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Everything posted by softbootsurfer

  1. Picked this new Burton Supermodel up last summer for Warranty issue on earlier Track model where bolt broke... This is the end of the Supermodel line as this year they have combined the supermodel and the Malolo to produce the Barracuda... The Supermodel line has been a terrific All Mountain Board for years and I want to say thanks for the memories
  2. The new Lift is Super Fast and it is filled with people... Camelot is officially destroyed. First it was the X Games on the front then the uncle chucks terrain park in the secret pow zones then the new chair at west then the terrain park at west and now finally a million people unleashed on Tiehack... It has been a wonderful 26 years at the Milk, Thanks and so Long
  3. just exactly when did Snow Sliding start ? :D http://youtu.be/fZhhXio5hxM
  4. Thanks for the Info Philw... I think I remember your first post on the Channel when it appeared and you were a bit perturbed about it... I was as well I must say. What did they do this for? leave things alone was fine with me... using one the first Channel models I nearly went into the trees on Aspen Mt. carrying some serious speed ( for Me ) when the Bolt snapped on the back foot channel and my foot spun out. I contacted Burton and told them the Diameter on the Bolt was crazy and that they needed to Beef it Up! They have done that now and I believe as you that Strength is really no longer an issue...as Warranty and to Calm my emotions they have sent me a New Board and 2 sets of Bindings. Powder is just Fine here and the Burtons through the years have never limited my ability to enjoy it...
  5. Bomber Style was what happened when I walked up Aspen Mt. years ago and rode a Snowster from the Sun deck down Spar to the bottom of little Nell... and in closing I want to be Clear... There is not One Move or Style or Technique that I have used on a Snowboard over the last 26 years that I did not learn prior on a Skateboard and a Surfboard a long time ago and many years before I ever stepped on a Snowboard. The Moshun is the Moshun
  6. Today the best carving conditions so far this year... :)
  7. This from my personal experiences in different disciplines describes the Basic Technique found in a variety of disciplines that utilize the "Stance" . While Styles come from the individuals who have worked on mastering the Technique and types of Equipment they choose.... Riding the Edge Hard and or Light is the Technique right? I remember watching CK ride and race... Pic by Guy Motil
  8. Da Hui at Da Pipe... Outstanding! Full Screen http://vimeo.com/34768560 http://vimeo.com/34852089
  9. The Stance came from Surfing and Skating! The Styles come from Surfing and Skating... Try EC or any of your Swiss, French, Bomber Styles on a Monoski... and Just like Surfing and Skating Histories, people come along and try to grab credit for themselves... Each Board is like a guitar string, your Style is your Music and the Track is History...
  10. Welcome Back...Welcome Home Curls are Cool... throw it down Javelin... Surf your brains loose
  11. the King showing the "Stance" way back when... the King and Moon doggie were the Style, all others followed to where we are today
  12. some good snow today and snowing hard now at 3 PM... :D
  13. IMMHO Bomber Style started many years ago...before most of you were born...:) in the minds of Skaters and Surfers in the 60's such as Tom Sims in the bottom pic...thanks to Tom, as well as all the others, for pushing the envelope! These folks took the Stance and Techniques used in Skating and Surfing and put it on a snowboard. Hopefully the Final History of Alpine will share this...
  14. no Doubt here Jack...the Most Efficient is often the Most Pure :)
  15. It is the Mother of Invention...IMHO All Snowboards can Carve an edge... Alpine equipment makes it easier to Carve an edge on Steeper and harder snow... You must place your weight in the correct spot for the equipment to use its full potential. Knowing where and how to Ride the Edge is a learned ability...practice and dedication is what produces the results you are after... once you have a full understanding of the equipment in all varying conditions, as well as all its different attributes then you develop a Style. If you have experience in other sports that utilize the same dynamics to turn the equipment then your Style can utilize that experience as well. Necessity dictates Technique and Style is how you like to Dance.The remark that Alpine equipment is needed to effect a "Real Pure Carve" as stated on Wikipedia is of course not True. EC as well as Bomber Style have been around since the very beginning when their only name was Fun! The Techniques have changed ever so slightly due to changes in equipment materials and shapes as they have been developed over the last 40 years or so...:)
  16. softbootsurfer


    Some ask Why? while some ask Why Not I could use a Bat up on the mountain at times :- )
  17. OK crowd thinned out... ;) #3 chair for 3 hrs. was very Good :) Stuck here now till next Snowfall... Friend mentioned one guy the other day crashed on top of Aztec and slid all the way down passed spring pitch and straw pile before he stopped. Now that is Scary
  18. These Temps and Lack of Snow conditions are very similar to the 76 -77 Season where it was mid January before conditions were viable enough to not ruin your equipment on the exposed Rocks... heads up to anyone planning on spending the funds to come to Aspen/Snowmass until there is a turn in the current weather patterns... :(
  19. 375 is a great price for this Stick...
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