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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. These terms are completely ambiguous. So stop using them. Say "heelside" or "toeside" instead. Then everyone will know what you are talking about. Unless you're talking about freestyle maneuvers that are specifically named "frontside air" or whatever. Thanks.
  2. Jack M

    New Camera!

  3. http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm
  4. They should work the "Made in Oz" thing on their website. As it is, it smacks of a Venture Capitalist wanting to make a quick buck with a Chinese OEM.
  5. Interesting, looks like a new company. I'd call that a Freecarve board with a tail. Or, a narrow all-mountain. If you're looking for an FC, the specs look right on, and good for your boot size. However if you want an all-mountain carver, it's a bit narrow for your 29s.
  6. if you're talking ski boots, you could probably get away with it, but man it would make me paranoid. no way I'd do it to snowboard boots which are already beveled.
  7. ha! not a bad idea. a lot more labor intensive than i'd like, but it could work.
  8. I'm NOT looking to burn back-up copies of my DVD's onto DVDR's. I want do do away with the physical plastic discs altogether. Here's what I've done with my music: I *ripped* all my CDs onto my hard drive. I use iTunes to play them. I use the Apple Airport Express to beam the music from my computer to my stereo over the wireless LAN in the house. It works great. Basically, I want to do THAT with my DVD's. Or am I being a dolt and someone has already posted the solution? The Apple TV device is close, but no cigar. You can't rip a DVD into iTunes. Furthermore you can't even <i>play</i> a DVD in iTunes. You can only purchase and download movies through iTunes. And for now they have a library of about twelve. There is no logic that says CD ripping is legal and DVD ripping is not. WTF?
  9. Fire away - I just didn't want people posting strong opinions who are not experienced with both systems. You are, so let's hear it. btw, Windows XP is multi-user.
  10. it's true that if you try to implement everything all at once, you're probably going to get overwhelmed. Just concentrate on one skill until you've got it nailed. Then move on to the next.
  11. just make sure not to reach down for the snow, and that your shoulders are the last thing to cross the board.
  12. It should not *require* two hands to close. But it should be a significant effort for one hand (not just a couple fingers), such that using two hands makes it easy-peasy.
  13. Hey JJ, the Smithsonian called - they want you to pose for one of those progressive displays of evolution. Somewhere in the middle. :p
  14. Tucking your rear knee behind the front one is really not helping your cause. Here's some reading... http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/seperate_zee_knees.cfm
  15. Don't be a retrogrouch. I was using a 2-blader until I got a free Gillette Fusion (5 blades) in the mail. Closest and most comfortable shave I've ever had by far.
  16. Ski boots are not ideal, but are actually do-able. I've taught a handful of crossover skiers in their ski boots. However those boards will be too unforgiving. They need more speed before they really want to carve. If you want a loaner board to teach friends on, look for an all-mountain carver like the Prior 4x4 (aka 4WD), Coiler All-Mountain, Donek Axxess (aka Axis), or an older Burton Coil, Wire, or E-deck. These boards have rounded tails that won't catch or want to hook up all the time, and they have deeper sidecuts that will be fun to carve at beginner speeds.
  17. Very funny, Dr. Laura. My 1.5 year old is not capable of understaning that the data is on the shiny side. My 4 year old is though, and it hits home when Lightning McQueen says ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-chow! Nor is the 1.5 year old aware that opening the dvd tray and then shoving it back in by hand is a bad thing. I just don't want to have to keep my dvds and the player in a vault.
  18. It may currently be unlawful, but that is absolute rubbish. Logically invalid. If ripping DVDs is wrong, then so is ripping CDs. They're trying to close the barn door after the horse has already run out. And it ran out with the dual cassette deck about 25 years ago.
  19. Nope. Knees apart, ass down, shoulders pretty much level to the hill, hands off the snow.... great pic. Look at the distance between his chest and his knees. Lesser riders would have their chest on their knees at the speed he's probably riding.
  20. Speed is controlled by carving - no, really carving, at high edge angles. A lot of people really only do this in the bottom half of the carve. You need to minimize time between carves, and angulate more and earlier. You can only do this with good cross-through. Flick the board from edge to edge underneath you. Show your base to the people gawking at you from uphill. Don't stand up and haul your carcass across the board. You can see when you're doing it right when the end of one trench overlaps the beginning of the next. You also need to drive the nose of the board hard for the first half of the turn. As Fawcett put it, dive and drive.
  21. Anyone do this? We've amassed a not insignificant library of kid's movies on DVD, but unfortunately the kids think DVDs are Frisbees. Is it possible to "rip" a dvd to your computer and play it back to your TV ideally over wifi? Is this coming down the pike in iTunes? Any other products? Thanks.
  22. umm, isn't the file going to span the curvature of your sidecut and um, not work?
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