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Everything posted by jp1

  1. That's one thing, most of Blues trails have 'Lots of Character' . Obviously,'some guy on a bulldozer' (sorry glenn) didn't just drive to the top of a hill and cut a bunch of paths to the bottom. It is a well laid out area to say the least. Lots of turns with some nice banking, off camber and rollers, not a lot of the 'point and shoot' trails like some of the other local areas. A couple nice wide and fairly lengthy (at least longer than the lift) cruisers. An effecient lift system & a design that segregates a fair amount of the riding to one side or the other. But please don't tell anybody this it's suppose to be a secret :rolleyes:. JMO !
  2. " I think you may have the JP1 disease, too much reading and chatting and just ride, ride ride ride ride ride, rid with others, ride some more, eat, sleep ride ride ride."
  3. Took a lesson yesterday @ Bear Creek, Pa. First run with the instructor, when he gets to the bottom near the lift, very non-chalantly he 'carves' a Sweet 360* (plus) , guessing about 450*. I know, no video, NO PROOF! (but like he said, no need to prove anythihg to anyone) He wasn't going a million MPH, and he wasn't all hunched over, heck I don't even think his hair was on fire, but it WAS a carved 360+ ! I just smiled, shook my head and said, "Ah,ha the Illustrious 360 that no one can do", since I know he's on Bomber. He just smiled. Great lesson, by the way, if anyone in the area is looking for help.
  4. Neil, I always loved turning/carving on sticks. When the Elan SCX's first came out, I had them ASAP (and unfortunately, could carve them better than my Alpine gear at this point). Very few people on the local hill, ski's or boards) were carving or even making descent turns then. I have been off of the snow for the past 3 years. The first thing that I noticed at my local area when I came back this year, is how many people are actually making a serious attempt to carve or at least make some 'nice turns'! Yea, there's still the straightliners & sliders (sticks & boards), but the overwhelming majority of people on the snow at my local hill are making turns (or trying) some of them pretty sweet. Something I would only see from the Race Team and a hand full of others at best a few years ago. Just my observation.
  5. jp1

    Bmes 09

    Bobby Buggs, No overnight accomodations on the hill itself, but plenty close by. I think their website has some listed, If I knew how to post a 'linky thing' I would. Maybe Chubz can post the link when he gets done 'gouging' up others 'well placed linked carves' :D. "Is PChang and Ward going?? That right there would be worth the Trip ?" I dunno ? They are 'most certainly welcome' as is anyone else that has interest.
  6. jp1

    Bmes 09

    Bobby Buggs & Others that may be interested: Where is this place?? Technically it is "Blue Mountain Ski Area" in Palmerton, Pa. They have a website with GPS coordinates and directions. Google says from Hartford, Ct to Palmerton, Pa is 3:55 and 204 miles. 84 W to 209 South, then a couple of back roads. Do you know cafercr35? Their is a B-52 Bomber scheduled to leave from North Jersey, I've met you both, that would be a fun :D ride for sure! Hope you can make it (free Evil Sports stickers for everyone, all 8 of us ?) if conditions are good I think it will be worth your time.
  7. tdifan_2003, no biggie & I wasn't trying to be a hardazz, just wondered if you had the information . " I am also just curious - what if I need more straight boot than the current lower-nut-at-maximum-down is allowing me " Personally, what I would do would be to find a shorter (length) spring. Keeping in mind the actual spring rate that you have decided upon. Since I don't think Bomber offers different lengths other than the 1.5" and the 3", you could get them from MSC, McMaster Carr or any other supply companys that offer (Die Springs / compression) but close pay attention to the spring rates. The Springs Dimensions: ID is .375" and the OD is .750", you'll need to determine the length you need ( I'm guessing around 1.25") and match the wire diameter (thickness) to end up with a spring rate close to what you desire. OR, Another possibility ( I don't know your set up, but if you are using the Blue or Red bottom spring) would be to go to the Yellow Bottom Spring. Since it is substantially softer in 'Spring Rate', you'll be able to compress it easier, thus allowing the boot to be in a more upright position. What boots are they mounted on ? Sounds like they may have been mounted on a boot they were not designed for ( like I did, Head Stratos) and the top hole location is too low ? If so that may be another option, locating a different mounting hole (higher) for the "Upper Case". Remember, you can only go so far back (straight up) on the forward lean until the Gap between the Cuff and the Shell is closed (or the spring is 'coil bound') at that point you have effectively 'lost' all ability of the BTS Sytem to function as designed. Hope something here helps.
  8. tdifan_2003,Do you have the Installation Sheet that came with the BTS ? If so check it out, it's informative. From your descriptioin this is what I believe to be your issue. The 'Main Shaft' is not designed to turn. It is only threaded into the 'Lower Bracket' as a means of assembly. If the 'Main Shaft' is turning, you need to remove it from the 'Lower Bracket', clean it, put a drop of Thread Locker on it and re-install it into the 'Lower Bracket' so it does not turn under normal use. If you goal is to have the minimum forward lean, then the "Bottom Tension Nut" will need to be all the way down to the "Lower Bracket". csquared wrote, " And I believe that adjusting both nuts equally preserves the pre-load since the springs equalize". Not True, unless you are swapping different color springs. If you have the 'same color' springs, the spring rates are close to double on the bottom spring as is the top spring. Example: Blue "Long" Spring = 144 lbs/in, Blue "Short" Spring = 320 lbs/in, slightly more than double, so they will not equalize. I'm guessing when you said 'preload' you may have meant 'forward lean'? IF so, and you want to keep the "Forward Lean" the same, you would have to put (2) times as many turns on the top spring as you put on the bottom spring (because the spring rate on the bottom spring is twice that of the top).
  9. dingbat, that Stinks! You have put so much into this making this happen, and even get a break from Ma' Nature. Here's hoping you feel good enough to enjoy the day (gee didn't they give you any "good stuff", double up man ;) you won't feel a thing) until later !
  10. jp1

