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Everything posted by AaronG

  1. bobdea, would that be the outdoors best fly fishing site??? I post on there frequently under the southwest section, go by the name of nailknot. Didn't mean to hijack the post
  2. You can tell by the stance and the way she is laying on the snow that she is going to be an extreme carver, not your bomber style carver. Ya gotta love that, seeing your daughter on the hard boots. I bet you are a proud dad!!!
  3. How can you ride the board with the bindings mounted backwards???
  4. What the heck are those kind of bindings doing on a SL board. Instead of worrying about the name the tail shape, which is a shark bite tail, you need to get yourself some TD2s, or Cateks on that thing lickety split.
  5. Are you tightening your boots around your shin tight enough. I find that if I leave my boots loose at the top cuuf then I get shin burn bad. I tighten down the buckles on the top cuff nice and tight. This way the sliding of the shin/sock/tongue stops, and everything is held fast against your shin. I know that it sound simple but it works for me.
  6. OCD, yeah the lift rates are pretty *uckin' ridiculous considering what they have open, thank goodness I have a pass. One thing I used to do last year( before I purchased a pass) was to get on the lifts right at opening and then ride your ass off till just before 1:00 pm. Snow Summit offers the getaway pass where if you finish at 1:00 or before you can get up to a $22.00 voucher that you can use next time you go to Summit/Bear. After 1:00 it becomes chopped up so you get good riding in and then leave to come back another day
  7. Up in Oregon, near Florence is the Great Dunes State Park, I was up there last year and saw guys surfing the dunes on these things. It looked like a blast, unfortunately I was on my road bike and didn't stop to try it, just observed. This park is also an ATV/OHV park and the sandboarders would just grab a rope and that was their lift back to the top. I need to go try it.
  8. Just want to wish our number one poster a happy birthday!!!
  9. The best time to make snow is when the wind is blowing, the skies are usually clear, the temps are cold and the humidity is very low. I know at Snow Summit in SoCal, if the humidty levels are too high but the temps are below freezing they won't make snow but when the Santa Ana winds begin to blow they fire up all the guns. It sounds like your resort still uses the compressed air mthod to atomize the water, these type of guns are LLLLOOOOUUUDDDD! Plus they are very inefficient, you have to run not only water but compressed air up the mtn to the guns. The new style machines, like the one in the picture, have a large fan and they are far quieter than the old style. More cost efficient too, just a water line and some AC power to get the snow made.
  10. YOu won't find a 3 hole disk for your Fast set up, I went to my local machine shop and had some made up for the Snow Pro bindings that I was using at the time. In order to use the disks that I had made required elongating the kidney shaped holes on the base plate. I just used a dremel tool to elongate the holes and everything worked great. The oly problem encountered was trying to run extreme angles, I couldn't rotate the bindings anymore than 65 degrees, not that this would be an issue unless you ride a Virus. I can post pics if you want.
  11. I fit in a sport tube #3, you just have to cut me into small bits and reassemble when we get to the hill, think you could do it, if so, count me in !!!
  12. BrendanSD, Try Goldsmith Board HOuse in Big Bear Lake, do a search. Last year I stopped in there at the end of the season and they had a few Deeluxe Suzukas for sale. I am a 10.5 shoe but tried on the 27.5 boot and it fit great. There is a girl that works there, I can't remember her name, she is the owner's daughter, she seems to know what they have in inventory. They also have a few of the Raichle bindings (step ins) for sale also. I think I remember her name, try Danielle, hope it works. In Wrightwood, there is Mtn HIgh Sports, he used to carry a few things, like TD2s and some various boards left over from past years. The guy you need to ask for there is Tim. If you want to use some boots (I'm not selling them) I ahve a extra pair of Burton Winds in 28.0 that would work for you. I keep em around for my friend's if they want to try carving. In addition to the boots I have a Burton Coil 172 with Race Plates on it if you would like to try it. I live in Redlands, it is right at the bottom of the hill on your way to BBL, let me know when you are going I can meet you up there or I can drop some gear for you to use.
  13. John K, I use the front standard and rear step-in, that way I canhave the convenience of step ins on two boards rather than having just one board with both bindings being step ins. How often do you unclip out of the front binding anyway. I know a few people that run this setup. I haven't noticed any big changes or variations between the rigid connection of step ins vs. standards
  14. Pryor, yeah where is he?? I tried callling him on a few occasions only to keep getting an answer machine, I leave a message and noone ever calls back. Anyone know his address, it is right up the road from me, I will cruise by and see whats up.
