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Posts posted by Enzo

  1. We're getting pounded with the goods!! It's in the 20's right now so the snow is like dry Utah pow. Hopefully we stay north of the frz rain/sleet line this afternoon.

    It looks like Linkin could pick up a total 8"-15" total over the next two days.

    I can't wait to use my NoS powered snowblowa !!!


  2. Here's an article on Gorgone from Friday's Boston Globe:


    Freewheeling spirit

    Snowboarder Gorgone knows one speed: fast

    By Shira Springer, Globe Staff | December 4, 2009

    Excusing herself from hostess duties at the Cactus Club, Michelle Gorgone guided a US Anti-Doping Agency drug tester past the bar area and into a single-stall bathroom. The pair emerged after 20 minutes. Gorgone signed a stack of papers and went back to work at the Boylston Street establishment as if nothing unusual had happened. But she couldn’t escape the suspicious stares of co-workers.

    “You’re sketchy,’’ said a fellow hostess.

    “Why?’’ said Gorgone. “I’m not on parole.’’

    “Well, that’s what I thought,’’ said the other hostess.

    “I’m a snowboarder,’’ said Gorgone. “I get drug tested. Blah blah blah.’’

    Despite a racing style that her father Paul describes as “down and dirty’’ and a big, bold personality with little self-editing, Gorgone doesn’t like to brag about her snowboarding accomplishments. She prefers the relative anonymity and break from the competitive grind she finds in Boston.

    She becomes embarrassed when friends mention her Olympic debut at the 2006 Turin Games, though it’s a great conversation starter at local bars. Until Gorgone went looking for her lost commemorative 2006 Olympic ring at her gym, the staff at the Boston Sports Club branch near Copley Square didn’t know she was an Olympian in training.

    Blah blah blah? Far from it.

    At 26, Gorgone is one of the world’s best in women’s parallel giant slalom, preparing to compete in her second Olympics this winter in Vancouver. Qualification for the US team is based on individual results at selection events contested as part of the 2009-10 FIS Snowboard World Cup. The first World Cup event set for Sunday in Italy was canceled because of poor snow and will be rescheduled. The second scheduled competition is Dec. 17 in Telluride, Colo. Three more World Cup events follow in January.

    Gorgone placed eighth in last season’s World Cup overall standings and earned a pair of top-three finishes in individual events. Gorgone opened this season with a win at Copper Mountain in Colorado. The event was part of the 2009-10 Race to the Cup series and served as preparation for the Olympic qualifying process.

    “The best-case scenario would be a gold medal, but I’m trying to take one step at a time,’’ said Gorgone. “When I’m racing, I’ll be thinking about round No. 3 when I’m working on round No. 1. Right now, I’m just working on making it.

    “I have a fifth gear that some of the other girls don’t have. When I want it and I’m pushed to do something, I can push it into that fifth gear.

    “But sometimes it’s a weakness, too. Sometimes it’s not there. Or, sometimes I’ll come right out in fifth gear and blow up and end up in the woods. I’m just not the most consistent person. My coaches will always be like, ‘Ride in third gear. It’s OK. You don’t have to ride in fifth gear all the time. Be a little more strategic.’ ’’

    A former coach once said Gorgone possesses the “crazy gene’’ needed to be a top racer. Sometimes it translates into jumping off bridges and cliffs for fun. Sometimes it means a spur-of-the-moment decision to audition for “American Idol’’ (with an unfortunate voice-cracking performance). Sometimes it leads to crashes in competitions she has a good chance to win.

    When US teammates matched racers with car models, Gorgone said it was decided she would be “a Lamborghini with bumpers all the way around and a shorted-out horn.’’ A French racer nicknamed Gorgone “The Plane’’ for the way she often flies, almost out of control, over knolls.

    “I’ve always thought she was going to do something great,’’ said Bill Enos, who coached Gorgone at Waterville Valley Academy in New Hampshire. “I’d love to see her win a gold medal. She’s worked really hard.

    “I don’t think there’s a woman out there who can beat her, and there’s probably not a whole lot of guys that can beat her, either, if she lays down a run. What I love about her is, if she wins a gold medal, then, ‘Yahoo!’ If not, ‘Who cares?’ She kills it. She rips.’’

    Give her the city life

    Jaywalking down Boylston Street, Gorgone dodges cars and laughs. She is at home on this busy stretch of Boston real estate, more comfortable amid the city’s hustle and bustle than traveling from one sleepy European ski town to the next.

