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Posts posted by jp1

  1. where'd you guys get too on Sunday? Guess you knew I'd come looking for you !

    Just kidding, but was hoping to hook up with you guys for a few runs, to be socialable !

    Not to worry, I spent the day with PSR on Monday, so I won't be 'pestering' anyone for pointers / tips for a long time! He gave me 'plenty to digest', just can't wait for it to start to 'sink in' !

    Do you plan on going to Okemo for the ECCS get together? I still owe you guys a beer for putting up with me the fist day, (but I ain't paying them NE prices !!) I'll bring a case for less than the price of a 6 pack!

    Hope you got a ton of snow, it was Blizzard conditions from Stratton all the way down 87 to Hunter area, then changed to that other 4 letter word.


  2. tpalka, Wish I could help you out better, but information on this seems to have dried up. I've made a couple of attempts to e-mail the original poster for any updates, with no luck,. Hopefully he's out west enjoying himself in great conditions.

    I do know that 'patmoore' who originally posted bunks, is all filled up, but if you contact him, I think his ski club 'may' have facilities available ($25 / day)

    I know a few of us from Pa / NJ are planning on driving up on Wed.,March 9th, probably staying at the 'ski house' Wed & Thur nights, and riding Thur., March 10th through Sat., March 12th.

    Wish I could help you out better, maybe we'll get an UPDATE !


  3. Jack ,I AGREE 100%. Why should it be OK to give a Voucher to someone that buys a pass for 1 day and NOT a Season Pass holder? Is their money any better than yours? Hell NO!

    Reminds me of AT&T years ago, advertising to pay their 'old' customers to COME BACK ! I was a loyal customer through the years and NEVER left, so I called the 800 number and asked them "what are you going to give me, I never left"? They said, "we can't offer you anything"! I said, " OK then I'm finding another phone company tomorrow", and did. About 3 weeks later they offered me $75. to come back ! Business ethecs?

    Galen, that happens every year @ my local resort in Pa ! All I can do is hope I get enough days in to pay for my pass, and it probably will NOT happen this season. Because as soon as it gets warmer out, most people start thinking about other activities. Like you said, when the money stops comming in, they close the place down, no matter how much base is still left. Heck last season they had more snow when they closed it than they did all season! Season Pass holders don't mean 'squat', they ALREADY have your money !!

  4. with some options to extend dates / find ticket and lodging deals, etc. But I have never heard any more about it from original poster. I do know some have made arrangements, so hopefully this 'IS' going to happen.

    A few of us from the NJ / Pa area are planning to go and are 'patiently' waiting to hear more information also.


  5. Baka, THANKS. OK now I get it, I'll try it on the hill.

    Jack, THANKS, I'm making arrangements with PSR.

    I know it worked on ski's.

    Basically, EXACTLY what a ski instructor told me in my first 'real' lesson on ski's. If you ever get in trouble / out of control, reach you left hand to your right boot, or your right hand to your left boot.

    INSTANT turn !


  6. I read this thread because I feel my heelside is definately my weaker turn. I 'REALLY' tried to concentrate on what was being said. After reading the complete thread, Now I am TOTALLY CONFUSED !

    Maybe I need to stop trying to read this stuff. It just seems to make it all more confusing.

    I 'guess' this should tell me their is NO 'one' way to Get-R-Done !

    I think I need to find a good instructor, tell him my goals, have him watch me so he can see where I'm at, and then tell me what I need to concentrate on to get to the next level, and have him beat it into me !

    Or just go out, Ride and have FUN !


  7. Cool, you just diagnosed you first problem (on your own) !

    Welcome to 'many' hours of thinking, trying to figure out how something that looks so graceful, can be so confusing!

    Seriously, if it weren't for this forum and a couple of others, I probably would have given up before now. If you are like me, it may be tougher than anticipated, but everyone you meet will be more than willing to help.

    GOOD LUCK !!

  8. Jack, I'm really sorry, I'm so DENSE. This whole left/right, front/back , heelside/toeside deal is 'totally' confusing me, especially when standing on a board at 60*. YES, I do know my right from my left, my heels from my toes, and even my front from my back, so why it's confusing I do NOT know!