  15. Gary, I checked out the webcam for today and all it was was just a strip of snow down Miracle Mile, it actually looked kind of pathetic so I opted not to go. There is supposed to be much cooler temps up the hill for the next few days, if that is the case I am hoping that they are able to open some more runs. I have Monday free and also Friday of next week so I am hoping to make it up one of those days. Maybe I can talk my father into flying to Mammoth for some turns. Let see, Mammoth or Snow Summit? MAMMOTH!!! by a landslide. Talked to my brother, who lives in Riverton, near the Jordan River, and he was able to make it out today for a few turns on skis, not at Riverton but up at Brighton.
  16. Neil, what are the conditions like up there? Is it freshies or did you get some groomers today?? Gdbytyler will be riding there tomorrow on his new Donek FC1 163, He will be with a few other guys on hardboots but from what Erwin told me they are just starting out on a carving set up. Keep an eye out for em!!
  17. Of course Michelle, I was referring to other people besides the ones here at BOL!! I kind of noticed the pants thing at the Thanksgiving fiesta that we had at the parent's house. My dad and his brother have their pants jacked up around there mid stomach area, then later on in the day my sister points out that my mom is wearing her pants kind of high.
  18. where or where do her breasts end and her stomach begins??? Could it be hidden somewhere in the waistline of those pants that she has on?? Wouldn't that be a bit uncomfortable to have your pants so tight around the middle?? Oh wait, she must have commercial elastic in the waist of those pants. The same thing with men holds true for women it seems, the older you get the higher the pants come up on the stomach!!!
  19. I love being able to do both, I purchased some Head Skis last year with a turning radius of 13m, I love em. I actually think carving on a board helped carving on my skis. I hadn't skied for over 9 years just learning to carve on my boards, last year my bro finally talked me into trying some shaped skis. Thank goodness I kept my Nordica boots around after all these years. I rented a pair of Rossi Bandits in a 170, when I stopped skiing my skis were 205 minimum. I jumped on a pr of the shaped skis and right away you could feel the ski wanting to carve, with just a little edge control on my part I could rail some turns. YIPEE!! I would recommend learning to ski, hell, us snoboarders gave the technology to the skiers so they can have just as good as time on the snow as us hardboot riders.
  20. Timminor, no you weren't dreaming the the rooster was on many french skis. In the ski shop that I worked in we carried Rossignol, Dynamic and Dynastar, they all had a rooster on them. The dynastar chicken was of different design than the dynamic chicken and the rossi chicken was a different design from the other two. Looking at that board though I can tell you that is a Rossi Chicken, I can't tell you what board it is though, sorry.
  21. wavechaser, TYD= to your door or your dyslexic and that is your laundry detergent
  22. JayJ, you are almost correct, Bar Mtn. does have 80% of their mtn covered in features, jibs, rails, boxes and whatever else that softies like to bang their boards against, the 20% that is left remains feature free. Runs like Fascination, Geronimo and a few others are good for carving. Snow Summit on the other hand has shifted most of the features over to Bear Mtn. so other than Westridge, Summit remains free of all the features making this a better place to carve.
  23. Gary, I checked the weather forecast and you are correct, highs in the 60s, I agree with you, I will hold off also. Let me know when you are going up though, I will be more than happy to ride/drive with you. Also, I have a dual mtn pass for Summit and Bear, purchased it with gdboytyler last year so I am good to go to make many day trips locally. I wish I would hav bought the pass for last years season, I could be riding already.
  24. Let's see what Mr.Rick Ferguson has to say about D-Subs post on this one. Not to bring up water under the bridge but he always has something negative to say when it comes to Dave posting things. All I gotta say is "DAMN" Dsub, you get anymore pics like that from her it is priority number one to post the pics here asap.!!! If you correspond with her again tell her to "swiffer" her floors!!
  25. I see that you are a first time poster, welcome to the board. Just a friendly reminder that there is a classifieds section for the listing of items for sale and trade. YOu might want to delete this post on the carving community page and relist over on the classifieds. Thanks, it appears that Cermak beat me to this, sorry for the double post.
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