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Everything posted by gdboytyler

  1. Hey Aaron, I'm all for carpooling. When can workout the details in March.
  2. The easy mod is to remove the brass tube and lube the bolt with some cold weather grease. That's the mod I did and I haven't had any problems with the RAB getting jammed. However, with this method, you lose your forward lean adjustment. I also installed a lighter spring.
  3. I'm in for April 7, 8 and 9th I can help ship back the demos to the respective sponsors. We could take up a collection to pay for the return shipment.
  4. I'm 5'7", 132 lb. I demo'd the Donek 163 FCII last season. I rode it for 3 days. I liked the board so much, I put one on order. My review is in the BOL review section. Once you are healed up, I highly recommend you call up Donek and arrange for a mail order demo. That is the best way to determine if the Donek Freecarve is the right board for you. You only have to pay for return shipping.
  5. Randy, as soon as you reach 1000, you should get Fin to zero out your post count. Then you won't be a post whore anymore :D
  6. I put a modified RAB on my SB413's. In a locked forward lean mode, the boots felt too stiff. In walk mode, the boots felt too loose. With the modified RAB, I was able to adjust the stiffnes of the boot to my preference by changing the spring. The standard RAB tends to get locked up, so it was like riding in locked forward lean mode.
  7. Aisling, since it was there, I had to check out your MySpace pics. I must say, nice A$$ :D Here's my newly minted Myspace site, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=29243720&Mytoken=040C3BC8-1731-47E7-A1B50F151941240D1006766046 I had to find out what all the fuss is about. I expect messages from hot women to be rolling in any minute now.
  8. Yo Aaron, I've got the Proton 164, not the 172. I'll be hanging onto the Proton 164 for Eurocarving on the really good days. The Donek FC will be my everyday board. With the smaller sidecut, the Donek FC is not as easy to Eurocarve as the Proton. You're welcome to ride my Proton 164 whenever I'm not riding it. I'll definately call you for the first day I go to Bear Mtn this season. Only a couple more months
  9. Damn, I paid full retail price for a snowboard for the first time since around 1990. Actually, I haven't paid yet, but I did put in my order for a new Donek 163 FCII. I should get it around early Nov. All my other board purchases have been at end of season sales, EBay or Bomber classifieds. In fact the only other piece of snowboard gear that I paid full retail price was for some Bomber TD2's and second board kit. Since my surf trip to Indo in early July, I have barely thought about snowboarding. Now with a almost two months of crappy local surf, my mind is back in the snowboarding mode. Let's bring on the winter! I can't wait to try out newly ordered board
  10. "woodman" sounds like a good user name for a porn site or maybe a dating site.
  11. The correct law to use to figure out recoil would be conservation of momentum instead of conservation of energy, as in: mass(bullet) x velocity(bullet) = mass(gun) x velocity(gun) so v(gun) = m(bullet)x(bullet)/mass(gun) To simplify the calc, I'll assume the gun and shooter to be one solid mass. In the normal case: bullet = 240 gr =.034 lb gun and shooter = 200 lb velocity of bullet = 1000 fps You get velocity of gun and shooter = .17 fps = .12 mph, so not much effect on the shooter. In the other case: bullet = 40 oz =2.5 lb gun and shooter = 200 lb velocity of bullet = 1000 fps You get velocity of gun and shooter = 12.5 fps = 8.5 mph, so the shooter gets dumped on his ass with unknown injuries
  12. Regarding the heavy bullet, with light gun, the recoil would depend on how fast the heavy bullet was moving. If that 40 oz bullet was going at normal handgun speeds (over 1000 ft/sec), I'd say the recoil would break your arm and knock you on your ass.
  13. C5 Golfer is right that silencers (suppressor would be more accurate) only work well with autos. You would also need a sub-sonic round to make a silenced auto work well. Part of the loud bang you hear when you fire a gun is the sonic boom from the bullet. I use to have video files of guys shooting some 9mm submachine guns (HK MP5) with suppressors and sub-sonic ammo. The loudest noise was the sound of the slide banging back and forth, which is still noisy.
  14. gdboytyler


    The statistic I remember is that most gun fights occur at 7 yards or less. If police are involved, they usually have a 20% hit rate (1 out of 5). Civilians acting in self defense are usually higher than 20%. The bad guy is usually less than 20%. Sorry, I don't have any references at the time. So, if you're the armed good guy getting assaulted, I say shoot first and only run if you miss all your shots and you run out of ammo
  15. gdboytyler


