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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. mikemcse, I agree the movie was well done aside from the plot. Tom hanks can execute a sight-gag extremely well, I wish there could have been more of that in this movie. And the dinner scene was great. However, (SPOILER) after the point that Hanks refuses to sneak out of the terminal when the boss gives him the chance, it lost all credibility with me. And then again when he refuses to play along and say he is afraid of going home. Dumb. Chamucos vs. El Tesoro discussed here: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6545
  2. I'll ammend my statement to say that it would NEVER happen in real life, except maybe in France. :p Even so, the situation just defies logic, and does not support a movie plot at all. Ehh - maybe if I had known the movie was based on a true story going into it, I would have liked it better.
  3. That would be the perfect step up from the e-deck 166. The 185 would not be too big for someone your size, but it's just too big of a jump.
  4. The Terminal. I rented this from Netflix because it stars Tom Hanks and Catherine Ziti Jones. Tom Hanks generally does not star in crappy movies. Ms. Jones is rather easy on the eyes even if she is in a crappy movie. I also chose this flick because it was directed by Steven Spielberg, who generally does not make crappy movies. This movie sucks. The ENTIRE conflict could be resolved with one simple act of intelligence (either on the part of Hanks' character or the Terminal boss). Therefore, the conflict would NEVER happen in real life. This actually seems to be an entire moviemaking genre. It can either be a conflict that could be resolved with one simple act of intelligence, but instead the plot spirals around every other impossibly stupid solution while conspicuously avoiding the smart one - or - one simple act of honesty, but instead the plot spirals around one or many idiotic snowballing lies no smart person would ever tell. It consists of moronic films such as this, What About Bob, and Meet the Parents. Fortunately I can't think of any others at the moment. Sitcoms commonly fall into this sinkhole as well. What I don't get is how these movies can be popular. Ebert & Roeper gave The Terminal two thumbs up. Netflix member ratings were also high (like 4.5 out of 5 stars)
  5. Jack M


    I liked basket ball better when they didn't wear culottes.
  6. What, you don't have enough friends here? :p
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/050622/ids_photos_sp/r3318410604.jpg those guys need to get a room.
  8. I think Episode IV was <i>extremely</i> well written. So many quotable lines/moments in that movie. "these aren't the droids you're looking for" "sorry about the mess" "I find your lack of faith disturbing" "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" The list goes on and on. So what happened??
  9. That is a poorly written article full of conjecture and subjective conclusions. It is written by a no-name at a motorcycle dealership. Snell also certifies bicycle helmets, and I believe snow helmets now too.
  10. Burton DID give Alpine a lot of attention for many years. So much so that the world cup became a Burton parade year after year. They had their race boards, boots, and bindings right there in the main catalog along with everything else, and the catalogs had pictures of carvers throughout. In '95, a carver even graced one of two covers they used for the catalog. (hmm - maybe that was an experiment. I wonder if they asked all their retailers to return any unused catalogs at the end of the season to see how many carver catalogs they got back) Recently I dug out my old "<b>Scream of Consciousness</b>" Burton video from '92. There are alpine and race segments all through it - including footage of Jeff Brushie racing in a Super-G, complete with full-face helmet and speed suit. So Burton tried, and for a long time. I think the market just shrunk out from under them, to a level below their threshold. (although I can't believe splitboards make more money for Burton than Alpine did, so why are they making them?) I do think they could have made a more dignified exit from the sport though. They tried to slink out the back door as if nobody would notice. If it weren't for Chris Klug, I doubt they'd be in it at all. ps - utahcarver - Burton makes some very high end gear, like the T6 and Custom X boards, and the C60 and Fusion bindings. hello??
  11. I agree, it is sad that Burton has mostly turned its back on Alpine (except for www.klugriding.com). It is also somewhat hypocritical for a company that used to bill itself as providing all things snowboarding. HOWEVER... Burton is the number one snowboard company in the world. I'm pretty sure that the numbers two, three, four, or so snowboard companies in the world are ski companies. I can't really articulate why, but I wouldn't want to live in a world where the number one snowboard company was a ski company. So whatever Burton has to do to stay on top is fine with me. Mostly.
  12. North Atlantic Trenching Organization
  13. http://www.smf.org/response.html Their response, which is at times snide, knee-jerk, and defensive, takes a bit of the wind out of the article's sails, but nevertheless, I am no longer afraid to buy a non-Snell helmet. In fact I bought a Z1R and am quite happy with it. The quality to dollar ratio is surprisingly high. However it has very little venting, but that doesn't matter much to me.
  14. It is really too early to be talking about this, because we are going to be getting a <b>group discount</b>. What you hear from Sugarloaf is not what our deal will be. And judging from those numbers, our deal will be <b>much</b> more affordable. I actually have some pricing now, but we haven't signed the contract yet, so it would be premature to announce them. As for condos vs. Grand Summit hotel, our condo prices are based on maximum occupancy. That is, 8 people in a 3 bedroom condo. Right, 2 people on the pull out couch. The condos are cheaper than the hotel. The difference is not insignificant. The hotel prices are based on double occupany - 2 people in a hotel room. You pay for what you get. The hotel is right in the village, and you can roll out of bed and walk a few steps to the Superquad. They offer more space and more privacy, but you'll have fewer pals. Things can get fun in a condo with 7 other carvers. The condos are more spread out, and they will involve possibly longer walks to the lift or a shuttle ride. But either way you'll be able to park your car and forget it. The shuttle service starts early and runs pretty late. I have requested to Sugarloaf that we not be in the Snowbrook condos again. There were some complaints about the size, location, and ladder access to the second floor.
  15. so glad you approve. ;) I got into a discussion/argument with my brother (who is a big SW fan) about why he didn't like Episode III. We argued for about 2 hours, but there was one very astute observation he made that nobody here made, which I simply cannot deny. He pointed out that in the original trilogy, almost every line is quotable. There are nearly -zero- quotable or memorable lines in the new trilogy.
  16. I'm pretty sure they do, I seem to recal about 10 years ago or so a couple of the factories with mega-deep pockets developed engines that were entirely ceramic. They weighed something like half that of a metal engine and made as much power if not more. Cars using them were unbeatable. They were quickly prohibited because they cost a gazillion dollars - F1 would have become a one or two factory parade.
  17. Are ceramic engines still prohibited? It's amazing what gets spent on racing. I heard once that a set of forks for a World Superbike (factory suped-up streetbikes - not MotoGP) machine are over $30,000. BDZal - you make me laugh. bike easier to control than a car. good one.
  18. That is true. They said that in the Andretti/Newman documentary "Super Speedway". At 100mph, the car generates more downforce than its own weight. I wonder which has a higher power/weight ratio, F1 or MotoGP? Too bad in 2007 they're dumbing down to 800cc.
  19. don't forget the 80/20 rule. although in this guy's case, it's 20/80 - http://www.funnypictures.dk/data/media/10/cooldriver.wmv
  20. That example proves nothing. A 200cm freeride board is just as un-versatile as any race deck. Softboots simply can't carve as well as hardboots. The only way to come close is with a huge board that holds its own edge for you. If it were true that "you can have just as much fun carving awesome turns on a soft board", then alpine boards, hardboots, and plate bindings would have ceased to exist years ago, and you would not be reading this website today.
  21. Rossi has it in the bag. I just hope Capirossi can climb out of the hole and put Ducati back on the podium some more.
  22. Be sure to check out our Welcome Center. Also try The Norm out on the hill.
  23. I'm thinking we'll have to have a vintage boards day at the ECES, so I *trust* you'll show up with a Weapon, right??
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