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Everything posted by softbootsurfer

  1. Finally went to Doc for shoulder, No Surgery! just PT :- ) Plan that visit to the Sea... :) and get out the SUP asap.... :) :):D:biggthump
  2. Wow... and the danger to do this was very great!
  3. Rob pulled off a Trifecta last Saturday... Independence Pass to Glenwoods Wave via Aspens Skatepark... Colorado
  4. Takes 5 minutes to make a pair... No they are not as Stiff as a Hardboot set up... roughly 90% forward flex and 60% of the Lateral Flex... this Pair has over 200 days of use and has required 2 new buckles. I put a Booster strap on my Elite when they added the highback to give me some support on my frontside turns... I ride certain runs certain ways, and do not think that these bindings really belong on this site at all! Only HB will let you do Pure Carves... I wanted to provide this Pic to the 3 people here who might be interested.
  5. Wow, Andrea what an incredible Stick! :) Test Runs were Wonderful
  6. He Certainly Does! Old Vid. Ray of following You and Anja... glad you are doing well...
  7. The Town Downhill as well as the Masters series Downhills on Tiehack reach Speeds of 70 mph on a Race Course... :) Milk is deserted of most High Speed Folks because of the beginner area think... in Reality it is a relatively safe place to haul ass without to many people around... this lift should not change that. I have gone 70 mph on Skis on a course, but never on a Snowboard nor in a Ski Area in a non race situation, I think that is not a very wise decision... I know from Racing some different types of Equipment at Speed that things happen real fast and to not have the protection that a course or sanctioned track provides is asking to hurt yourself severely as well as others... Of course these types of Accidents happen every year at every Resort... so Please do not Run Over Me while I am Cruisin around at Milk
  8. I got it All from the Old Man... Thanks Dad
  9. Thanks Andrea R for the New Longboard stick...it is a Beauty. Skating has always been a way to Surf when the Waves were flat or when the Snow had melted... From 1959 to 2011 stayin in Tune Note: It Works even mor betta now that I have mounted the Trucks as you Intended Stoked!!!!!
  10. good manners here...:) http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=EVwlMVYqMu4&vq=medium#t=125
  11. Really some Smooooth styles here...
  12. Our Son Rob and I have been Boarding over 25 years now... Cool to have a Pic with us Riding together...
  13. some nice relaxed aggressive turns here :- >
  14. Being Very Old and a Mediocre Softbooter is better than being Real Good and Dead I suppose...:)
  15. Master Jack, You should include this in the Wikipedia definition of Alpine Snowboarding...
  16. When all the Lifts in Aspen were Slow... No Body went to Tiehack then either, the Stigma of being the beginners Area kept the folks that like to go 70 mph. and slam one turn on the other 3 mts. Thus, for Carving side to side it has been the place to go and not have to worry about things from above :- )
  17. How many Beers did you have between drilling the Hole and using the Sawzall ? :- )
  18. Just heard the Lift will have footrest and the planned Jumping Hill for the AVSC is on hold as the funds needed are to come from donors not the Ski Co..
  19. I Skied Aspen Mt. from 68 to 83 then Boarded at Highlands for couple weeks in 84 and in 85 on to Buttermilk full seasons I have been there the last 26 years with 70 days being the least amount of days per season spent there... It is my Favorite place to Carve as I do not have to worry about people coming up behind me there as I go side to side...any of the other 3 Mts. and you had better pay attention... I was hit on Aspen Mt. this year by a Snowboarder and at Highlands by a Ski Patrolman both said why are you going down the Run like that? Copper or Spar enough times and your going to get smacked... One more time! The X Games, all the terrain parks and the fact that Buttermilk is considered a beginners area is WHY TIEHACK is NOT CROWDED!!!!!!!!!!!! and the Grooming crews are not the same as 95 or 2000 or 2005 for that matter and there is less grooming done on Tiehack now and last season than ever before... I know at least a 100 people who have asked them to Groom more of Tiehack and they have cut rather than increased the grooming there... People who came to Carve there years ago from all over the planet for a month or so stopped coming 10 years ago... because of the lack of Grooming! This new Lift is Great, The elevation as well as exposure on Tiehack wrecks the powder by 11:00 on sunny days anyway... so to go up in 7 min. is Wonderful and hopefully with a footrest... and with this much money being spent by the Ski Co. and people saying how Stoked they are and that more Grooming would be an additional reason to hang out there, what is the problem?
  20. Down with a bad shoulder Jim/Angie Heard it was fun but mush and windy... maybe some snow tonight though have fun on your adventures...
  21. This could be a way to increase the Grooming there ? It is thought of now as X Games, Terrain Parks and a Beginning Skiers and or Boarders area and that is exactly why it is so deserted on that Tiehack side... which is nice for Carving turns across the runs without getting jammed from above...
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