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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Could be-- I am thinking someone else was involved - he had to have stayed somewhere. I do not believe he walked home-- least not the long walk he described. And I do not believe he wore the same clothes for 4 days. I wish the Sgt who spoke in the above article would not take this so lightly.. There were many $$ spent and 3 days of volunteers and paid searchers. If the Runner were to be proven somehow that this was a farce he should pay for the costs incurred.
  2. Here is a short story update 2 days after his return... IF you are interested. http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=cougar23e&date=20070523&query=missing+runner
  3. It is a fun way to spend a full day.. specially waiting for your Kayaker to come across the bay and then paddle his/her a** off to the beach. He/She then has to climb out of the cockpit and run along the beach up a sandy hill and ring a brass bell. Some lost a few positions just because of leg cramping while trying to run in the sand. It is open to anyone - not just locals. I am sure there are dominate teams but that would be in the upper division -- we are recreational which is just out for braggin rights and a smile.
  4. Alrighty -- I am psyched Race is Sunday.. I am in better shape than last year so the hike up the mountain should be faster. Decided on my Prior 4X4 174 for the board of choice due to slushy conditions expected.
  5. I am 60 -- When my dad was my age he had a wife and 5 grown kids. 2 cars and a mortgage and no dog, no snowboards, never skied, did not golf, did not do too much sporty, ( afraid the neighbors or church members would talk ), drove a basic 4 door Chevy - had a white picket fence and an apple pie in the window in flat land Iowa. Basic Ozzy and Harriet kind of guy. He died at 92 yr old and I think he wished he had lived a little more in the fast lane so I told him I'd make it up for him!
  6. Damn son -- the area he was hiking is called Cougar Mountain. Anyway -- no sigthings in that area but that does not mean they not around. Lots of deer for them to dine. interesting read here -- read down a couple of paragraphs when you get to Newcastle -- that is Bellevue area also http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=vesely31&date=20050731 http://cycling.ahands.org/bikecougar.html
  7. Possible -- sure but seems farfetched. Here is the reason – This guy leaves Friday morning for a run in very little clothing -- shorts I heard from the one news media - this is at 7AM. Given the guy wanted a long run -- so give him 4 hrs which puts him somewhere around Noon on a Friday laying in a ravine unconscious. It is cold , raining and the ground is wet everywhere. He lies unconscious for 3days or 72 hours, among coyotes, cougars, all kinds of bugs, nettles and blackberry bushes everywhere, you name it. He wakes up Monday afternoon and scrambles to the top, out to the road and then back onto the trail and walks home during a rainfall of almost 1” in 4 hours. He gets home @ 11:30 PM or so and there is nothing wrong medically with him after he showers. Not one bug bite or scratch on him per the Sheriff as he smiles and says “I am just glad he is ok”.
  8. Missing hiker is close to my house, the park in which he was running/hiking is rather small with lots of trails. We went out Saturday to help try to find him. It has been very wet and 40 some degrees. There were infrared cameras from Choppers used, search dogs and 100-200 people searching on foot for several days. Weird he shows up 4 days later, I am a little skeptic of his tale but glad he is ok and safe. I would not roll under a log and put leaves on me when it is that cold and wet when one could walk to a populated area in less than 1 hour in any direction, also there were searchers everywhere, why not shout out to someone? Why would someone walk out after waking up and get on a road and then go back into the woods to walk home. Something fishy here. Sheriff is anxious to talk with him this afternoon. http://www.komotv.com/news/7626511.html
  9. Justin, Not quite sure what you mean by it is covered in "c" -- the key word in that sentence is Presently -- if you read #1 -- you can see the words "that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons." That alarm thing is what will get you in trouble with Mr John Law. I would not push this open carry thing to far -- read like not at all. You might also look at it like a poker game -- you are showing your hand before you have to.. Get a permit and play safe. My old fart advice of the day.. Hey on a happier note: road the bike to work today. Beautiful day.
  10. AHHH! the beauty of brute American Muscle Power http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Avis=CW&Dato=20070411&Kategori=PHOTOS04&Lopenr=411001&Ref=PH
  11. Thinking of schools and guns... This is a true story, I know cuz it is me who did this. I was brought up in Iowa - Sioux City to be exact. Back in time about 1958 or so- Elementary school, I think it was 5th grade - our assignment of the day was to bring a "show and tell" for the next day. Since I was born with gunpowder and gasoline running in my veins I decided my show and tell was going to be a Model 1884 45/70 Trapdoor Springfield rifle I got from my grandfather. Not the carbine but the big rifle with rod bayonet, it was taller than I and weighed what felt like at the time about 40lbs. Anyway my parents thought it was a good idea so I left the next morning lugging this fine rifle. ( I still have it today) The walk was about 1+ miles. Anyway I got to school and walked in front door and then onto class with my rifle and the teacher just says, “Well, Allen is that your show and tell?” I say “Yes” and she just says, “Good, place it in the corner over there”. My Oh My things have changed.
  12. Jon, you may want to read this before you do more OPEN carry. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9.41.270 OR this one with the guy in Ellensburg. http://fishorman.blogspot.com/2005/12/judges-decision-is-in.html
  13. Nice putter-- Played our men's club last night -- 9 hole competition then we have dinner. Last nights event was a 2 man scramble, We won 1st place with 3 under par.
