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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M


    this thread is going nowhere good. the original post was directed at gun owners/enthusiasts. posting here to say you don't like guns or gun policies is sort of like a softbooter coming here to say they don't like hardboots. remember, political threads are prohibited.
  2. I love how these cheaters are only remorseful after they get caught. Palmeiro: "period!"
  3. I like them both and I think Nissan did the new Z mostly right, although it is a little rounder and "prettier" than perhaps a Z should be. My dad thinks the TT looks like a clown car - he has a point. The hardtop version sort of looks like they were going for an updated Karman Ghia look, but missed the mark. They'll need Pininfarina for that task. I think it's overdue.
  4. Okay, so if this goes down, I trust we can all expect a "ride report" to be posted here??? sorry, couldn't hold it in any longer.
  5. I don't know if they like those cars, I think it has more to do with gas costing about $5 a gallon over there. If Europeans could pay $1.50/gal like we used to, SUVs would be much more popular there I'm sure. Now that we're paying well over $2/gal, I'm seeing a lot more hybrids and more smaller cars on the road here. And there are lots of car enthusiasts here who wish we could have cool European cars that aren't available. Ehh, someday we'll have our cake and eat it too, when feul cell cars get off the ground. In the mean time I'll take a 255hp hybrid Accord and get 30mpg and a fun ride.
  6. Yeah, well, you can also play a three game soccer round robin in high school with a raging beer/tequila/white-zinfandel hangover, but it isn't much fun.
  7. It is! I was pulling your leg about the other stuff, but they really are called car bras. The real idea is that they protect the front of your car, but having tried one for a winter I think they just create other problems.
  8. is with your toes and heels as close to the edge as possible without hanging over. This maximizes toe/heel leverage, and prevents overhang. You can experiment from there, but you really want to avoid overhang. You can't carve with overhang.
  9. The purpose of those "condom" things (actually called a car bra, right, as in brassier) is to allow sand, salt, road grime, and moisture to accumulate underneath them in the winter months. Then, the bra gently massages this nasty stuff against your paint as it shifts slightly in the wind and from vibration. This causes your paint job to deteriorate at an accelerated rate. Then you have an excuse to have the car painted another color sooner. ;)
  10. ...but it has 2 too many wheels, methinks!
  11. seriously awesome pics. You should give your photographer a twelve pack of whatever he wants.
  12. mom, post c-section dad, fooling with controls on bed
  13. I may not be available. See my other recent thread for the excuse!
  14. The warm wishes are appreciated... seriously, thanks. I've tried the push-from-behind test to see if she's goofy like her old man, but uh, it didn't go so well. I never did like that test!
  15. Dorothy "Dory" Elizabeth Michaud 8lbs, 2oz 7/28/2005
  16. Jack M

    Not OT

    How to buy an alpine snowboard How to set up your plate bindings
  17. Just wait 'till Mike T hits a grand!
  18. with a Camelback is it makes the chairlift ride kind of uncomfortable. Unless you can sit in your corner of the chair (left corner for regulars, right corner for goofies), it forces you to sit bolt upright, and it's hard to relax in the chair while wearing it. Otherwise the thing is pretty much a godsend. Cleaning is easy. Mild soap and water once or twice a season. Rinse with a baking soda and water solution before each trip.
  19. You're the ones with the biological clocks, not us!
  20. Umm, no. The best is, well, the best.
  21. Borderboy, you say you had the best that money can buy? So you had a pair of Wilson Grand Slams? Mark Levinson amps? Transparent cables? (or similar stuff) Ceramic cones under everything? Power conditioners? And now you can't afford hdtv and your favorite stuff is Denon and Pioneer?? (I prefer H/K for similar money) You don't run rear speakers but the sub is going to give you 3 dimensional sound? Umm, that all just doesn't jive. Also, listening to equipment in a store only gets you half way there. Most stores have concrete floors. The wood floor in your home is your passive radiator, a free extra woofer. No equipment is going to sound the same in the store as it will in your house. The best thing to do is to narrow your selection down via research and testimonials to two, maybe three choices of electronics and speakers. Then buy them all from places that have 30 day satisfaction guarantees, set them all up at home and try them out. Just be careful so you can return the stuff you don't want!!
  22. Just go to the member list and sort by post count. Don't worry, I'm still the king! :D
  23. I'm pretty sure that next year (or soon, regardless) is the year that the FCC has mandated all broadcasts switch to HD. Whenever that happens, the price of HDTV is going to plummet. My only criticism of sat/sub combinations with the tiny little satellite speakers is that I think they lack good mid-bass. I think a powered sub combined with bookshelf speakers with 5-6" woofers is the ultimate combo that gives you the full spectrum. That is, if you can't do towers.
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