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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Axxess and 4WD won't be good for softboots unless you like high angles or have small feet. What size are your dogs? Sweet method on the ol' CK Air by the way.
  2. Donek Saber http://www.donek.com/saber_carve.html Prior BX http://www.priorsnowboards.com/boards_bx.php Or if you want to spend >$1500, a Kessler Cross. http://www.kessler-swiss.com/en-US/pages/products/snowboard/theCross/presentation
  3. Those are Burton's first hardboots, the Megaflex, they debuted in the 89-90 catalog. The very next year they changed to manlier colors, so you know they are 21 years old. I wouldn't pay more than $50.
  4. Well that is a personal preference issue. F2s are known to be flexier, but the soft Bomber e-rings get most of that flex back if that's what you want. Standard bindings can be sized a little looser to allow more side-to-side boot "roll", but I don't like that. I also love the convenience of step-ins.
  5. Welcome! You said money wasn't an issue, so you may as well get the latest and greatest, right? Hard to go wrong with either Prior or Donek. Both top shelf in the $1000 price point. Coiler is another equal, but availability may be limited. You're "only" 4 hours from the Prior factory in Whistler, you could pick one up in person and ride it there. The FLC has a dual radius sidecut with a longer radius on the back half of the board. It will be able to ride a wider range of turn sizes than the WCRM, which is a traditional single radius. Donek has variable radius boards too. This sounds like you want the FLC or the equivalent Donek. 12m isn't that long, so a 12-to-14m dual radius will allow you to draw out carves more. Heh, F2 definitely does NOT make Bomber bindings. Bombers are about as rigid as Cateks if you choose the hard Bomber e-ring. Using the medium or soft e-rings provides some nice cushion. Cateks are great bindings, but the state of the company seems to be uncertain. There have been reports here of unresponsiveness and loooong wait times for orders. I think THIS is what you're looking for.
  6. Agreed. Wish I was independently wealthy.
  7. <embed src="http://www.coolestone.com/flv_player/Main.swf" quality="high" width="660" height="393" FlashVars="config=http://www.coolestone.com/flv_player/data/playerConfigEmbed/895.xml" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
  8. more from the death-wish department... <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwWLnaME0CI?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwWLnaME0CI?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  9. Nice! When are "we" getting back into a Warren Miller movie? ;)
  10. ha, I actually had an old guy yell at me from behind to "get out of the way!" These people think that once you carve away from them that you are not coming back.
  11. Ahh Burton, again. That's funny... they invoke Craig Kelly while putting down forward angles... which he rode. Guess their advertising is done by some newb right out of art school. Probably never saw a resort without parks and hundreds of snowboarders. Heh, I hope somebody poaches the pipe at the US Open, and then produces a copy of this ad upon bustage.
  12. I think you misinterpreted my post. I think he should either teach on an alpine setup (boots and board) or a freeride setup. Hardboots on a freeride board isn't helping our cause. Teaching a beginner lesson on a full alpine setup is not really an issue. I did it for 4 years on hardboots and a PJ6, FP 157, FP 167. Hundreds of beginners taught successfully. In theory I agree with what Rob said about teaching a beginner lesson without any board at all. However I had a friend who got a lesson like that and they didn't like it. They found it too preachy. I don't think so. At 10/-10 you're craning your neck around a lot more just to see forwards, nevermind to check your heelside.
  13. I figured. :( I never tried one back when they were made because at that point $800 for a snowboard was a ludicrous proposition to me. heh, funny how that's now a relative bargain for a good board. I never tried one since having my eyes opened to top-shelf alpine boards because I'm not sure I want to know. Seems like it will never be duplicated, so there wouldn't be much of a point, sadly. It would be like falling in love with Kodachrome.
  14. umm, based on the way I asked the question, it looks like you're saying the '07 158 has 20-25% more edge hold. Is that what you meant?
  15. How would you rate the edge hold of the '07 158 you bought from me against the original?
  16. It helps with knee separation and putting your rear knee more under your center of gravity during a toeside carve. I love it, but it may not be for everybody. (old pic) more here: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm
  17. I think about 90% of skiers fall into your definition of straight-liner. You are not going to convince anyone there is anything wrong with it, because there isn't. It is just the environment we have to deal with. If I notice someone like this trying to pass me, I either adjust my line or stop. I think the best thing to do is to wait for a good lull in traffic before starting downhill.
  18. Terje is still the man, and there is still no air better than a big ol' Method.
  19. That's what you think. ;) Try pure heel lift on the back foot. You might find it unlocks power, enabling your back knee to be more independent of your front. If it does, you can take it a step further with a little outward cant on the back foot.
  20. http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/board_bag.cfm
  21. Use softboots. You aren't helping the alpine cause that much by only exposing people to hardboots and not the total alpine package with a race/carving board. You represent a minority even smaller than carvers - freeriders on hardboots. Your students probably just think your setup is just, well, odd.
  22. It is normal that changes to your stance will cause some initial confusion for your muscles because they are used to having things a different way. You'll get used to the new setup with a little time. It sounds like if your heelsides improved that you're on the right track. I think if you take the next step and use only heel lift on the rear foot and no cant, you'll probably find your toesides improve.
  23. sheesh, get a room you two. ;)
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