  14. [quote name=BobDg, is there a realistic way to reduce gun violence or is it just going to be a fact of life in the future ?. Is the NRA putting as much effort into pushing enforcement as it does into fighting new and existing laws ? BobD[/quote] While I sympathize with your “Reduce Gun Violence “ as I also wish we could completely stop any type of violence. The matter is more as a society we are in very big trouble – it is not just gun crime and murder. Lets say your 4 yr old kid constantly writes on the walls of his/her bedroom with crayons – you constantly tell him don’t do that, it does not stop, so do you take away his crayons or do you teach the kid to respect the walls of his bedroom? I hope you teach the kid to respect the walls. Back to crime, take for example meth related crime – why can’t we stop that? Take for example automobile theft – seems that would be easy since they are registered. In WA State we recently passed a law which our studious legislators think will help reduce auto theft. Get this - we, up to then had this law that one person had to steal more than 7 autos before any punishment was handed down by the courts. What these legislators thought they’d do is lower it to 3 and it would stop auto theft.. Dahhhh why not one auto and you suffer the consequences. Dahhh.. So now you get a get out of jail free card as long as you only steal 3 cars. How about home robberies and burglary? Why can’t we stop that? One big reason in my opinion – I always have one of those – is that crime right now “PAYS” so as long as we allow crime to be viable occupation it will continue to rise. And one other reason crime including gun crime is rampant –we do not have enough room at the inn for all the criminals so we let them out early. It is a great inventory system we have is it not? – FIFO prison – first in first out. Imagine you and your partner for life having a family of 6-10 kids – now raise these kids without any firm direction, guidance, and respect. Also—there are never any consequences your kids need to worry about as they progress thru their teenage years. Now imagine what your first born would be like at 18. Would this be someone you’d be proud of – I think not. Also then imagine your last born – all he/she sees is the older siblings actions and behavior. What is that child going to be like at 18 if he/she makes it to that age. Well that little story is very analogous to the present society of today. Fix the crime issue and you fix the gun issue as a side affect. Also—one other way to look at it…sorry for the long rant. Take I-5 freeway and there are a lot of speeding drivers – this is a fact. Now WA State patrol steps up the enforcement of speeding by issuing more tickets – even some at 5 miles an hour over. This seems a reasonable way to reduce people from speeding ( it has me) specially when it is publicized. Not once did the State Patrol talk about confiscation of cars to fix it , they enforced the laws on the books. Good Day!
  15. Here WA state no class or testing is required for Concealed carry. Anyone who has a right to own a gun can get a CWP. Gunshows in WA State do have a so called loop hole. A private Citizen can sell to another citizen without a check at a show-- but here is the rub, Washingto Gun Collectors who puts on the shows has a rule that only members can show, and only members can buy, and guess what you have to do to become a member - Right ! Background check- same as buy a gun.
  16. I know see why they call it a race - just watch the arrows. This site is pretty well done and very informative - well- at least in my opinion. http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/journey
  17. Ok -- now we are getting somewhere. Enforcement is the key to the solution. In WA State -- http://crime.about.com/b/a/143373.htm I would support a license to prove competency with a firearm, similar to a driver’s license or a motorcycle license. I would not and do not support gun registration. What is to be served by registering a gun – to tax it? That is the only reason you register an automobile- to tax it. Other than that what is served if you have a license to operate it.
  18. Reminds me of the day I was at the range with my .375 H&H Ruger #1, a guy was there with his 460 Weatherby, actually 2 of them which he used in Alaska for brown bear. We switched guns after much discussion and indecision by me due to the power of the 460. Makes my little 375 look like a pea shooter. Needless to say – I had to shoot the 460 two times because I could not believe anything could kick that hard. I do not think I hit the target – Probably do not have to tell you why. I'll keep my 375.
  19. Bob D, What gun law would make it safe to hang that sign? Can you describe this law or what would be writen?
  20. Bob, What gun law would make it safe to hang that sign? Can you describe this law or how would be writen? Also-- what do you mean by a licensed handgun? My intention is not to sound like a smart a** but have a civil discussion-- but cars are registered and licensed -- they kill more and more people everyday. registering the auto has not kept drunk drivers off the road.
  21. Hey Bob D... Let see if you are serious about the delusional comment of your post. In the spirit of Dr D's post where he says "The right to own a gun makes us safer" Bob D, I'd like to ask if you would make a big sign -- big letters let say about 12" high characters so you can see it from the street. this sign is hung on your front door and says "THERE ARE NO GUNS OR WEAPONS IN THIS HOUSE" , if you have loved ones living in other locations, please make signs for them and ask them to place it on their front door. If you do this then I know you live in a safe place as do your loved ones, if you do not want the sign on your front door we realize the reason why. I hope this makes a point.
  22. Hey George, Have you seen "Failure to Launch? - 2006 movie?
  23. Odd -- after viewing several web sites on kitchen knives because of this post - not buying - just window shopping-- I get 1-3 Culinary based junk emails a day.
  24. It can be viewed both ways...depending your your own beliefs. Fact is there is a lot of out of control crime in S. Africa. I for one would like to be armed - well armed - if I lived there, Some would like gun control but those generally do not understand that fighting organized crime with out of control illegal gun sales is impossible with a possible corrupt police dept. Light reading ahead if you want to hear more http://www.gunowners.org/op0434.htm http://www.worldpress.org/2473.cfm
  25. True -- but do you realize that the bond of the two materials is around 4-6% of the shear strength of the base material Delrin? Usually any temperature change with two dissimilar materials will break that bond just thru coefficient of thermal expansion. And you are smoking delrin-- is that a good thing for your lungs? Just as an experiment bond your delrin rod to an aluminum plate and after the bond cures, stick the assembly in your freezer. Check it after an hour so. Betcha you have two parts again.
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