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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I think someone was looking for a 177-178 a while back. Maybe this will help http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200055443531&rd=1&rd=1
  2. The other day I posted about the Village Idiot, well it must be Dumb and Stupid week because now we have a Dumb Criminal in the Seattle area. Seems a lady was stuffed into a duffle bag and then thrown into the trunk of an abandoned car. Trunk was closed when they found the body. Oh, yea she was shot 2X before she was stuffed into the bag. Now they investigate and find the Perp, arrest him and he pleads not guilty. The reason? He says she committed suicide. Now Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I implore you, how could a lady shoot herself, 2X mind you, then stuff herself into a bag and get into the trunk of a car, close the lid and leave the gun outside somewhere? Suicide! – don’t you think he could have thought this out better?
  3. Some village is missing its Idiot. I rode up on the chair today with a young snowboarder, about 18-20 yr old or so. Smart thing was he was wearing a helmet; dumb thing was he had scratched his name on the side of it in 1" high letters with a key or a dull knife. It was quite deep. BTW - I am a big believer in Natural Selection.
  4. From the Colnago web site is where I got the relation of Sc and Aluminum when I mentioned aluminum frames. "WHAT IS SCANDIUM Scandium is the eighth most abundant rare earth element found in the earth’s crust. It is a silvery white metal, that is a potent grain refi ner used in aluminium alloys to elevate strength and durability. Largely unavailable prior to the opening of the former Soviet Union, Scandium was originally used for the structural purposes in Soviet aircraft and missiles. The strength that Scandium brought to weldable alloys allowed Soviet-built aircraft to utilize welded structures, giving these planes tremendous weight, manoeuvrability, and range advantages. SCANDIUM IN ALUMINUM ALLOYS Aluminium alloys that contain dilute Scandium additions display upgraded properties in several areas. In conjunction with zirconium, Scandium forms very fi ne, coherent precipitates that impart strength and serve to inhibit recrystallization in aluminium alloys. In addition, these alloys display improved hot-cracking resistance during welding, and enhanced weld strength. EFFECTS OF SCANDIUM Improved Strength Improved Resistance to Recrystallization Improved Hot Cracking during Welding Reduced Grain Size Improved Fatigue Properties PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SCANDIUM ALUMINUM ALLOY Scandium SC-7000-T6 tubesets offer the highest tension & yield strength among the all aluminium tubes commonly used for bicycle frames as indicated the following charts" Thanks for info -- I check into Cervelo too. I am in no big hurry to fill this present to myself.
  5. Hey is it ok to thread jack if I am the original poster ? I think it is.. I could be wrong but what I hear about aluminum in a road bike is it does not ride as nice a steel or TI and not as durable but as aways even in snowboards what one thinks may not be always the correct opinion. If you think Aluminum is fine tell me more -- I am still open. I believe Colnago is a big aluminum - they have a special name Scandium or something - user in many of their frames. Back to Bobby-- if you go be sure to pay attention to all the lives of all the characters and what they are feeling , experiencing in their lives which is more to the point of the movie. interesting note -- I believe a lot of the original people working at the Ambassador when he was shot are in the movie and some of the scenes were shot quite awhile ago while the hotel was still standing. Estevez was taken there by his dad when he was seven years old I believe. It is an interesting read about how the has been put together with an all star cast. I fyou read up on the movie in this respect before you see it it may change your viewing pleasure. NOtyour opinion mind you just your viewing pleasure.
  6. Good answer -- thanks I would agree with most of your statement - not a big Ted fan and I do not adore or warm to the Camelot thing. But along those same lines of your bootlegging family - I personally would not pass judgement on to the child just because he was born to bootlegging or any crime family. But back to the movie -- It is not even about Bobby Kennedy or the Kennedy family. It is more about the times and with what we as a world were struggling back then and how much it is the same today - only the names and places have changed. But with any movie, we may go away with a totally different view of what JTFH. Preciate the input and G'day Justin. ( BTW - been out looking a bike frames.. Serotta, Marinoni, Colnago - steel or TI but no decision made yet. )
  7. Some of you that have never seen Whistler/Blackcomb -- here are a few nice shots. They look great on the computer too! http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/weather/wallpaper/index.htm
  8. Gecko and Justin A .. please help me out here ..What does the above mean? I am just a dumb old man I know but humor me for a minute.
