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Posts posted by Enzo

  1. fitzy, what the hell is going on up in billerica?

    Last week at this time I still had ova a foot of snow in my yard. This week I'm staring at green grass and just the outline of snowbanks up and down the Lowell Connector. :mad:

    it rained so hard today that at one point I peeked out the window at work and it looked like I was going through a car wash. i think there'll be pond skimming all ova the mountain.

    looks like a pow day:smashfrea...here's the forecast for the weekend:

    >>>Windy. A few rain showers in the morning becoming mixed snow showers in the afternoon. High 47F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of precip 40%.<<<


  2. it's all corn on da cob. 50's tomorrow. i'm bringing everything including the softies. T32 halfpipe competition @ 1pm. registration is at 745 in the pbr. have your id and credit card ready to cover any charges pre or post competition. participants may get a free sticka.

  3. it sprinkled a little bit up here this afternoon and then more rain for Sunday. :mad:

    Conditions on the North Peak have been a little bit skanky lately even by T32 standards. The West Basin has had the most consistent snow. I'll be hiking the upper West Basin Bowl and lapping the Magic Carpet Coulior above the Kanc Quad all weekend. The snow there is always EPIC!!!

    stevo--all the chirping on page 1 says it's time to go new school gangsta. are you with me?? :smashfrea

  4. she wanted to know who else was involved with this operation. i covered for all involved and i threw desantis under the bus. :biggthump

    I plead the 5th. :sleep: so how was that car ride home? sorry, but I can't return your clams. the wif already spent all of it and then some at a furniture store ova the weekend. she just opened up the door for another coiler. :eplus2:

    stevo this is classic....."i think i got drunk twice that day furfrigginsake." is that you talkin or did mchattastachio hijack your BOL account??

    this tweekend looks to be another big apres gong show. make T32 proud and stack em high. :biggthump

    time to get lucky.


  5. jd thanks again for hosting the pahty at da Bitta End. But I'm still wondering why you went Houdini on us when I showed up with the tray of 12 beers @ the PBR. wtf?!?!? :AR15firin:eek::AR15firin:barf:

    stevo how's the back feeling?? think we'll see you next weekend?? you missed some epic ice today!! Polaris and I put on a clinic!!!


    I don't think Tom Selleck remembers anything from last night. I asked him why he was being such a dickhead and he tried blaming it on JD for instigating things. I was waiting for you to knock out his teeth and rip out his adams apple at the dinner table.

  6. +2

    i got the t32 den mother baking a cake. jd since you're turning 15, do want us to pick you up a Fudgie the Whale Carvel Cake? She'll be making an adult B-Day cake for me and the rest of the crew. :AR15firin:lol:

    if manch mike & chip aren't using those vouchers, maybe McChatta can send em down to T28????

    gleb you're coming along. did I hear some chatter from JD that you made JV??? check out some of the vids of him from this weekend to get an idea of good hand placement on the toe sides. here's a sweet pic of polaris ripping a toe side from last winter...see how level his hands are....no ET there.

    i just got photoshop on my work computer. guy it might be dangerous if you send me vids of you. :smashfrea:biggthump



  7. gleb when you're able to compress all that vid from this weekend send it ova. I'll try to pull some stills from them this week. If we get more clips from the gong show next weekend (on & off the hill) maybe there'll be enough footage for another full length feature film.


  8. polaris, let me know how you make out at daloaf with the .017/in/deg....i need to update my spreadsheet.......:boxing_sm

    no more tinkering this late in the season. are we spending more time on the hill or more time in the barrrrrr this weekend?? i may need to call a taxi. :barf:

  9. jd, if you're stopping in concord, I could send the boots down with the hot dog lady. just curious, why did you order Track 225's?? did you like the pretty color? :boxing_sm

    1" of slush, frzn rain, & now rain. getting colder at the end of the week. more pavement on our horizons. after today, at least the snow won't be melting. :smashfrea

  10. That's a good question. How do you decide between a schtubby and an AM?

    I have both....172AM(21.5cm/12m/148cm edge) and a 173 Stub (20cm/13m/157 edge).

    The AM has a relaxed flex pattern, is a little more versatile, and requires less effort to ride. The AM is fantastic in all conditions even ice, but is exceptionally better in soft packed powder and chopped pow. The AM feels livelier than the Stub in the soft stuff.

    The Stub is stiffer, rides longer and is a much faster board. The Stub is much more stable at high speeds and can carve bigger turns b/c of the sidecut and longer running length. Obviously, with the metal it loves ice and hardpack conditions. On super soft snow the board feels a little dead to me.

    I'm pretty happy I have both boards. Many weekends I'll ride the Stub on Saturdays and then the AM on Sundays when my legs are pretty beat. If I did it over again, I'd probably add a 14m sidecut to the Stub to differentiate the two even more. Yet, I ride mostly narrow trails so I'm quite satisfied with the 13m. It usually keeps me out of the trees. :biggthump

    If you only had to choose one, the AM is best in soft snow or if you prefer a softer flex. The Stub is better for harder snow or if you like a more aggressive flex. Either way BV can customize and suit your needs.

  11. these will be cougar magnets on the pbr deck this spring.............icon6.gif

    add some tassles and they'll be cougar accessories. :eplus2:

    jd, your new boots arrived. let me know what your plans are for friday afternoon. there's a slim chance I might be in the neighborhood riding from 3-4pm.

  12. ah, I see....jd's outsourcing posts for t32.

    thanks for the bump!! :biggthump

    guys, I know that I haven't been around lately b/c of my trip and recent unscheduled bye week but is the morale that bad these days?? do we need to start twisting some arms within the team, recruit new blood, or fabricate some drama to improve chatta??

    wtf, we only have a month left in the season.

    ps, some good news--heard from a little birdie that 09/10 season pass prices will be released sometime this week and prices won't increase.

  13. mario...troll away guy:flamethro but does the LCi Jong Show have stickas, swag, vids, groupies, cougars, security detail, wrecking crew, gong show crew, official drinking team etc etc?? we're like bullet proof tigers...don't phk with us!! :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2::AR15firin:AR15firin

    we need to start planning our Tux trip(s). I've been watching threads ova on timefortuckermans.com. A few people have been hitting GOS all winter. Looks doable anytime with snowshoes. also wanna hit Hillman's this year as well. End of march/early april?? Inferno is april 17-19 so that weekend's out.


  14. stevo I stared at that for a couple minutes....next thing I know a half hour had passed by. I was forced into a complete hypnotic trance like state. :freak3:

    I don't know what my plans are for this weekend. I've been out of work the past 2 days battling the flu. :barf: Maybe I'll see ya, maybe I won't.

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