. I have ridden it very little due to my early season crash last season and subsequent broken leg last year (on a different board ). yes - it has the Prior Pro-Tune also. Cost new today is about $995 US with Pro-Tune. Email me if you want High Res Pictures or more photos.

    It is a good deal for $550.00 -- willing so sell TD-3 Step-ins also if you want them too... we'll have to talk about package price if you are interested Board and Bindings.

    this is from the Prior web site:

    The FLC incorporates the best of our latest World Cup Race (WCR) shape and superior Metal construction with a blended dual radius sidecut. The sidecut has two meter longer radius side cut, towards the back end of the board allowing riders to finish their turns riding more fall line than the WCR. A slightly rockered tip and tail profile make it easier to transfer edge to edge allowing you to hammer the groomers all day. Precise turn initiation, incredible edgehold and effortless transition from one turn into the next are all part of the FLC package.

    Profile – Traditional Camber

    Best for - Ice, groomers,fall-line, gates.

    Rider type - Intermediate and advanced alpine riders. This is a Giant Slalom shape designed for the hard core recreational carver and those whose seek to be competitive in the gates. It has been designed for the alpine connoisseur that wants the latest developments in the legendary Prior alpine category.




  2. I wish you all a great Turkey Day - especially to those with whom I have had the pleasure of riding the white corduroy to the bottom of the hill.

    What are you doing for this festive day today AND what are you thankful for?

    I am thankful for my new Granddaughter and thankful for having a great Orthopedic doc that put my leg back together so I can ride starting next month.

  3. Check this one out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dI5ewOmHPQ

    It is open to interpritation on the maths/physics/body position/impact force/etc side of things, but I know from experience only very, very lucky people walk away from high speed/dead stop impacts. Drive safe.

    Nice video find.. He states the car hitting the wall at 120 is the same as two cars hitting each other at 120 at about 16 sec into the Video.. Cool.

    Also when you see the crash of the two vehicles at 20 Sec... you can see that imaginary line I talked about above. (Although the video appears to be a mirror image trick at that point.. or I don't think they crashed two identical vehicles into each other - it was a bit of video photoshopping.)

  4. "Ya know, when I was 25 and got a hard-on, I couldn't bend it with both hands.

    By the time I was 50, I could bend it about 10 degrees if I tried real hard.

    By the time I was 60, I could bend it 20 degrees, no problem.

    I'm gonna be 70 next week, and I can bend it in half with just one hand."

    "So, what's your point?"

    "Well, I'm just wondering how much stronger am I gonna get!?"


  5. When comparing statistics such as these, keep in mind that DOT standards for vehicles in the US does not necessarily apply to vehicles/manufacturers in other parts of the world.

    good point.. look at Bumper design of a couple of German cars that are imported to the US as opposed to Euro Cars - sometimes aesthetics have priority in Europe. Case in point 1972-1989 SL Mercedes.

    Also - this is interesting..

    United States On 11 July 1984, the U.S. government amended Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 (FMVSS 208) to require cars produced after 1 April 1989 to be equipped with a passive restraint for the driver. An airbag or an automatic seat belt would meet the requirements of the standard. Airbag introduction was stimulated by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.However, airbags were not mandatory on light trucks until 1997.

    In 1998, FMVSS 208 was amended to require dual front airbags, and de-powered, or second-generation airbags were also mandated. This was due to the injuries caused by first-generation airbags, though FMVSS 208 continues to require that bags be engineered and calibrated to be able to "save" the life of an unbelted 50th-percentile size and weight "male" crash test dummy.

    Outside the U.S.A.Most countriesoutside North America adhere to internationalized European ECE vehicle and equipment regulations rather than the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. ECE airbags are generally smaller and inflate less forcefully than U.S. airbags, because the ECE specifications are based on belted crash test dummies. In the United Kingdom, and most other developed countries there is no direct legal requirement for new cars to feature airbags. Instead, the Euro NCAP vehicle safety rating encourages manufacturers to take a comprehensive approach to occupant safety; a good rating can only be achieved by combining airbags with other safety features. Thus almost all new cars now come with at least two airbags as standard.