  9. Check out Prior and this list of 4X4 boards.. 21 waist and goes anywhere and lovely ride. I ride a 174 and a 179 Plus Chris is also a damn nice guy with a damn nice company. Also if you want narrower go to his WCR list. http://www.priorsnowboards.com/demo-boards-list.php?BSTY_ID=1 I'd love to try that 184 he has listed. Bet it won't last long
  10. Try this if you can do it without laughing. When you answer the phone and he/she says "Blah blah ....." You say " Can you speak up, I can barely hear you" They say louder " Blah blah....." You say "That's a little better but still maybe little louder, sounds like you are very far away" Let them talk for a little bit and say again "I can barely hear you" See how far you can push the envelope.
  11. Hopefully we get a few posts from those who were not alive in the 60's or remember those glorious years - I like to know what they feel if anything, after seeing the movie. The message from the movie in MHO is still here today.
  12. Take off of Justin's review of Casino Royal. I saw ‘Bobby’ the other night with my SO, We both loved it but we are also old enough to remember living back in the 60's. Anyway the most profound statement I believe came at the end when the credits were rolling on the screen. No One moved or said anything – total silence until the screen went black. Never have experienced that before in a movie.
  13. My son did a good one a while back, he said to the Telemarketer he was also a telemarketer and was selling Electronic fly swatters so my son said "if you buy my product, I will buy yours", the marketer said, "Thanks but I do not need an electronic fly swatter, so my son then said "how about my truck? It is for sale, same deal" Telemarketer said, " No Thanks" So my son said "let me talk to your supervisor" telemarketer said "Why?" with a worrisome tone. My son said "I want to ask him if he needs a truck" The marketer laughed and hung up.
  14. Check this out -- sure to get a smile out of all of you http://howtoprankatelemarketer.ytmnd.com/
  15. Dave, read post #2 and see the video
  16. Can you go into the bathroom and pee by yourself or do they ... ??? The video shed a lot of light on the subject -- that was great!
  17. One lady asked me last Saturday at Crystal Mountain, ( I was carrying my Hot Blast 178 ) " What you do; mount snowboard bindings on a ski?"
  18. Crystal on Sat Nov 25th was superb, what an epic day. Green Valley was bottomless dry light fluffy stuff, in the trees or on the slopes anywhere was fantastic. Rode my Prior 4X4 179 most of the day. One lady asked me ( I was carrying my Hot Blast 178 ) " What you do; mount snowboard bindings on a ski?"
  19. Curious if there are any states out there like Oregon where you can not pump your own gas. I think it is close to a felony if you try it in Oregon, leastwise when I tried the guy got very upset with me. Any of you Oregonites know why this law is there?
  20. The logical side of me says if you want your screws to loosen after a day or two of riding then grease the threads of the bolts, if you want them to stay tightened for the season then leave them dry. Also, same logic applies to lug bolts or nuts that hold the wheels on your car, with that, I hope you do not grease the threads or the mating surfaces of those fasteners. But check your owners manual, I bet they say "no lube" Discount Tire Installation guide , item #6 says specifically "do not Lube"
  21. Are you saying that only cost $7000? if so where can I buy one, I may consider it. I'd need to do a test drive for that price.
  22. This one looks like it may fit the bill. Like the Farrari link.
  23. Justin, are you saying that black area will be chrome?
  24. Businessweek says this: The new $130,000 R8 supercar is Audi's most serious bid to overtake BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche By Matt Vella What is it? Audi's bet that the best way to shake off image issues is with a fiery supercar Where's It From? Germany What's It Cost? About $130,000 What's Underhood? 420 horsepower V8 How's It Go? Zero to 62 mph in 4.6 seconds I don't think this car costing 130K is going to take much market share away from even Corvette if it looks like this guy in the photo - but that just my opinion. It may look good to a guy who has $130K to throw away.
  25. Art, I am thinking this weekend --- any chance you 'll be up any of those days after Turkey Day
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