    EXAMPLE: Toeside carves: Like the grabs described above, but for toeside. Front hand grabbing rear boot cuff: make a toeside carve such that your front hand can grab your rear boot cuff with your arm going behind your butt (not between your legs!). Again, do not simply crouch down or bow your chest towards your toeside edge. Make a clean, angulated turn with a mostly upright upper body, looking where you are going, and knees bent for suspension. Practicing this will lead to well-balanced toesides like this one:

    Assuming I'm regular: Left foot in front of my right.

    My front hand would be my left hand,NO?

    My 'rear boot cuff' would be my right boot cuff, NO?

    To me, reaching around my butt with my left hand to grab my right boot cuff would put would put all of my weight on the left edge of my board, hence making a 'heelside' turn, not a toeside turn.

    WHAT am I missing here ??

    SORRY guys' have a good laugh on me, I'm DENSE, but I'm determined to figure it out !

    Would someone PLEASE make a Good Instructional VIDEO, PLEASE !!


  9. SWriverstone, (as another newb) so true, you can't really change the conditions, so we all have to deal with them. I've heard referances to 'HERO SNOW' and really didn't 'get it' until the other day. I was riding with another HB and we going to try another part of the hill. I was starting to feel a little tired / leg burn, having a 'not' so great day. Then as we headed down this long traverse to get there as we crested a small rise were 'fresh goomies' they had just run a cat up from one area to another, and groomed in the process. WOW, thought I died and went to Heaven ! I felt like I could 'do anything' in it ! The trail we went to was OK, but we kept going back just to ride that fresh groomed little traverse. All of a sudden my leg wasn't burning and forgot all about being tired. It just really felt GREAT to experience such a good feeling. I think any of us that are serious about learning have a tendency to be 'hard on yourself'. But when something you read here and maybe not fully comprehend, 'clicks' and you feel it then you start to feel a lot more 'positive' learning experience. I can't wait to ride a fresh groomed trail where I can really stick it like on that traverse.

    I guess I need to move to 'Giants Ridge" Minnesoooota !

    Continuos Grooming ?? How far is that fron New Jersey ?

  10. Sure it 'can' be done, but is it really cost effective? If it's an Aoerospace Shop, and you know someone that can do it as a

    'G-job', or on their own time, maybe you can "Get-er-Done", for a lesser price.

    Believe it, not many are as 'frugal' as me. I have the necessary resources to do them, but the cost of materials (aluminum for the discs. & stainless for the pins) plus my time, I would spend to end up with a piece that still lacks a cnc quality finish like Jeff's (annodizing and stamping) I would be better off working some OT and buying the kit from Jeff.

    And YES, their is a lot more to them than meets the casual eye. Both the Cateks and the Bombers, have obviously gone through some 'serious engineering' and they Show It !!

    Really NICE to have this type of "QUALITY PIECES" available !!

    EXCELLENT JOB, by both Manufacturers .

    Good Luck------jp1

  11. evile, That may be a good idea to get into it 'inexpensively' !

    That was my 'original' plan, but it didn't work out, (I went for the goodies) and now I'm having second thoughts. Not to deter you in any way, BUT. If you are not 100% committed (like me ) you may find it tougher to 'get good' than anticipated.

    I would suggest Wachusett because their is a Wednesday night trip, looks like a good price, and BETTER YET, has some Alpine Boarders signed up. One thing I will say, I've NEVER ran into another Hardbooter that wasn't 'willing' to help a beginner, or 'share' their knowledge. That will be a big PLUS for you, that you have others to learn from in your area, take ADVANTAGE of it !

    GOOD LUCK-------jp

  12. John Gilmour / ncermark, I'm planning on making the trip up from NJ. If their are any changes / cancellations, Please post as you did last week.

    Bosquet Ski Area, 7 pm, correct ?

    I was going to take Friday night off so I could ride Saturday, but the weather does NOT look to be promising.

    Thanks in Advance------jp

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