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Everything posted by softbootsurfer

  1. Bash Bash Bash Bash.... would you ask a Fish what a surfboard is for? :D
  2. Just some great Stoke here...:) http://vimeo.com/30063918
  3. Poached Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D thanks Radio
  4. Sweet Tube rides... Full screen on my Imac was Beautiful! http://www.vimeo.com/30056785
  5. added some colorado sky...
  6. Gee... no Ladies in the Old Daze so great to See them ripping http://www.skatehousemedia.com/10/07/2011/maryhill-freeride-ladies-edition
  7. Mr. Slater again... http://www.vimeo.com/30108976
  8. put a smile on my face :) this is version 2
  9. some Fear Death and some Fear Fear and some just go beyond Fear itself... This guy could care less what You think which is just one reason he is able to do what he does... he is not in the crowd at the bottom watching
  10. Reminded me of Zoomski on Maui in 67... Zoomski had a fin though Fun Stuff and great balance http://www.vimeo.com/8941685
  11. Good One Pat... in my 45 year construction career... setting concrete slabs for a Radio Transmitter Bldg. on a local mt. using a Helicopter was the scariest... Like this Vid. shows...if something does go wrong your gonna be dead before you ever know what happened... one of the Radio guys with us went out to stop one slab from swinging before we could stop him and yes his shoulder was just shattered...
  12. wonderful... Short Stick Noserider and Surfstyle Carver :) http://vimeo.com/29932269
  13. thanks Scoobman :- ) :D:biggthump
  14. I guess it is just the worldly involvement... but so Wonderful
  15. I put this one on the I-Pod for going Up and Going Down :- )
  16. Yes Pat and they said they would buy me lunch :-) but then as you know I never stop for lunch... :D
  17. Kelly wins the Slalom over Jose in SB such a beautiful flowing rider just pulled it out again from a drawer downstairs and yep... the skating thing was so prevalent even then that I remember having arguments with our son about to much Air and that real snowboarding was done on the snow... even though we both skated... he was a Trickster and I a Turner so to speak... now we argue over Surfing as well and how it's all about the Air again...
  18. Top and Bottom stations done and cables on... need tension on cable and testing :) 7 Mins. with a footrest
  19. Said he would give me some Hardboots and an Alpine board so as to help me learn how to do a Real Carve Then followed me down the hill and handed me a couple stickers... :) Has a Wonderful Smile
  20. Just unreal with the slow mo shots WOW Be sure to watch Big Screen
  21. This shows the Energy and what happens when the Cameras show up...
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