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Everything posted by softbootsurfer

  1. Beautiful... such Power,Grace and Control on the frozen Wave, really wonderful One of the Best Cold Surfers I have seen...and 25 years Bravo!!!!!
  2. I am Confused here with the 86 worlds at Breckenridge. yes it was the 86/87 season Fall 86 Spring 87 The Dates in TW Snowboarding our given as April 3-5 1987. The North American Championchips were a Month later on May 2-3 1987 This Pic is from that Mag released in the Fall of 1987 and shows Craig on a Blade and Jose on a vary Alpine looking Hooger Booger.
  3. So could it be possible that Sims was influenced by Mike Doyle and the Monoski and simply wanted to change the stance by separating the feet ?
  4. Yes, of course Trikerdad you are correct...I think Pat D augered as you describe at Milk this year :( I am referring to going Highside on the uphill side of a prejump at speed then airborne into the superman flight mode and then crashing with the arms outstretched and while I have done this a number of times and thought my shoulders were toast luckily it was only my neck that was sore afterwards...
  5. I actually lived in and survived a Delta House ! It was the main reason I left college and went surfing instead...whew, secret handshakes and a pyramid made out of brew 102 cans convinced me that these folks were nuts....of course they are all successful Lawers now. :rolleyes:
  6. Shoulder injuries are what ended our sons Snowboarding career..at least Professionally. I am not familier with any armour that would stop them from happening ? Reaching for the snow on Backside is as close to ripping my shoulder as I have come...so I have stopped doing that. Going Highside is of course unavoidible at certain times and conditions as well...and landings came be very damaging Just hearing the news as you have is a real tough hit to take :( Be gentle with yourself and give it some time. I am sure you will heal well though with your persistence ... again so sorry to hear, Take Care
  7. Thanks Ryan... I must say that I think the problems need to be "solved" as opposed to "looked at" prior to any more construction. With Yucca Mt. no longer a place to Store the waste, as it piles up at the various reactor sites, waiting to be shipped... I remember seeing films of our first Nuclear explosions were we parked troops to watch...later the cancer rates for them went through the roof but like agent orange the Gov't denied culpability...The current oil spill is another example of Industry saying no problem...Chernobyl was a Gov't saying no problem and accidents will and do happen. Hopefully you are or will be in a position to make a difference in a positive way to solving some of the current problems. Thanks again...
  8. Perhaps you could discuss the WASTE issues and why we should not concern ourselves about that ? Thanks
  9. Even the People that designed and built them do not like them anymore ? http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/features/the-demise-of-the-pebble-bed-modular-reactor I think Fuel Cell development makes more sense than this perhaps...?
  10. Since they can not just throw anymore 55 gal. drums into the Oceans... or Old Nuclear Subs for that matter:smashfrea http://www.cash4-nuclear-waste-storage.com/
  11. A recent Forum Thread about beginnings made me think... Found this Vid. of Original Hawaiian style Surfboard being ridden Today... Old often returns as new in many forms...and we need to remember the path, not just the place we are now, but all the places we have been... Aloha
  12. Wonderful, It has always bothered me how the SL/GS race thing died here... So much talent, but all including our son Rob headed a different direction... Thanks for the response and all the best... :)
  13. Did you start the AVSC "Snowboard Team" what Year ? or what team with what racers? Did not mean to Jack Thread, just curious Thanks :)
  14. There is no Alpine stance in any pictures from that era... The Cover of Peters book Copyright 1988 shows you are right... Modern Alpine started later than 1988 according to all the Pics from that era... Both US and Euro riders had flat back foot angles...
  15. as the Oil still gushes out of control... I remember Surfing and watching Dolphins play and Sailing and watching Dolphins Play... Thank You to all the Volunteers that are working to save as many animals as they can ! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/03/gulf-oil-spill-photos-ani_n_560813.html No, I am not a Fan of the Huffington Post ! These pictures were on Google from that site.
  16. I really do not wish to argue the point any further... I did not say they were the start but only that you could Carve with them... Continuous Track on Groom to me is Carving...Carving is Alpine style, in fact I would say that I carved or was riding Alpine style on my elite 150 after I added booster straps (the 3rd Strap) for frontside turns as the elite had a built in highback for backside . There were many back then doing Alpine in Hard and Soft, experimentation was OK, there was no do it this way... Your definition is different than mine and for this HB forum yours should probably be used... The "Model A" was a Car, Formula 1 racing is a car and I thought King Crimson was seeking the origins of Alpine not just HB Alpine as it is Now...as you suggest. So Long...have a great summer :)
  17. The Air was introduced to the Public in Fall 1987 The First Burton Air made Carving a reality...at least on milk groom :)
  18. No, and none our parallel...I certainly agree with You however that Alpine is not necessarilly parallel...I myself was not Parallel until the equipment allowed me to be...My thinking here is some forward in both feet was and is Alpine Style...:)
  19. such notables as... Peter Bauer Jose Fernandez Leo Plank Dave Alden Jean Nerva All were not quite there, but it would seem the Racing back then was the motivator of the back foot alignment to the front...of course there may have been freeriders prior to 87 that did it as well...we may not ever really know. This from Pics in Bauers Book "Snowboarding" copyright 1988
  20. some good looking stuff on this site... Last wave on this vid has Da Kine cutback by the old man...Mr. Slater and the opening drop is just plain spooky... http://www.babelgum.com/5034/surfs-series-16-episode-3.html
  21. Skateboardings influence... This is it...just as in Snowboarding with Ducks and Tricks...Surfing with the smaller and smaller and lighter and lighter equipment now allows such amazing things...many of which have been performed for years by some boogie boarders... Last 2 and 1/2 weeks on Kauai and what this kid is doing was evident everywhere I went... Christian Fletcher has been doing these moves for years as well as others and well to call Slater now Old Timer put a smile on my face.
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