    The Model 1911 is still the mainstay for IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). However, .45 is no longer the favorite round because you get larger mag capacity with .38 supers and .40. For speed, accuracy and dependability you can't beat the single action Model 1911. Cocked and locked BABY
  16. gdboytyler


    How about choosing between the unarmed combat instructor and an armed combat instructor who specializes in teaching firearms techniques to say SWAT/military? I definately go with the firearms instructor. I think hand-to-hand fighting in gangland went out of style sometime after Westside Story. However, I never venture into gangland.
  17. gdboytyler


    I shoot the following: Model 1911 in 38 Super. It's an IPSC race gun with 18 round double stack mags and red dot sight. Unfortunately, I don't compete anymore. Colt Delta Elite 10mm. Colt HBAR (civilian version of the M-16). Old Glenfield 12 ga pump. If California ever passes "shall issue" permit laws, I would carry my Colt 10mm.
  18. gdboytyler - as in Jonnie Goodboy Tyler from the book "Battlefield Earth". Jonnie saves the world from invading space aliens. The book was great, but the movie sucked. And no, I'm not a scientologist. L. Ron Hubbard, who is the author of Battlefield Earth, founded scientology sometime after he had already written the book. When I first got an email address with Yahoo (many years ago), JonnieTyler, GoodboyTyler, etc. were already taken. So gdboytyler@yahoo.com was my first ever email address. gdboytyler is also my screen name at Surfermag.com and Ebay.
  19. This has been an interesting thread. I have a daughter, an ex-wife and several ex-in-laws that live in Wasilla, and I wouldn't take any of their advice when it comes to snowboarding :D I also wouldn't take advice from anyone that advised me to use a 13" stance (since I weigh 130 lb) or someone that used outdated methods of measuring stance - unless they posted video/pics of themselves totally ripping in powder. Now, Juss’ recommendation of a 13” stance measured from inside of boot to inside of boot, is about 16.5” at center of disk. I was using that stance width about 10 years ago. I doubt that all of the AK snowboarders are still caught in the same time warp. Some the crew from the Bay area highly recommended the O-Sin 4807, which prompted me to get one last season. Great board and great piece of advice. So in this small sample, when it comes to giving snowboarding advice, Bay Area =1 and Wasilla = 0.
  20. Wave height is always debatable. The Hawaiians on board and the Aussie boat crew were calling the bigger days "solid 5 ft". I just go with the standard answer of "well overhead". My Gath surf helmet didn't seem to impair balancing or hearing. I had the model with the retractable visor. With the visor up, the helmet seemed to pinch a little by my cheek bone. With the visor down, the fit felt great, but the dark visor made it a little difficult to see the lip. So in between waves, I kept the visor down (to cut down on glare), and put it up when I saw a wave coming. I only wore the helmet during 3 sessions. When surfing a couple of super shallow spots and one clear early morning when the sun was right in our eyes. A lot of the waves we got were more "curly". However, I didn't get any good barrel photos. Other surfers in the crew got some awesome barrels with photos to go with the ride.
  21. In the sequence on the bigger waves, I was riding a 6'8" thruster (3-fin). The one shot of the late drop, I was on a 7'0" semi-gun thruster. On the small waves, I was riding a 6'2" thruster. The 6'2" and 6'8" are custom epoxy resin/polystyrene foam boards (from Epoxy Pro). These boards are harder to ding and the foam doesn't suck water when it does get dinged. The 7'0" is your standard polyester resin/polyurethane foam board from Blue Hawaii.
  22. The captain of the boat that I was on was also a professional photographer. He charged $10/photo or $150 for all the photos he shot of me. Me and 6 of my buddies on the boat all dished out $150 each for our photos. The photographer can get a lot of six packs for that. But he'll probably spend that money on hookers in Thailand when the surf season is over ;)
  23. I went on a 12 day surf trip to Indonesia during the first part of July. Best vacation of my life! My two dream trips have been heli-boarding in BC and surfing in Indo. Now that I've experienced surfing in Indo, I don't know if I'll ever go on that heli-boarding trip! I need to make the Indo trip an annual event My year has peaked. The only thing I've got left to look forward to is ordering a Donek Freecarve for the upcoming winter.
  24. From what I remember, the way the aliens died in the movie matched the book. The sappy ending was very lame, otherwise it was a good movie.
  25. Well, I'm an attractive male engineer, and I haven't met an attractive female engineer since college. I've met one good-looking saleswoman that was selling pumps. That could be a nice plot for a sitcom (or maybe a porno). Engineer beds superhot female vendors by enticing them with large contracts. Of course, I'm too ethical to try anything like that.
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