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Posts posted by gawdzira

  1. I got my first run through gates this year. Unfortunately I won the sl and gs race I was in so my standing can only get worse from here.

    I raced in a Far West competition (actually, not enough competition). There were 3 of us on the gs course and 4 on the sl course. At 40 years old I think I was the youngest so it appears that age won this one.

    I am hoping to enter in my local USASA events next season.

    Thanks to all the racers who post information on how to suck less.


  2. Did anyone else see that picture of John Kerry on a snowboard in Utah? I saw it in the LA Times this morning.

    He may be in softies and have terrible form but he had good angulation.

    Clinton could play the Sax. Bush can...who knows? And Kerry can almost carve a turn.


  3. In the mid ninetys I did some freelance work for K2. I designed and built their trade show booths for 3 years and did some product display design including benches made from snowboards that were saved from the chopping machine. Occasionally I still get to see some of these benches in use.

    My experience with the management at K2 snowboards was never anything less than spectacular. They were far and away my favorite clients to work with. They had the willingness to take creative risks and let me play while designing.

    I seriously doubt that any of the people I worked with would have found the questionable banner to be acceptable to display. Unless of course if they were drunk at a trade show and that would never happen...(I think the K2 partys at the trade show in Vegas put Jagermiester on the map).


  4. Thanks for the info Kirk. The photos on the website mostly show young kids. I guess I should not be too concerned because when I am snowboarding I sometimes go to a teenagers emotional level but my body is going to be 41 years old soon. Were there any, let us say, chronologically mature riders when you attended the camp?


  5. I started on a carving set up last year after 10 years of riding softies at high angles. I was riding a freeride 163 board mostly and then started riding a 169 carving board that is on the softer and more forgiving side for carving boards (Burton Alps). Then I demoed a Donek fc11 I think it was a 171). The size difference was not that great but the stiffness was extreme. Be careful in buying your first carving board. I am not trying to buy that Oxygen but I would caution you against trying to hop on a 178 right out of the gate. You can still do graceful carving on a shorter board, it is just easier to do it.

    I ended up finding a Nidecker 161 slalom board that I am just starting to be able to make some use out of. I really like the short board.

    One thing that you can be sure of, if you buy a board and out grow it, you have a captive audience for resale here on Bomber.


  6. I was just up at Mammoth for a weekend of great carving conditions. My brother took out my Burton Alps yesterday with his OSin bindings and whatever boot that is that he rides with. He had a great time. I had him doing the norm and then starting to sink in deeper for a harder turn. When we got on the steeps he was really impressed by the edge hold of a carving board versus the worn out K2 Eldorado that I gave him about 3 or 4 seasons ago.

    He wa intimidated at first when we set up his bindings at 45/45 but he got used to it pretty fast. Even though he had a lot of toe overhang he was o.k.. I think the snow being a little on the soft side helped him in this regard.


  7. Skill...hmmm...I hadn't considered that.

    If you have a radio, tune it to channel 5-27 in the morning and I will let you know when they turn the snow boarders loose. One person I spoke with said that the snowboarders do not go first and that our runs might happen around 11 am.


  8. Is anyone going Mammoth this weekend and racing with the Far West Racing program?

    I am going to give this a try and it will be my first time running gates on a snowboard. It would be great to hook up with someone this weekend who has some experience running gates.

    If you unfamiliar with the far west program, they will only have ski gates set up and you do not have to be a member of anything in order to race. Just show up around 8am on Saturday morning at the main lodge and register as an independant or something like that.


  9. How much do you like your sister?

    If you are an expert carpenter or a machinist then retrofitting a snowboard with t-nuts would be a questionable last resort.

    Since you are asking the question of what a t-nut is, then, unless you don't really like your sister, find her another board.



    p.s. I manufactured about 1000 benches for K2 in the late 90's made of snowboards and will be the first to admit that they make better coffee tables than benches.

  10. I have some Burton race plates that have a three hole pattern. When I got the Burton canting disk set it allowed me to mount the race plates onto my boards with a four hole pattern. You might be able to do something similar but you may need to customize the base of the canting disk.


  11. Is anyone going?

    I have been chained to a house remodel for the last two months and these will be my first days out this year. I am staying near Canyon lodge and will be on the first chair up even if I have to brush my teeth on the lift (I will take my morning piss first).


  12. Snowboarder in lift line with strong pulse and responsive pupil movements (sign of brain activity),

    "So, is that like snowboarding?"

    My actual reply was very kind and subtle but evangalistic of carving.

    My fantasy reply was,

    "Just like snowboarding, but, with skill."

  13. I have an old long leash from the first generation clickers. It straps just below the knee and is long enough for me to carry my board with the leash on. I am fond of daves run at mammoth which requires a bit of walking along a windy ridge. I hike a little happier knowing that if a big wind blows my board out of my hand and sends it down the hill, I get to follow it.


  14. Last year was my first on plates and I thought it was just my experience level that drove me to unlock my boots.

    When I was on the groomed runs, locked boots gave me a lot more power but required a lot more energy. On the steeps with powder unlocking my boots was like a warm summer rain cooling off some rectum clenching anxiety when trying to pop turns inside of chunky powder shoot gaurded by boulders on each side.


  15. I left a phone message with Coiler and I am waiting for more info. I would prefer someone else completely take over the order. God help me if that board shows up at my house and I take a look at it. I will update you as soon as I know anything.


  16. I submitted an order form for a coiler last spring but forgot about it. I figured since I did not put down a deposit Bruce would not make the board but it is almost done. I don't want to burn

    Bruce on this deal so I will take the board but due to an impending junior future carver in my family I am cutting back on my snowboarding budget. If you did not get your order in for a Coiler this year hear is your chance. I believe the cost is $460 (us)

    Here are the specs

    >board model=175RC



    >edge=no full wrap





    >riding style=aggressive



    email me directly at


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