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Posts posted by Enzo

  1. stevo lemme know what day she's heading up. maybe she & G can meet & ski together. guy you should come up too and get bombed in the bunyan. :barf:

    3 more carvas showing up on Sunday?? nice!! i guess i oughta increase my reps on calf raises this week to avoid any more ridicule eh??

    If the weather's good this weekend, Go Gaper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eplus2::D:barf:

    T32 Hustlers


  2. we took a few runs up on north peak and bumped into big duke 10 with his lil drummer boy. we saw you guys on softies coming down bucksaw. we headed back to to the west basin for some more runs down ram to p-star. the snow was still pretty good ova there. that wasn't me on lil sis or 7 bro some other guy....the frenchman or chip??? we spent some quality time in the bunyan and thought we'd see you guys but we left by 2pm. don't know what's up for next weekend. temps are gonna be near 60 this week.

    t32 wrecking crew.


  3. softies??? is this what happens to ya with a name like the Chiefs?? time for somehting tougher!!! take yer skirt off!! i'll show you how to ride the AM bod in the trees tomorrow. i'm also bringing along my chainsaw to thin the glades for the wide load.

    T32 Punishers


  4. i just turned off my lights and put a strobe light on to read Gleb's post....it put me into an epileptic seizure. pretty cool. the wif almost called 911 after finding me on the floor with the dog lickin up the fluff that was coming out of my nose & mouth. :barf:

    guy were they serving you mind erasers??? how much friggn morning dew does one need to drink to totally black out?? :smashfrea

    rode JD's AM172T today, it was SICK!!! you'll love your new 177. it's gonna be primo!!! better not leave that sucka behind....finders keepers b'yatch.:D

  5. i may head up there today to scope out some of those lines with the coilah all-ova bord. i'll keep an eye out for the world record cliff hucker kamakamenzie schooling the punks in his softies.

    Loon's showin 4" and it's lightly snowing.

  6. is anyone working today??? I step away from the computer for 12 hours and next ting I know you guys have a full blown im chat going on.

    I can attest to the T32 program. They seriously knock you down...jeesh...they pushed me so hard last year that i broke my pelvis.

    But...hey... What doesn't kill ya, only makes ya stronger!!!

    Alright it's time to throw some elbows around this place.....

    Gleb, did that ting fall out of one of your fluff sandwiches??? you gotta take the "T32" off the tammy sticka. Dissing JD is one thing...the guy needs a taste of his own verbal diarrhea once in a while...but draggin the Team into this on the Team's official chirp line is reprehensible. There are very clear guidelines that stipulate and define how the Team 32 name, logo, and likeness can be used. We've got a few things in store for you on Saturday.

  7. I'm digging the team 32 sticker. Good job enzo. How do the vids look? My camera's videos suck. not worth the effort of putting them up.

    the vids....well some came out great, others were a little shaky. the ones you shot with my camera look really good. jd needs to lay off the caffeine, his filming gave me vertigo. I need to straighten a few things out though. When I watch them on my camera they are fine, but on my pc they play in a fast forward speed. Kind of strange....but I just figured it out...minor problem with my Media Player. i'll email the links to everyone once I upload.

    Good riding with you again. the conditions were great!! btw clean up yer car ya slob!! actually i think your stomach is sore from OD'ing on fluff sandwiches big guy. :smashfrea

  8. been snowing up here all day. D'oOhH!!!..just starting to change to rain. gOoN already has 6 inches. here's the report from NWS:


    colder this weekend. hold the mashed potaters. winters back!!:eplus2:

  9. anyone heard from stevo since his sudden disapearence as of Sunday at 11:26am?? all evidence of his presence evaporated as if the guy was abducted by aliens. wtf??? no sign of him in the gOoN security cameras. no sign of him in any of the DoT highway cameras. i even checked his ezpass records and he never passed through the Hookset toll. I'm about to contact the authorities and post an Amber alert for that guy!! Did he get washed away in the Pemi?? :confused:

    i hope you're just too busy & jacked up on meds, accupuncture, chiropractors, thai massages, asiatsu, & lower back rehab. try some topricin cream. it has helped a lot for my hip.

    officially licensed t32 swag unveiling this weekend. let the chaos begin.


  10. Great day fellas!! It felt like a throwback to the good ol' days of t32 with all the hardbooters.

    Here are the vids from the day. I'll take some more next time of everyone when we have better carving conditions.

    Polaris showing his freestyle roots and added flair with a tail grab.

    View My Video

    View My Video

    JD using the meat gates for some gs training. I wish I was closer to that guy to pick up his stunned "Holy Sh!t" comment.

    View My Video

    Photo of the Day--The General Lee!!!


  11. team memo...

    the T32 weather satellite just transmitted a garbled signal...something about the possiblity of 3-5" coming in after midnight into early Saturday morning then clearing. probability is still a bit uncertain 24 hrs out.

  12. i'm running a semi-covert scouting operation this Sunday at Sunapee. i'll be scoping out your practice facilities and hope to videotape some of your players, team drills and walk-throughs. since I'm a Sunapee newb any advice on which lifts/trails I should hit for some good riding? I'm there with the fam for a ski day/b-day party.

    btw...of course we start early. we'll have a breakfast buffet set up for ya at 7am. gooey raw eggs, extra thick protein shakes, greasy sausage links, and ice cold rb. don't worry about crowded trails. things shouldn't be too bad at this point in the season. but if they are have no fear, we have some big guns on our team. if all hell breaks loose, we'll send jd down first to annihilate all humanity in the wake of his carves.

  13. we may have a full squad on saturday!!! that's wicked pissa guys. I gotta get all the carharts washed up so the team has some squeaky clean uniforms for the hill.

    ramp up those squats this week. we need guys in top condition for the playoff run. no room for chubby little secrets on the team.

    t32's going full blown heavy metal. i just put 2 on order!! :p


  14. conditions today were pretty rough. all of the trails were glazed over and frozen solid. the grooming was pretty brutal. 1 pass of crispy corduroy on the sides of the trails, then tennis ball sized ice chunks and softer churned ice pellets spewed throughout the middle of the trails. the hardpack and solid ice was just fine and I actually enjoyed it, however it was an adventure slingshotting across the trail transitioning from edge to edge on the unstable chunky stuff.

    you should have better conditions this week with temps warming. pretty sure there'll be a bunch of us up there that weekend mar 22-23.

  15. whoa...wtf did I miss? You straying the other way JD?

    eh fella...don't taunt the big duke.:nono: i've seen that guy drop the gloves ova punks who just look at him funny.

    i'm just watching out for ya since you're a new kid on the block....:ices_ange...but T32 is takin names. keep yer head on a swivel and watch ur back next time at goon. :eek::freak3::smashfrea:eplus2: or you can just buy us lightning roundz. :flamethro

    you're looking at a 5min major for instigating, 2min for unsportsmanlike, 2 min for roughing (with no punches thrown) and a long walk to the locker room for 19 stitches to close up a gash under yer left eye. :boxing_sm:eek:;)

    I don't call that guy milan for nuthin.


    ps...$h!tshow tomorrow with the weather. they're gonna need a zamboni to groom. if the weather clears, I should be at Loon on Sunday lappin on West Hollywood. ova

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