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Posts posted by Enzo

  1. I'm afraid to ask, but how's the coverage and current conditions?? :freak3:

    my in-laws said up at Sugarloaf, they didn't open the mountain until noon time on Sat. so they could make things extra special.

    hopefully you guys got some good seat time in at the PBR.

  2. I prefer carving over the slow ass powder.

    guy are you high????

    rocked the softboots today in 12"-18" in the trees and OB. my bro knows all the secret stashes!! :cool: did some hiking inbounds and headed OB for a sick run in the JH side country. more snow in the forecast for Thurs/Fri. the hardboots are collecting dust. :biggthump



  3. They are still available so you can have em. The only issue is I leave early tomorrow morning for a week long vacation. I won't be able to put them in the mail until Monday 3/2. Let me know if this ok. I'll have email/BOL access all week so I'll still be able to chat.

  4. WTF?!?!? What's the deal with the tumbleweeds and cricket infestation around these parts???

    I'm headed out to JH for the week. Hope you guys can keep it real. I'll try to post up some vacation pics...my goal is to ride a buffalo.

    Since it's been pretty dull around here these dayz and the threads in the main forum make me want to punch someone in the head....did any of you guys catch the premiere of Eastbound and Down on HBO on Sunday?? Here's a clip of the opening scene...so fkn funny!!


    <object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlyvS-sbWzo&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlyvS-sbWzo&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

  5. The girlfriend and I are spending 2 weeks in Wilson. Will probably ride between Jackson Hole and Targhee. Anyone planning on being able to ride? Or will you be too tired/broke from SES?

    I'll be out there from 2/21-2/28. If it's a groomer day, I'll be lapping AV & Casper on a blue/black tribal Coiler & Track 700s.

    Caspercarver--The past several years I've seen you a bunch of times from the lift...you rip!! :biggthump

  6. you mfbo'd fellas didn't miss a thing on the hill saturday. the ice, frozen waterfalls, & golf balls chunks were the best conditions i've seen so far this year. :smashfrea sunday was much better with more manmade. Flume was money!! scuff good meeting ya!!

    the real show on Sat was in the PBR. spring training is now officially in full session so we were double fisted and cougar huntin the entire afternoon. :barf:

    stevo we got you a new helmet. you just have to hose it out...we both puked in it moments later. :biggthump


  7. I'm going to be visiting family in NH this weekend and planning ride Loon Mtn on Sunday.

    Due to weather reports of rain and seeing your posts about snow coverage, my wife and I

    will probably leave our alpine gear at home - still undecided whether to

    bring our soft gear, or rent boards.. fingers crossed we don't get rained-in.

    Stay away from Gleb. He'll scratch your board!!:D

    No rain in the forecast for the weekend. I rode this afternoon and conditions varied from lsgr to solid ice...epic for metal. :freak3:

    Snow guns were blowing on some trails as well. We meet up at 7:45am in the Bunyan Room and we'll probably be lapping the East Basin double to avoid the crowds.

    jd- after seeing the traffic heading north on 93 and all the pissa blue ice, the long bord and shot bord are both in the box. :AR15firin

  8. I'll be up there Fri 3-4pm, then Sat/Sun. pretty sure all of the other fellas are mfbo'd. are you gonna be social on the lift or you swinging your hips to Madonna again on the ipod??


    Work It,

    Make It,

    Do It,

    Makes Us,





  9. Shells are in good condition with typical scuffs from several seasons of use. The stock liners (non-heat moldable) were only used for half a season and are still in great condition. Booster straps are included.

    Recent upgrades: new Bomber toe pads, Bomber heel pads replaced last season, new 5 position forward lean on both boots, new fixed rivet and adjustable cant assembly on right boot.

    $175 shipped to lower 48.



  10. the conditions will be a rockin this weekend! no excuses for t32, run what ya brung, and leave the wrenches at home with the wif, ova! :biggthump

    loon tweet is sayin they're blowing snow again to preppy up the place for the mashole vacation week. it was looking pretty slutty on Sunday. you should've seen us...what a sh!tshow...rain at the base, sleet at mid-mountain, and a friggin' blizzard on the Peak. to top it off....stevo showed us his knuckles and forced bud light wine coolers on all of us.

    obtw...McChatta is back to his old self training for X-Games Big Air Contest.

    see the ting is, is I can't see the jump...in fact I can't see a ting...so I just go as fast as possible and huck ....