    Her parents, friends, and coaches cannot remember a time when Gorgone moved at anything less than full speed. And she couldn’t imagine returning home between overseas competitions to a training center in some slow-paced American ski town.

    So, in an unusual move for a Winter Olympic athlete, Gorgone purchased a condo in the Back Bay and settled in Boston. That has often meant training on her own during the offseason and lugging her snowboard equipment up three flights of stairs upon returning from Europe. They are tradeoffs Gorgone gladly accepts in exchange for city living.

    On a tour of her neighborhood, she excitedly points out the best place to find 15-cent wings, talks about frequent trips to Espresso Royale for coffee, and lists beaches in the Boston area and near her parents’ East Dennis home as favorite places to hang out with friends.

    She stops by the Boston Sports Club and shows how she adapts her workouts to the equipment there. Grabbing a medicine ball, she hops onto a platform and does deep, single-leg squats with impressive ease.

    “I wouldn’t have snowboarded as long if I lived at a training center,’’ said Gorgone, who grew up in Sudbury and attended ski academies at Waterville Valley and in Steamboat Springs, Colo. “It was never really an option to live at a training center because I wouldn’t have been myself. I would have been a competing snowboarding robot that lived and trained at the training center and went snowboarding.

    “That’s not how I am. I have to be myself. I sing and dance at the start right before I pull out of the gate. It’s just who I am. I only know how to snowboard one way.’’

    Picking up steam

    When racing, Gorgone folds her 5-foot-2 3/4-inch, 150-pound frame into a compact, aerodynamic position, riding closer to the ground than most of her competitors. She uses her considerable lower-body and core strength to carve turns and generate speed. Many of the same fundamentals Gorgone learned at Waterville Valley are evident in the way she attacks courses today.

    While Enos remembers Gorgone as a natural at parallel giant slalom, winter sports weren’t always an obvious fit. As a skier, Gorgone preferred hot chocolate in ski lodges over long days on the slopes. Without any idea how to maneuver a board, she cried her way down the mountain on her first snowboarding run.

    But by the time Gorgone reached her teens, she was heading to Nashoba Valley every day after school to snowboard, fueled by a desire to go faster. Shortly thereafter, she went to Waterville Valley Academy and received an education in competitive snowboard racing. In 2003, she made her first US Snowboarding team and went on the World Cup tour full-time.

    “She’s never had any fears,’’ said her father, Paul. “And I don’t think there’s a girl out there who competes to her style or a girl out there who competes to her speed. She’s a driven woman.

    “But a lot of different things can come into play with her, so many different things can get her down. If she can stay positive and stay on top of her game, I honestly feel nobody’s going to touch her.’’

    In parallel giant slalom, competitors make two qualification runs - one on a red course and one on a blue course. Racers with the top 16 cumulative times advance to the finals. The finals consist of six rounds each, with two head-to-head races between competitors. The fastest racers from each round advance until a winner is determined.

    Given the format, one bad decision, one failure to account for a change in terrain can be costly. Gorgone’s medal chances depend on her finding the right balance between speed, fearlessness, and competitive discipline. To do that during Olympic competition, Gorgone might need to rein in her no-holds-barred approach.

    When asked to describe her style, Gorgone offered two words: “Fast. Stupid.’’

    She’s trying to become a smarter, more consistent racer between now and Vancouver.

    “I’m not the most serious,’’ said Gorgone, who jokes about how her tattoo of the Olympic rings looks like Froot Loops. “I can’t get in the start and be, like, ‘Er, eye on the prize.’ I’m kind of always goofing around. It helps me sometimes, but I think sometimes it hurts me also. So, if I keep my head straight . . .’’

    Her voice trails off, but she knows exactly how she wants the sentence to end. She smiles and resumes her quick, traffic-taunting walk down Boylston Street.

  3. Got word today that Loon is planning on opening Saturday. Not sure how they're gonna pull it off with the rain on Thurs and above average temps on Friday.

    JD so you've never listened to Ween????? guy next time you're ova my house bring the Ipoooop. i'll delete all of your BoyzIIMen, Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch, Madonna, Lionel Richie, & DJ Jazzy Jeff.....it's time for some real music. Ween's a complete gong show....right up T32's alley!!!

    Give it another listen. You'll appreciate the lyrics.