  6. I'd say roughly, maybe even approximately - I'm really not any expert in this stuff. But when you say "immoveable steel wall" you are talking the sort of assumptions we made in undergrad physics. "Assume the cow is spherical", etc. Dealing with two cars crashing is not so neat and clean. The point of the question is to show people's gut is wrong about the physics, so my answer is I guess somewhat nit-picky.

    ok on the cow.. my thought would be if you were to video the 60 mph crash looking down like the OP video does with the 59 Chevy... at point of impact there would be an imaginary line on the video representing the front of both cars, this line would not move during the period of crash motion - so this line in essence is an immovable wall. All carnage and damage to both cars would theoretically be the same – wall or no wall – energy absorbed by both cars is the same. So my guess is “no” on twice the crush zone.

  7. Just in case you needed a laugh: Remember it takes a college degree to fly a plane, but only a high school diploma to fix one; that's reassurance to those of us who fly routinely.

    After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a 'gripe sheet,' which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft.

    The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight.

    Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers.

    By the way, UPS is the only major airline that has never, ever, had an accident....

    P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.

    S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.


    P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.

    S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.


    P: Something loose in cockpit

    S: Something tightened in cockpit


    P: Dead bugs on windshield.

    S: Live bugs on back-order.


    P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent

    S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.


    P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.

    S: Evidence removed.


    P: DME volume unbelievably loud.

    S: DME volume set to more believable level.


    P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.

    S: That's what friction locks are for.


    P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.

    S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.


    P: Suspected crack in windshield.

    S: Suspect you're right.


    P: Number 3 engine missing.

    S: Engine found on right wing after brief search


    P: Aircraft handles funny. (I love this one!)

    S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right and be serious.


    P: Target radar hums.

    S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.


    P: Mouse in cockpit.

    S: Cat installed.


    And the best one for last


    P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.

    S: Took hammer away from the midget

  8. I luv those I6 engine...what a torque they can produce...

    Thanks for sharing & get well soon, hope to make some turn together this season in Whistler.


    That is my plan and why I had the Titanium plate taken out now... 6-7 weeks recovery to let the holes in my bones fill in.. I thought they used Bondo for that. But no they fill in on their own.

    My first trip to Whistler is Dec 16th -- I just not sure how well I will ride with the Crash of last year still frimly in my mind....

  9. I am bored waiting around for my ankle to heal from my Titaniumectomy and play some golf.. so here are my latest bordom thoughts today.

    My car is a 1980 280 SL Mercedes with I6 … 2746 cc engine. Manual 4 speed Transmission with no overdrive. There have been no repairs to the engine except the timing chain was replaced at 125,000 miles and water pump at 140,000 miles. I bought it used when it was a young 4 years old, it is now 31 years old.

    It has 202,000 miles and at 70 miles an hour the engine turns at 3500 RPM – it is a low geared sucker.

    I average 35 miles an hour in my other cars – they have a computer – this one was born before the MS-DOS operating system – let alone computers running the engine. So if I use my same average the 280 SL car has been running for 5770 hours and @ 20 miles/gal it has burned 10,100 gal of gas or 1.75 gal/hour which accounts for about $26,000 of my income. $40,000 if gas price was not lower 10 years ago. Anyway – after running for 5770 hours the motor has probably 606,000,000 revolutions. Valves have open and closed 303,000,000 times. With a 3.10” stroke this would equate to 3,757,200,000 inches of piston travel or 59,300 miles. So in that respect my pistons are 26% on their way to the Moon. Or if the piston were to travel to Seattle to New York and back it would have done that 10 times plus already.

