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Posts posted by jp1

  1. Contact PSR ( 'Pre School Rider' in the member list) Eric Brammer. I'm sure he can get you going in the right direction, either himself, or recommend someone.

    If you are 'seriuos', you have picked a good time! Okemo this week should be a "Mandatory" goal. I'm pretty sure you won't regret it. Everyone I have ever met in Alpine goes out of their way to help, especially someone new to the sport. It will be a chance for you to see 'many' different riders and 'styles'. Watching others has helped me to learn, it is OK to ride different, you don't have to have a 'Cookie Cutter' style, develope your own, and enjoy riding.

    Like stated above, OKEMO anytime this week from 3/10 thru 3/12 should be an 'excellent' opportunity for you to hook up with (probably the most you will see at one time, this season on the east coast) Alpine riders for info / instruction? / demo's? / FUN !!


  2. jtslalom, this post comes at a very interesting time. I am new on plates, and admittedly having an issue with my progress ( just feel I should be doing better). I feel like I have to be on them everytime I get out, to get the experience. I've said all along, that "I can carve better on my freeride stuff", but just feel it is a matter of time and experience, until I can make the Alpine set up work.

    Sometimes I just feel so "overloaded" from reading and lessons, that the FUN is starting to fade. I know from skiing experience that at some point, I'll find that 'magic momment' when it all 'clicks', but for now it seems distant.

    I feel like I turned my back on my soft stuff, just like I did to my ski's. Recently I had been toying with the idea of getting out the soft stuff, just to see if I can still ride it. Heck I can only ride the Alpine gear 3-4 hours max., so if I'm paying for a full day @ Okemo, I'm bringing my softies, I may even throw the 'sticks' in the car to see if I can still ski also !

    After all, isn't it suppose to be about 'having FUN' ?


  3. Heck, they cancel school here (NJ) if their is even a 'chance' of snow! The 'rugrats' are always swarming the local hill. "Guess I should have been a truiant officer". Today 3/4 of the schools closed early 9:30-10:30 AM because the storm is 'forecast', the other 1/4 just cancelled !!! I have NO idea how they get their minimum days in.

    Whatever, I'm just Happy Winter may finally be getting here.

  4. Since their were NO replys, I guess Okemo may not be one of the easier places to find Lift Ticket Deals?

    But if you plan on being @ Okemo March 9-13th 'Bricky' has posted some' Lift Ticket Deals' (updated) in his ORIGINAL ECES post.

    Anyone want to SAVE at least $15.00 on "EACH" Lift Ticket ?

    We NEED a minimum of 20 people to make this happen, and it has to happen soon. Contact 'Bricky' (info in post also) if interested.


  5. Like others, the TD-2 Ti's 'caught my eye' also.

    As 'gdboytyler' said, from the picture it may appear that the baseplate is Ti, because it is a different color.

    But from what I remember, Titanium is heavier than Aluminum, so thier would be no weight savings unless the design is changed to use less material (which it does not appear to be).

    If saving weight (and possibly making stronger depending on alloys) is Bombers intent, I would 'guess' that the 'bails' and the 'hardware' are the only Titanium pieces?

  6. Greg, I agree with Bob, tell the shop you want Volant's 800 number, or get it on line, and call them yourself. I know they took care of me when I had a pair of FX-2's that had a Cap delamination. At the time their policy was to send in the sticks for their engineers to make a judgement on, if they determined it was a manufacturing issue they made good on it. I got a brand new set of sticks from them. But that was when Bucky and Hank were running it and still 'Made in the USA', God knows what policy is now? But CALL and find out before doing anything, I figured Nestors wouldn't be of any help!


  7. Being pretty much new to the whole ski resort thing (now 6 years)myself, I had your exact questions in the beginning.

    Unfortunately 'Common Sense' and the ability to 'read' seem to be a thing of the past in this country(specially at smaller ski areas). But of course it is not limited to ski areas. Ever go grocery shopping? Ever drive a vehicle on a public highway? Probably the same people that block the trails are the ones that block the aisles in the store, and stop in the middle of the road for "who knows what". It seems to becomming the 'American way', no thought, no care, no common sense.

    Ever see the big signs posted all over the Lodge / Cafeteria areas, "No Ski's or Snowboards Allowed in this Area" ? Probably not, because their are ski's and boards stacked in front of them, laying on the tables and benches. I thought maybe they didn't teach kids how to read until High School or something, but through observation, I noticed age don't have anything to do with it. I see people in their 60's and 70's ignore the signs as well as pre-teens & teens. Actually the younger kids seem to be the ones that recognize the signs (maybe because they are just learning to read) but the parents usually promptly show them how to disreguard the rules.

    So Unfortunately I don't think signs would help. I know Killington use to have them posted on lift poles They also had the ski maps convieniently placed of the 'chair bar' under a piece of protective plastic, right in front of you, so when you were on the lift you could check it out, nice touch. Turned out to be something for people to try to destroy. I haven't been there in a year, but I'd bet they are all destroyed by now.

    No Respect. No Common Sense. No Enforcement of existing Rules. No one is 'responsible' for their own actions anymore, that's why the 'legal system' is thriving.

  8. Bricky, I'm afraid you may 'not' have much luck with the paint holding up under the conditions that boots work in (flex), and depending on their material what kind of adhesion you will get, but you won't know if you don't try.

    If I were you and wanted to try it, my first try would be Krylon "FUSION" it's specefically designed for plastics, one shot deal, no special primers or adhesion promoters. I used it on the door handles of my car (to match car color / instead of black) and it is holding up great, but then again, they don't have to work under the conditions of a boot.

    If I were to try it, I wouldn't paint the tounge, I think that would definately wear off first / fast ?? But who knows, have to try it to find out, I guess since their don't seem to be any other response. The auto industry has specific procedures for different types of plastics, usually involving 'Special Primers and or Adhesion Promoters' which u$ually mean$ Big Buck$$, but if you know a bud in a body shop that may be another avenue to explore. I'd try the "FUSION" first. Read the instructions, yea, I know we aren't supposed to do that, but make sure they are clean, strip what you can (buckles / etc) and use LIGHT coats.....

    Forgot to add, Krylon Fusion comes in aerosol cans, and can be found @ Wally World.


  9. was pleasantly surprised, for more reasons than one! Conditions were 'better than expected' and it was snowing when I left and still is here. Yea, I know, but ANYTHING is possible!

    The BEST part of the day was, they were grooming Razors and had left BOWLING BALLS all over it (still wasn't opened) I was hoping they wouldn't open it like that, because I was gonna be in the Office. Sure enough the guy that inspects the trails before they open them, made the groomers go back over it !

    My faith is being restored in Blue, and it 'WAS SWEET'. Hopefully the whole hill will be like that in the morning!

  10. I contacted the original poster, and he assured me, It WILL be happening, and an update WILL be comming soon! I know of several people that plan on being THERE. Although it may not have 'All the Bells and Whistles' of past events, I'm just hoping for a chance to get together with a bunch of others and ride.

    Heck I've never seen more than 3 Alpine riders at the same time until this past weekend @ Stratton. Must have been a dozen of them things on the hill !

    Definately neat to watch others and see the different styles, etc. One time up their were 6 of us on the lift, and wouldn't you know it the 'goofies' outnumbered me 5 to 1.


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