    I think I'm gonna get the guy a parachute. He's all about gnar hucking and his landings are an afterthought. I was ready to dial 911 after seeing him yardsale twice off of the pstar/rampasture roller. i'm telling ya the guy is Evil KENievel.

  11. Banana suit is coming out for this weekend. Will also be there thursday. Whats the turn around on a PTC tune?

    we meet at the South Peak now for crepes and omelets. 7:30 sharp.

    the mtn is looking more like late march than early Feb. have fun avoiding the thin cover and choc chips with that fresh ptc tune.

  12. The snow is still good and pretty firm in places. It's starting to get scratchy on some steeper terrain and on the backside of rollers. That chit catches you by surprise in the flat light. :eek:

    7:45AM .... puttin on the pads for the meat gates.

  13. i'm hoping to get all my tinkering done tonight. I'm planning on taking some test runs tomorrow afternoon. :eplus2:

    FH--congrats on the board. just stay clear of Banana Hammock Boy & McChattaStache. there's a 98.7% chance your board will either be chipped or scratched by one of them in the first week of ownership. :AR15firin:freak3:

  14. What's with the call out guy??? PROBATION????? :argue: Isn't our motto STFUARMF??? Sorry, but I haven't had much time to be a keyboard jockey and run up the post count. Been offline since Wed, the snow is ridonkulous!!!!!

    While you guys were busy modeling your newest Copper Mt gaydas up and down Rt 70, I've been representing T32 all ova. Got a sweet pow day at Loon on Wed and then headed up to the 'Loaf Thursday night for some unbelievable groomers on Friday and Sat. Hoping for more snow on Wed for another POW day. Care to join me or will I be the sole T32 memba sporting colors up here??:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin

    TT- great riding with you guys on Sat. Spent the rest of the afternoon doing laps on Narrow Gauge. Unbelievable!!! I hope to be back up sometime in March for a second try out. :biggthump

  15. Glenn,

    Thanks for pulling my a$$ out of there. :freak3: That's my 2nd near death experience in 2 years. Although, this time I came out relatively unscathed. :biggthump

    Just minor carnage....I got whacked by a small tree and was within an inch of giving myself an involuntary sex change. bye bye gonads....hello vajayjay. Today I have a polly's pancake size black & blue bruise on my thigh. :eek:

    Those Coiler metals are pretty turny and indestructible. :)


    Look at who's pic is circulating around the net.


  16. That sucks!! Some of the shops in town or at the village have decent demos. Hoback Sports sells Priors (freeride models) and I think they demo Arbors. You might get lucky and find something stiff enough to mount your plates on.

    There are only a handful of trails on the Casper/AV side of the mountain where you'd be able to enjoy the GS board. You'll definitely have fun, but why limit yourself? The mountain is huge and has so much great terrain that can be accessed and explored more easily in soft-boots.

  17. :lol: :1luvu:

    eh jd i'm sittin on the couch in my puffa, hat, and snowboard pants shivering my ass off staring at a blank tv...just had 2 tylenol#3 and 4 advil for breakfast. i heard something was up for sunday....mucinex toast 7:45??


    stevo are you & da wif in for tomorrow? I need a head count...I'm making cake & cookies to celebrate manch_mike's return to 32.

    great conditions this AM.


  18. stevo i love how your throwin your weight around big guy. thats what im talkin about! so your heading up without the 100lb parachute? oh, oh! i see a tall stack of plastic cups on the horizon. :barf:

    gOoN hardboot-fest at 32. our numbers are looking huge on Sun. I hope the bunyan ordered an extra keg of BL.


  19. From WMUR:

    "For most of NH, 4 to 8" is likely... possibly a few higher amounts in the mountains, while the typical "shadowed" areas to the north of the notches will see much less."

    If the Sunday weather outlook remains the same at the 11pm news hour, I'm riding softies tomorrow. I need to give my feet a break. Today it felt like I had a vice grip clamped on my heels. I'm so pissed b/c those conditions were MONEY!!! I'm headed back to the bootfitter on Monday. I'll have the AM-T and my Suzies in the car in case we decide to go carving. Otherwise, I'll be representing the soft-boot extreme team!!!!







    I like Trees, but not STUMPS MF!!

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