    Clutch is still original and I wish I had a counter on it to know how many times I have pushed that sucker in. Oil has been changed approx 3000-4000 miles and I think it takes 7 qts. , that’s 57 oil changes or 404 qts of oil. I think I have replaced the tires 4 times, and brake pads are changed on the average every 20,000 miles. The car looks as good now as it 30 years ago.


  10. see photos -- left ankle was pretty well damaged 2 weeks ago when riding at Whistler Blackcomb... went into a normal toe side turn and caught something on the nose -- it stopped and flipped me up vertically - the snowboard looked like a fence post for a moment.. and then several cartwheels later.. it was a tobaggon ride to the emergency center thanks to ski patrol and an end of my season...

    Had surgery last monday -- now I have more Titanium in me than my golf bag has..

    The BIG part that sucks is when I got home with my cast -- my new Coiler AM was waiting for me... now it has to wait till next year to see how it rides...Damn it all..I cant golf or bike or ride /// it is damn boring hanging around with my leg elevated.


    I have decided to have the plate and screws removed before the snow flies... surgery is scheduled for Oct 19th... about 6 week recovery -- that puts me right at the 1st - 2nd week of Dec. when my Doc says he will release me to ride.

  11. Dan - tough choices you have...

    if you decide to go with a frame change and if it be Carbon.. Take a look at the Wilier frames... I have a Cento 1 in a white color scheme in XXL --- love the ride and the way it handles. the Lzoard is also a wonderful bike - I have talked with many who have one. These are like wall art they are so beutifully crafted.

    Ebay as quite a few good deals now and then I see ...


  12. hot damn Pat.. looks ugly.

    Saw the evening news on all the flooding in VT and CT... wish you the best in getting all back to normal. I have friends and family in Sioux city Iowa where it has been flooding since March -- (most of the world does not know this since the news does not cover it ) but the Missouri river has destroyed much of the South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska... and will not go away very soon. At least your flooding should subside in a few days,

  13. Hey Al. Sorry to hear about this development. Did they do an lazer tack welding to re-attach the retina? The good news is that you already have a new lense!! I got the catarac due to the victrectomy. You just did the reverse order of my sequence. Detached ret is pretty serious , follow the dr's orders. What did they say you should expect for an outcome?

    Heal well. Bryan

    he thought within a month I might get my great vision back. I am taking it easy. keeping head down a bit looking to the left. yes on the tac welding the tears. my eye is still dialated quite a bit so tough to see anything in focus except up close to my face.seems it is getting better but it is a slow moving curve if one were to plot it.

    Thursday he may release me to full activities...

    How goes your recovery - how well are you seeing?

  14. Well - Crap olla.. all was so good for 3 fn months -- 3 days ago my retina decided to tear loose and was rushed into surgery yesterday to do a vitrectomy


    Now my right eye cant see anything -- had withdraw from our golf club championship in which I was the defending 2010 champion. 1 week of doing nothing while it heals. and keeping my head low cuz they put in the air bubble to help the healing.

    I hope this getting old crap stops soon.. too much surgery this year so far, between this and my my ankle -- I am almost afraid to plan anything. sit in a rocking chair and wait it out.

    hope you are doing well Bryan!


  15. Hi Al

    Good. Glad to say it appears I was in the 98% with no complications (yet)

    Post opt today. Dr said the lense was not as hard as he would expect. It disintegrated pretty easy. incision healing well, placement perfect. He was happy= me happy!

    The surgery. Three hours of prep, waiting, 20mins in the surgery suite. Wow. That was quite a light show!! Probably the most expensive one I have had so far:eek: He said he does nine per day in four hours.

    Doing three drops x 4 times a day. Spaced out 10minutes each.

    My vision? Not so great yet. Improving. Yesterday it was a mess, dilation, etc. Today much better. Definitely brighter, left vision more yellow.

    Check up in a couple weeks. Month after that they will be able to fit new glasses/ contacts.

    Thanks for asking. Bryan

    Sorry, no video available.

    Has your vision been improving? Hope so. Mine took about 1-2 weeks to settle into today's current vision.

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