  4. I cleaned up the vid a little bit and added a new soundtrack.


    <object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=7869133&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=7869133&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

    ">Team 32 @ Cannon 11-28-09</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user1577789'>http://vimeo.com/user1577789">Team 32</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  5. While you guys were whining about lack of snow and playin' the stranger, T32 was FSSU and hitting the pow hard. Of course the running joke rings true....when it rains in Linkin' it's snowin' at Cannon!! Woke up at 7am and saw the report of 14-18" at BW. As always T32 is prepared as a fkn boy scout. We made the trip to BW with carvin gear & hiking gear in tow. Things looked good at BW but ski patrol told us that they weren't opening up their expanded terrain until noon. We decided to head back south and hike Cannon instead. Sh!t was going off at Cannon!!! About 20 people hiking and skinning up Avalanche. Snow was pretty good...knee deep but a little sierra cement like with some wind scour on the top few inches...but we can't complain!! Full on pow day in November!!!! FKNA!!!! GFY!!!!

  6. After months of searching and countless auditions, T32 has finally found their official house band and team anthem:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKSJLop26yI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKSJLop26yI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

  7. hey aren't those the limited run k2 Obsetheds??

    bv's new topsheet material....30 pack of pbrs!! wicked damp!!!





    Re: Opening Days Update

    Just talked with a coworker whose husband works on ski patrol. No snowmaking happening this week due to warm daytime temps. If temps cooperate, they're hoping to get things up & running for a possible Thanksgiving opening next week. :flamethro

    I'm jonesin'...I might head ova to SR for a few hours on Sat am instead.

  8. In the 5 years that I’ve known JoeC, I’ve found him to be a dedicated friend, a devoted father, and a committed family man. He is a passionate and caring individual who is intensely loyal to his family, friends, and loved ones.

    Several years ago, I experienced a catastrophic snowboarding accident resulting in a weeklong stay in the hospital followed by nine months of recovery. While I was hospitalized, Joe checked in with my family members on a daily basis monitoring my condition. Just two days after I was released from the hospital, Joe drove all the way to New Hampshire to pay a personal visit. Throughout my rehab, he routinely checked in with me providing words of encouragement and support. He always kept my spirits high with his great sense of humor. My miraculous full recovery wouldn’t have been possible without Joe’s support.

    Team 32 is a group of guys who are passionate about snowboarding. We spend every single winter weekend from November to April riding together. Most of our banter on the lifts revolves around either utter nonsense or our favorite hobby. However, when the conversation turns more personal and we ask Joe about his daughter, his eyes light up and he always has words of endearment for her. He loves telling stories about her learning new words and her funny antics around the house. It is clearly evident that he loves his daughter very much and that he truly enjoys being a father.

    Our actions online in no way represent how we live our daily lives. We are all disciplined, dedicated and hard working professionals with the utmost integrity for our careers. I’m a high school teacher with my Master’s Degree. I practically have enough credits to have earned a Doctorate. I am also a part owner of a successful small family business. We all maintain healthy diets and high levels of fitness year round. None of this would be possible if we lived the rowdy lifestyle as portrayed by our characters in cyberspace.

    Many of our posts on Bomber Online are 100% exaggeration and hyperbole with the full intent to be viewed for entertainment purposes only. Our goal in the Loon/WV thread has always been to create a big lampoon. In contrast to the typical long winded technical discourse that often pervades the Bomber Online forums, we felt obligated to encourage some comic relief in our little slice of cyberspace. Sure, some of our posts are juvenile and crass, yet much of what we write is in jest and should be taken with a grain of salt. Taking our fictitious posts out of context and then using them as factual evidence to pass judgment on one’s character is completely asinine, utterly infantile, and pure lunacy. It’s all a BIG JOKE!!!

  9. Guy that looks just like the deer that got steam rolled last week between exits 24 & 25. How many crows did you swat to get it in your truck?? Congrats!!

    Save some of the fur for jd. I'm not kidding.....Mr. Aspen Extreme wants to line the bottom of his pantaloons to match his roadkill hood. :lol:

  10. T32 Press Release

    November 8, 2009

    Team 32 players ***** & ****** opened up the 20009-2010 season with a 3rd chair showing at Bretton Woods yesterday. The trail was short & flat, but the snow was great. Surprisingly, the paparazzi sprang out of the woods and snapped several spy photos of the pre-season training session. One of the shots actually made it onto the Bretton Woods website. http://www.mountwashingtonresort.com/winter_sports/photos_and_cams/ **** was quoted as saying, “This is what happens when you’re down two men, we lost our security detail and our bearded lookout guy dressed in camos.” The paparazzi managed to escape before any Sean Penn inspired retaliation. After this ghey photo caption, ”We haven't even carved the turkey yet but snowboarders are already carvin' turns at Bretton Woods!”, T32 is considering legal action against Bretton Woods.

