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Everything posted by kasko

  1. Bought it from another BOL member so I can't say for sure. What I'm sure of is that all moving parts are in perfect condition. So is the rest of the parts. Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
  2. I got new board with UPM patern and it came with plate. Got to let this one go. All parts are there and it is in great condition. $200 plus shipping. SOLD Paypal accepted.
  3. Salut Luke, Je faisais partie de la gang qui ridait avec l'équipe de course et je l'ai aussi aperçu. J'avoue avoir donné un peu plus de "tork" quand j'ai vu la lentille. Je ne sais pas qui c'était. J'aimerais ça aussi voir quelques photos. C'est habituellement moi qui est le photographe, alors jamais de photo de moi qui ride.
  4. Hi Norm, You should consider Mont-Blanc. It's not too far from Tremblant. I also love Le Relais and Mont-Blanc is in the same family. There's a pretty big carving community there. A bunch of freecarvers, extreme carvers and a race team. On a good day, there's over 20-25 hardbooters on the hill. Can't help you too much for restaurants and lodging since we rent a place for the whole winter and eat home. Cheers
  5. Salut Mart, Si tu actives les PM (messages privés) je vais t'envoyer le courriel de Lorenz.
  6. Hi there, I have a SG 125 used 1 year and bought new. My son was the only user. Well taken care of and still storage wax on it. Interested ?
  7. All the hope for humanity IS concentrated within the hardbooter community and don't you forget that. But keep in mind that we also practice voodoo for the few that try to stiff a fellow hardbooter! Welcome to your new home!
  8. Ouain. Mon plus vieux cette année a foutu le camp. Il a trop incliné et quelque chose a touché le tapis!. La machine shut-down automatiquement, donc plus rien qui tient! Pow!
  9. Salut Eatsurfer, Moi et ma petite famille, on se fait un petit 2 heures à l'automne depuis 2 ans. J'avoue que j'ai été agréablement surpris du feeling. Je vous suggère aussi de vous apporter de l'eau. Y fait chaud à carver à l'intérieur! <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/M5mV6dYjnXY?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Petit vidéo de 2011!
  10. Hi Furbot, I'll take them if in descent shape.
  11. je l'avais pas pogné ;) Avec 5 carvers dans la même maison, on cherche toujours des fix !
  12. Thierry, Tu as des fixations F2 à vendre ? François
  13. Even with 2 good eyes, I try to ride as secure as possible. Knowing that we have to deal with quite a large blind spot, I compensate by making sure I hear properly what's around me. I took off my removable ear covers on my helmet. Even with my skull cap, I make sure it doesn't cover my ears. This makes a huge difference on being aware of my surroundings. The number of times I changed trajectories because I heard someone "too close for comfort". Works for me so you might consider giving this a try!
  14. Max ski service à Tremblant. En plus ils font des bottes de race (ils ne diront pas "c'est quoi ces bottes là!"). En plus de thermoformer le liner, ils ont tout ce qu'il faut pour jouer avec le shell si nécessaire. Comme le mentionne Dave, une botte, ça s'agrandit mais ça ne se rapettise pas.
  15. A few answers, The GS board is different because its shape is made especially for a GS course. The radius is explained in this bomber article. http://bomberonline.com/resources/Techarticles/how_to_buy_board.html It basically means that, because of its shape, the natural carve of the board is either short for SL (9 to 11 meters), or large for GS (15 to 19 meters). Like I said in the previous reply, a "long" SL 163 will probably be much stiffer than a "short" 170 GS. A stiff SL 163 will "eject" your son much quicker when a mistake is made when riding. Again try to find gear he could try to actually have the GS feeling. One of my son is 5ft 4" and rides a 175. As for boots, he had good ones. If he liked them, just change the size. And for the bindings, with growing kids, I think it's much easier to deal with toe bails (manual close). You can change boots next year (yes sometimes, they grow fast) and don't have to deal with making sure the boots are intec compatible. Read as much as you can. Lots of info here: http://bomberonline.com/resources/newcarver/new_carver.html Good luck!
  16. Hi, I have 3 sons racing. My suggestion is to go longer than 163. Why? Because 163 is probably going to be a slalom board for a very aggressive and heavy rider. If you can find someone in your area with a "short" GS like 170, and convince that person to let him try it, he'd probably be surprised to ride a board of that length. Remember, it's not just length, it's mostly sidecut radius. Check the specs and try to get something around 15 meters instead of 9,5 or 10.
  17. I actually never thought I would need one but still did because lifties at my mountain were obsessed 2 years ago, and would systematically check all snowboarders. Anyways, I found out 2 weeks ago that I'm glad I had one. It was particularly warm that day and my F2's got a little looser than usual and for some odd reason, the foot rest of the safety bar caught the bail just on the sweet spot. My board was suddenly hangin' from my leg! Glad I didn't decapitate somebody below the chair cuz I keep my board razor sharp!
  18. Great price but probably would sell easier with 4x4 mount. The price of the 4x4 mount from Bomber store makes this less affordable. Sorry.
  19. J'ai reçu le mien hier et moi aussi, j'avais le premier numéro. Avec la conversion, ça reviens à 32$ environ. C'est 25 euros incluant le shipping. Moi je trouve qu'il en vaut la peine. C'est un super "coffee table magazine". Les feuilles sont épaisses et le cover est encore plus épais. Beaucoup de photos. Pour son côté ésthétique, le prix est justifié. Pour le contenu, ça tourne pas mal autour des "expression sessions" autour du monde. Il y a aussi une revue du circuit de la coupe du monde pour les "courseux". Il ya aussi des profils de compagnies. La livraison d'Europe a pris environ une semaine.
  20. For those of you that would like to carve the mountain virtually before getting there. Google street went through all trails with a pretty funny helmet! Check it out! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=205112298859512632416.0004cd7615139f442ee94&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=46.101388%2C-74.484215&spn=0.038922%2C0.059223&t=h&z=14&vpsrc=6&iwloc=0004cd7633d5790714ac2&layer=c&cbll=46.101349%2C-74.48439&panoid=Dv8ghkzYYK08H7fHN-lXbQ&cbp=12%2C143.74%2C%2C0%2C18.78
  21. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas la montagne, vous pouvez la "carver" en mode virtuel avec Google Street. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=205112298859512632416.0004cd7615139f442ee94&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=46.101388%2C-74.484215&spn=0.038922%2C0.059223&t=h&z=14&vpsrc=6&iwloc=0004cd7633d5790714ac2&layer=c&cbll=46.101349%2C-74.48439&panoid=Dv8ghkzYYK08H7fHN-lXbQ&cbp=12%2C143.74%2C%2C0%2C18.78 Enjoy
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