    Bmes 09

    glenn, "Hey john...How did I miss you...? Was there better part of the day." maybe I'm loosing too much weight :rolleyes: :lol:
  11. I spent the first 1.5 hrs. on Razor's. I finally laid down (for me) an 'Admiral Well Placed Linked Carve'. Nice deep pencil line carve, Sweet transitions (there must be a one legged ice skater here) smile :D from ear to ear on lift. My day is complete, I should go get my camera phone for 'proof' ! Next ride up the lift , some Bozo laid down 4 Perfect Carved Tight Radius Gouges 'INSIDE' of my once 'admiral well placed linked carve' ! Show Off. I have no idea whom would even consider doing such a thing. It must be the board :rolleyes: he's on a 177 and I'm on a big ole 178 ! Gotta Love It :lol: :lol:
  12. D-Sub, yea Stratos (not Pro's) but wouldn't even think about getting rid of them, just would like to try different tongues.
  13. Colin, if Divebomber didn't take the tongues, I'm interested . I'd like to see if they'll work on my Head Stratos (27) boots.
  14. Are the tongues from Head Stratos & Head Stratos Pro boots interchangable? I have the Head Stratos (see through Smoke Grey shell with Orange tongue, 2003?) and would like to change the tongues. Any information ? I did try Searching, with no luck. The tongues appear to have a rivet holding them to the shell ? The existing tongues have 'split' because their is 'very little overlap' of the tongue over the shell, and if I'm not very careful the edge of the tongue butts to the edge of the shell causing a bind and hence the split. If they are interchangable, maybe a larger tongue would give me more overlap and eliminate the chances of binding / splits in the future ? Any information would be appreciated, Thanks--jp1.
  15. Any weekday will work for me. I'll just tell my boss, "I have a BOARD meeting" again ! :D
  16. jp1

    Bmes 09

    Was nice yesterday (Tue) until :( the mobs showed up. Don't the 'rugrats' have school in February ? Or do they get a week off for Presidents Day ??
  17. JBS, yea we were feeling bad for you all week! We talked about taking up a collection for an airline ticket so you could come back early. We decided to 'make you suffer'. :D Hope you had a Great Time !!
  18. Have to agree with lowrider. In the world of risers and plates, why not just fabricate an adapter plate? Something like a 3/16" - 1/4" thick aluminum (carbon fiber would be sweet if you had the means) plate drilled and countersunk holes to screw to existing insert pattern and another set of holes drilled and tapped (offset the amount you need) to screw the bindings to. If need be, you could drill & tap a bunch of holes in it for adjustability. You could also drill/mill it out (swiss cheese style) to lighten it up and make it less rigid. It would be a fun little project to try, and would eliminate drilling thru the board ! I plan to do something similar in the off season, but with a top and a bottom plate joined together with rubber isolators to try as a suspension system, but first I need to learn to ride :D.
  19. Q: What is the practical experience with using the cateks? A: I have NEVER had a problem with them :). I have no problem with assembly but they just seem a little over complicated. A: They are not. They do look cool. A: They are ;). Any thoughts? A: Love the adjustability .
  20. jp1

    Bmes 09

    Greg, my official reply is, any weekday is good for me, whatever works best for the majority. Observation though is that Friday's do 'tend' to bring in more people & buses than other weekdays. From what I have been told, they will only run both lifts (6-Pak & Quad) on Thursdays and Fridays. (Hinting that Thursdays may be a better day, crowd wise) but understand the logistics of others. I managed to 'score' some $10 OFF Discount Tickets for BMES that we can distribute to riders interested.
  21. Glenn, cafercr35, with the forecast and the warm weather the past couple of days, I really didn't expect to see you guys (I know I wouldn't have chanced it if I didn't have a season pass & need the board time). Hoping the temperatures turn colder & the precipitation in the forecast is in drier form! Made the best of conditions, got some pointers (Thanks Greg) and managed to 'score' some "$10 OFF" Discount Tickets for those that need them for BMES.
  22. cafercr35, Happy Birthday. Hoping (please) to get some colder temperatures for tomorrow. Anticipating the debut of a 'new' Prior. Wait till Glenn finds out BM's new policy, "All Precision Carving Tools, Must Use Razor's Edge" !! :) :)
  23. Blue was Sweeeet this morning, even the fat man was curving! :D Poor Jesse is stuck in Colorado :rolleyes: :rolleyes:.
  24. cafercr35, Well said about Razor's! I 'should' be there on the 13th, and Glenn has already mentioned that will be his next 'oppertunity to get there'. Here's hoping any precipitation comes in a drier form and it stays below freezing for the next 2 months..............
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