    In other T32 news, the 1st day of the season gong show continues with T32’s ritual of its 2:1 Drinking to Snowboarding ratio. Once again T32 sets itself apart from other outfits as the hybrid “drinking team with a snowboarding problem”.



  11. dear chubby little secret,

    it's game time and wtf!!!! you've gone Dice-K on us?!?!?!?!!? there's absolutely no excuse showing up to training camp out of shape. where's the fckin discipline????? quit whining about your low reps on the NordikTrak & thigh master. the best kick in the ass is to get back on the board!! I know you carpet surfed all summa with the T32 video blasting on the big screen tv. you're ready to go!! $10 tix @BW and lifts start turning at 9am. meet up with us in Nawfords Crotch.


  12. 2-1/2 weeks 'til game time on the gOoN WROD.... get ready to show yer legs ladies and let's see what'cha got.

    knock em back & stack em high!!


    T32 Pre-ECES Training Session @ Sugarloaf.

    Dates: Sat 2/20 - Sun 2/28

    Complimentary lodging at the luxurious Hodge Podge Lodge in Eustis, Maine. Happy Hour runs 24/7 with all you can eat caribou buffet paired with unlimited pbr tall boyz.


  13. Enzo:

    You and your twin should get matching moostache hats.

    I was polising my edges earlier this week. Won't be long now.........

    MaChatta's not my twin. He's really my stunt double. Haven't you seen him fly off those wicked sweet jumps at gOoN??

    what's a helmet?? t32 only sports mohawks & eyeblack.

  14. I found us some Spacecraft ninja masks for top secret midnight buffoonery at eces. These would complete the ensemble with GS suit & pads. They have more styles and different colors so I think we can outfit each team memba with their own. They even have one in honor of Clammy McShukkaStache!!




  15. +1 vote for Steeevo for ECES-T32KangamagusKarveKlubAmbassador.

    I'm taking Thurs/Fri off & will probably head ova on the Wed night. Sorry, but I only spoon with the misses so take my name off the Brokeback Kampa list. I think a ski-in/ski-out condo with a hot tub is the way to go. :cool:

  16. Jack-

    I've been to JH about 10 times (many on hardboots). As others have said the best groomers are off the Casper & AV side of the mountain. The trails are fairly wide and have a decent pitch. Off the Thunder Chair, Amphitheater is groomed but usually busy with straightliners and Grand is pretty wide, steep, and groomed. I usually ride my AM172 and it works great. Here's another vote for your Stub, it should be perfect.

    If it nukes, the Village is a complete shtshow. The tram and gondi lines are huge in the morning and the entire mountain can get tracked out and bumped up pretty quickly. Regardless, there is so much insane in-bounds terrain to enjoy!!! If you feel the need for softies, there are a few shops (Hole in the Wall & Jackson Tree House) at the base area with decent demos.

    For apres:

    Swanky...take the wif to 4-Seasons. Great drinks and you might see Tommy Moe.

    Tourist Trap....hang out at the Mangy Moose with a bunch of Texans.

    Local hang out...Drink some PBR tall boys at the VC (Village Cafe) and rub elbows with some tgr pros. VC also has great pizza slices for a quick lunch on the hill.

    Best dinner @ the Village--Osteria in Hotel Terra. Expensive but worth every penny!!

    If you need any other recs, pm me. I've been to most of the restaurants in town and know the mountain really well.

  17. I'm in. Best idea yet. We can have a fire ring in the Strattion parking lot. I'll make chilli. It's not about the money, it's about the experience.

    I'll bring my Husqy chainsaw along for the fire pit. we'll just need a 55 gallon drum. Unless you're handing out gas masks, please no chili for JD!! That campa will fkn STINK like roadkill!!! We had a big RV for the Big Cypress Phish show. Loaded the thing up with a keg and tons of food. We got stuck in so much traffic on Allligator Alley, we kicked the keg before entering the venue. D'OOOH!! I can't wait....ECES is gonna be even more of a gong show.:eplus2:

    Got my pass today. Worst pic eva. still thinkin about the wrod up at SR for tomorrow. :smashfrea

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